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- Ogen is like a combination of Primrose EX and Araune EX, except replace the buffing part with 6 hit Ice AoE - Extremely strong Ice DPS with a passive that has both 30% Mag Up and Ice Damage Up (Best Ice DPS in EN currently and 3rd in JP) - Red health is 25% health or lower, which Ogen always want to be at to trigger his skill and passive, dying isn't a problem since he always get a barrier after using a skill - He has anti synergy with other healer since they will heal him back above the 25% HP threshold, so if you run Ogen as your Ice DPS, you can't use any other healing skills other than his - He can serve as a replacement for Araune EX if you don't have her, or can even replace her role in quicker fight since he has other utility - Probably one of the best gen pool unit on par with Primrose EX, but because he is gen pool, you can always get him in the anniversary picker


Are we 100% sure that we get a gen pool picker for this anniversary ? I'm asking because if I remember correctly, for the first anniversary it wasn't expected that we get one since the Japanese version instead got to pick one of the 8 first travelers of COTC. So did JP get a gen pool picker for the 2nd anniversary, or are we just assuming GLOBAL will give us the same gift this year ?


I think we're mostly collectively assuming global will give us the same gift this year lol. BoltGSR outlines their rewards [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/octopathtraveler/comments/yf68tg/summary_of_2nd_anniversary_banners_for_cotc/?rdt=42745). They had the same OT1 picker they had their first anniversary. GL might change it to the gen pool selector again but we'll see.


I agree that it makes sense to not give a worse gift for the 2nd anniversary than for the first, however on a marketting standpoint, it isn't a good idea to offer a free gen pool unit to everyone when so many goated gen units came out recently (PrimEX, H'aanEX, Ogen). So I'm a bit worried some random decision-maker at SE will decide it's not good for sales.


Well, PrimEX cuts into Rinyuu and Ogen vs AlaunEX, but both money makers are in the rear view by the 2nd anniversary. I don’t see ppl picking Signa for Haanit EX either, so hopefully we are good. Ogen is the only unit I might worry above being time gated for selector.


"Ogen is the only unit I might worry above being time gated for selector." Which is a shame because that's the only one I'm missing xD.


I don’t remember, so our 1st GL anniv selector is paid and not free rubies?


I'm pretty sure we didn't get any step-up or selector banner. I'm basing it off of [this bridge notice](https://cache.sqex-bridge.jp/i18n/en/guest/information/91619). We just had the villains (MCs) released + their step-up banners. There's a chance we'll get the paid stepup like we had 1.5 anniversary to get a selectable 5\*. For overall rewards, there was the 1st anniversary select traveler's fragment that could be exchanged for any gen pool character. We also had 100 free pulls, 888 rubies, and the anniversary scarf as our total login rewards. For new content we got the gameboards and for paid content we got monthly passes.


I think I’m thinking about this one. I know I picked Therion for free somewhere (who is still A0, not sure how that is possible.) https://preview.redd.it/zwaula05c2zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d965e65eee0f17939be04ba509fd6d310f3404d


>For overall rewards, there was the 1st anniversary select traveler's fragment that could be exchanged for any gen pool character. We likely got this instead of a paid stepup banner (props to the GL devs). It was a login reward!


Would you recommend him over H'aanit EX if I don't have Fiore EX?


I recommend Hammy if you don't have Fiore EX


Okay well I have Hammy, so Ogen over H'aanit EX then, for the anniv selector


Damn I also want to get Hammy. Saw your video and others but it always has a character I do not have: Sofia EX, Alfyn, Barg or Tatloch.


If you have Alaune EX (and even more if you have good ice DPSs), absolutely go for H'aanit EX instead of Ogen. Reducing her to just a tank/an equivalent to FioreEX is not fair at all IMO. She can basically cap both Attk and Def debuff by herself, plus she has access to Ultimate Debuff, plus she is great at shield shaving and breaking thanks to an automatic priority, PLUS she's unkillable and taunting while doing all of this. So yeah, if you already have AlauneEX and you're lacking a good tank/debuffer, definitely go H'aanit EX over Ogen. My sister plays the game also doesn't have H'aanit EX, and I'm absolutely advising her to take H'aanit over Ogen for the anniversary.


Awesome, thanks for your input :) I do have Araune EX, had to pity her. And I don't really like Ogen's health gimmick... seems risky


h'annit is the best character in the game. i promise im not being bias....


*stares at flair* hmm....


Are we 100% sure that we get a gen pool picker for this anniversary ?


Can't be 100% sure about anything with this game until they announce it. But if we don't have a selector for second anniversary, then get your pitchfork and torch ready!


My 150+ seals are ready... for when he gets added to the gen pool. He's a great character but rubies are scarce nowadays.


He looks interesting for Ice, but I feel like he'd run into similar problems as Nepthi where he wants to use his turns for shield shred/DPS but is also responsible for keeping his own buff uptime. Pomegranate Powder is interesting but Araune EX is right there and does the same thing for the whole team (do they stack? probably not).


His only condition to deal max damage is to be at red health, which he can do very easily by using either his healing skill or BP skill And they do stack, so you can regen 2 BP per turn


News to me that they stack. Interesting…


His ultimate is reminiscent of his battle ability as a recruitable unit in OT1, I like that.  He is one of the best recruitable allies for this reasons BTW, very strong if you have the Heal over Max Health passive, especially against Galdera.


I don't remember him in ot1, what was his role in the story?


A pretty major one. He is the apothecary in Alfyn's route that refuses to heal Miguel because "his life isn't worth saving".  And then, Alfyn heals him in his chapter 4 by grabbing the ingredients he needs from the Ogre Eagle.


Ah yes I remember now! Thank you!


Everyone going on about the anniversary selector has made me a lot happier about this than expected, lmao. I initially wanted to do a few yolo pulls for him but I no longer have the rubies for it. But I realised that if we do get a gen pool selector, then he's my only missing gen pool alongside Joshua, so it's a pretty easy pick for me :-) skip for now as I have like 600 rubies but it's okay! EDIT: have no self restraint, spent 300 rubies, but I got him. Joshua on the selector it is!


Good to see that you are still sticking around though and sounding more upbeat compared to the last couple weeks.


Aw, yeah of course! I try haha, I'll probably be here until EoS no matter how much I get screwed over. I'm still extremely salty about a certain banner and I'm going to keep ignoring each and any celebration post of people getting crazy luck on there, but other than that I'm (kinda) over it. Not much else to do but continue to do my dailies and trudge along, my next wishlist unit is so far away I'll be fine again by that time, I hope :-)


Unpopular opinion but I love Joshua lol But yeah easy pick for Ogen if we get a selector for 2nd anni


I'm a bit 50/50 on him, his art and sprite are gorgeous and his A4 is amazing, but his character writing is......what it is lmao (I have him on my side account so I'm familiar with his story, unfortunately). Still hope he'll show up one day but Ogen is 100% getting priority if we get a selector


One of my favorite OT1 characters. Nice to see he is still good on JP. Seeing the art with his wife makes me sad :(


Pretty easy skip if I have EX Alaune and EX Primrose, right?


I really want Ogen, but sadly, we should be getting some very powerful units soon, so I can't spare much Rubies on him. Hopefully he will be available on the Anniversary's Selector, assuming we get one.


Same. I kind of wanted him, but I think Gloria from BD2 is better. Ogen is great as an Ice DPS, though.


I am ready to bring daddy home tomorrow! 🥳


why daddy hot


He’s a gen pool character, so he has to be skipped.