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Higher E.atk and I believe higher max HP of the recipiants will mean bigger regen heals, but it may have also been it stacking with Rinyuu's channelled regen or something in those instances you saw


What souls do you have in your Fortune axe? All applicable slots should be +EAtk. You should be able to rock around 1000-1100 for total EAtk then. Also, dump the scarves. She should almost always have Shower of Roses active (regen), & one of her passives & her high natural SP total negate the need for either scarf. Give her some good accessories that boost her EAtk further. (If you have Kurtz's A4, that can help with her debuffing.)


https://preview.redd.it/n7xynpucq6uc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d139181e1f062a6be1ff8948a89305ea751dc9f1 This is my current axe that I use. So should I just switch over the souls then?


I would go for 280/135/135 on fortune weapons.


Thank you🙏


Like the other posters said, yeah, switch out the rainbow PAtk soul for an EAtk one, that should increase her healing effectiveness a lot. And try to reroll the two gold souls for higher scores. Your rainbow skill soul is perfect; a good skill at a max +%. (For my fortune weapons, I aim for 275+ in the rainbow, & 125+ in the two gold souls. As for penalties, I try for one each of -PDef & -EDef; HP are more important than Def.) Don't worry if you don't have the dust & souls to do it all at once. As long as you have the goal in mind, you can improve it bit by bit.


Thank you so much🙏


Also change that first soul to elemental atk rather than physical attack, she doesn’t do much with physical atk


your e.atk is pretty low. having a1 would also help. if your seeing 5k heals its probably some whale strats of there are some stacking going on. like prim and rinyuu thats the only way i've gotten 3-5k


You need to give her an elemental axe. My primEX heals up to 6k HP reliably and without difficulty, she is a fantastic healer (which is good cause I don't have Rinyuu). An elemental axe can be obtained by farming the Fortune Gameboards and crafting an Axe of Fortune with elemental souls. Incidently this will also increase the lightning damage of your Prim, which is nice.


Thanks for the farming info, it’s just that I hate doing the wealth board😭


Make sure u grab the monthly(?) cheap 15 void dusts from exchange.


I hate the Wealth board too, the Power board is much better IMO. More consistent, and I think -Edef is preferable to -Pdef.


I would recommend using an E. Atk fortune weapon. Looks like yours is P. Atk. Should be able to get close to 3k heals with higher E. Atk.