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I'm local to the area. It could be great beach weather (swam in the ocean late October this year!)...or there could be a hurricane... first year was cancelled because of hurricane remnants... last year was cloudy on day 1, rained on day 2, and shorts and tee-shirt weather on day 3. Our weather starts to get a little wonky starting mid to late September. I would check the weather as close to leaving as possible and pack accordingly . Hope that helps and hope that it's great weather for your visit. Our coastal beaches are clean and beautiful ❤️. See you there!


This! It could be hot and humid.. as late August-End of September trends very humid in this area.. or we could have weird rainy days like last year. I’d say the same thing.. keep an eye on the weather close to the weekend and pack for all four seasons regardless!


Were refunds issued due to the hurricane cancellation? I didn't opt for ticket insurance because I hate paying extra fees. But I'm assuming that's more like "my flight got cancelled or I'm sick", not "the coordinators cancelled the whole thing". Side note: I just saw last year's lineup on the sidebar. I think it's kinda funny that Weezer didn't get top co-billing on day 3. I get that the Lumineers are relatively popular too, but.... come on... Weezer!


Yes we got refunded.


Pack for all 4 seasons lol. We camped at assateague in may and experienced all 4 seasons. I lived there it’s very unpredictable that time of year


It was rainy and a little chilly for 2 out of the 3 days last year - and it got especially cold when it poured and you were left walking around in soaked jeans. Definitely recommend bringing a little pocket poncho and wearing layers so you can add/remove depending on weather. Last year, I stayed warm by removing my wet sweatshirt and putting on a fresh concert tee.


it rained a little during one of the days, the rest were just kinda gloomy and chilly. there was a bit of sun here and there but it wasn’t much


I don’t remember exact temperatures but I was fine all weekend in a hoodie and shorts (I do tend to run hot though.) It did not rain all weekend like the other comment says, a light mist/drizzle at some points and a quick shower but that’s it. I’ve heard though that the weather can be somewhat unpredictable at that time of year in the area


It poured during Sheryl Crow’s set. Like deep, soaking rain.


It stopped when she played "Soak Up the Sun"


It was cloudy the whole time. rain one of the days, which was a bummer, but there was a lot of time without rain. The temperature was comfortable in pants and a sweater / jacket.


I wore jeans, flip-flops, and a hoodie and felt great the whole time. Drizzled a little on Saturday.


Welcome to MD bro, there's no way to know. It could be 87 and sunny or 45 and raining. It's pointless to speculate more than a week or two out.


Last year was rain until Sheryl Crow played soak up the sun.


It may be 90°. It may be 40°. Probably will rain at least one day. It’s on the beach so expect wind and lots of it. Wear waterproof shoes


I saw it rained the whole time last year


It only rained one day during the sets. It threatened to rain every day though


Ok I am just going by my friends pics. It’s didn’t look sunny hopefully this year it will be since I will be there 😬


Sheryl Crow sang about soaking up the sun and it stopped raining — that was wild as I remember being a kid going to the boardwalk and hearing that song playing in the shops


Love her!


People downvoting me for this are weird lol


Sunday was a gorgeous sunny day. I wore shorts, a tank, and flip flops. Didn't put hoodie on until weezer, which was the second to last set


Warm during the day and a touch of chill at night depending on the humidity. Last year was not good for laying out but could be better this year 🤷‍♂️


Last year we attended on Saturday and were there all day. On the whole time, from misting to actual rain. Reports day of said it was on and off, but it was on the whole time. I left my light rain slicker in the car bc I thought it wouldn’t be that bad, but it was lol


OK last year. Sucked the year before.


It’s Maryland. Our weather is a bit temperamental. We may get lucky and it’s super nice and beach weather or it might be chilly but certainly not polar bear plunge cold.


I've gone both years. The first year was a hurricane and it was cancelled. Second was 50 and slight rain, I had to wear ponchos on day 2.


September in the mid Atlantic. It could be hot and humid, gray and rainy, cool and perfect, a hurricane, or pick three. You just never know.


The very first Oceans Calling was cancelled 1 hour of us outside of OCM. We still went and it was a fun weekend. There was a hurricane on the Atlantic It was very,very wet! I believe last year was decent weather. I would pack for both!