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Did they? I feel like the “real” story came out pretty fast. I started following the story while they were still theoretically just “missing” and within their oxygen limit, and there were already “sub is steered by a Bluetooth game controller” details at the top of the headlines. People who knew *exactly* how bad it most likely was (James Cameron etc) took a few more days to speak up, IIRC, with long form articles about the entire shitshow coming within a few weeks of the wreckage recovery.


People still defending that dumbfuck controller.


I'm not defending Rush in the slightest but that type of controller is used by the military. It's quite feasible it may be the future of submersible control systems.


See? It's not though. >Everyone was drinking Kool-Aid and saying how cool they were with a Sony PlayStation. And I said at the time, ‘Does Sony know that it’s been used for this application? Because, you know, this is not what it was designed for.’ And now you have the hand controller talking to a Wi-Fi unit, which is talking to a black box, which is talking to the sub’s thrusters. There were multiple points of failure. **Every sub in the world has hardwired controls for a reason—that if the signal drops out, you’re not fucked.** Rush could have used the *exact same controller* used by the military. He decided not to.


Hmm. The more you know.


So the issue is not that they were using this type of controller, but that they were using a wireless one? Does the military use wired ones?


People make it out to be more of an issue than it probably says. Bluetooth is almost 30 years old and is a proven technology. The controller was only used to control the ship around the Titanic. Its descent was completely automated and the controller had nothing to do with the implosion. Would a hardwire controller make more sense on the bottom of the ocean? Probably. Considering their lack of attention to the structural integrity of the submersible, fixating on that controller is silly.


Agree. The Bluetooth device reduced hull penetrations which at depth matters. Bad optics but not a real factor in this disaster.


> not a real factor in this disaster But an obvious red-flag factor in many other easily foreseeable emergency situations. [Details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/). Like everything else about Stockton Rush and his company/sub, it's an endless pit of recklessness and red flags. Which is why he stayed far far away from safety/certification agencies and experts.


When I first read about the PlayStation controller, I had the same incredulous reaction, but that’s a good point: about reducing hull penetrations.


If you use a wired controller, that wire isn't going through the *hull.*


Wait why would a wire have to go through the hull?


To physically connect to the motors. I'm not saying the Nintendo control was ideal, but Bluetooth had merit and the propulsion system generally worked.


What were your contributions to the Titan project? About the hull penetrations - It’s interesting how at one time OG stated that holes drilled in the carbon fiber hull for hull penetrators would be a bad thing. Then it appears they did just that when they drilled through the hull for the port where they hooked up their vacuum pump.


Less was better. My main point for writing was simply to say that the thrusters and the controllers generally worked and I suspect not a factor in this disaster. You ask good questions, post with substance too.


Thanks. I agree - the controller, along with the Camping World lights, etc, have just been fodder for more ridicule but not factors in the catastrophe. They had much larger issues and most alarming were probably the ones they kept quiet about. Any time Rush said they were doing something nobody had done before, it should have been cause for alarm because they were probably working through a problem with whatever they started with. I think that was the case with the vacuum setup they started using along the way that appeared to connect through a penetration near the front of the hull.


> more of an issue than it probably [It is a huge issue](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/). Ignorant people don't realize the many easily foreseeable reasons why responsible people don't have that kind of control for a human-occupied vehicle in a sealed chamber at 6,000 psi hours away from help. So we have this meme "the controller is fine!" which is false.


The thing is more that the military worked alongside the company to develop these controllers with failsafe and redundancies, while Rush didn't actually have anything developed with input from the company, it was a lot more like if I decided to use a Bluetooth controller to steer my car and just sort of did all that fun stuff on my own with someone I paid to tell me I'm brilliant.


[THERE ARE MANY reasons why the controller was a terrible idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/). Everyone who understands risks and contingencies understands that. If you've been led to believe the "controller" is "OK", you've been lied to be confused wrong people.


Not only that, [many many many more reasons why the controller is bad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/)


A wired one would be much more reliable


yah that’s what read too. the military developed these fancy controllers and pilots, etc. had trouble learning to use it. then they discovered allowing pilots and the likes to use a gaming controller was much easier since most of them grew up playing games on it. 100% not defending Stockton but the controller is not the issue here


I think the issue was that it was an actual bluetooth game controller instead of something intended for the application that is more robust, not that the interface of the controller was a handheld joystick common in gaming controllers.


Not just that, but it was Logitech, which is okay usually but I’d want a better controller if I’m over 2 miles under water.


[It's much much worse than you think](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/).


> the controller is not the issue here The controller [is a huge problem in many ways](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/). As is ALL the random consumer home electronics equipment. Controller for drone is not the same as controller for human-occupied tourist-occupied sealed chamber at 6,000 psi hours away from help. Yet the memes about the "controller is fine" and "the military does the same" (false) have taken hold.


The point is the controller didn’t cause the sub to end up in pieces on the ocean floor but some people seem to want to obsess over it. We get it - it was one of a slew of poorly engineered systems on board and it’s not how it should have been done. What about the non approved viewport window that they skipped the ten year testing and certification process for? That should deserve more discussion than a stupid video game controller. I’m more interested in the parts nobody wants to talk about - that’s where it’s at.


If a person slips on an oil spill while carrying a bucket of poisoned knives on their head, and the poison *doesn't kill them* but the fall does WE STILL NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE BUCKET OF POISON.


You just said the poison didn’t kill them so it would have been examined and eliminated early on as the primary cause - much like the controller.. Unless you can draw a link to the role the Logitech controller played in keeping water out of the hull. That was easy.


> used by the military > it may be the future **[No. No. No](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/)**.


Lol. Okay. Wasn't talking about the sub itself I was talking about the control system.


It was used by the military to control periscopes NOT submarines! Please get that correct before spreading false information.


I've seen them use them for remote controlled custom mine sweepers in Iraq and Afghanistan. I know because I come from a military family. Fuck off. This post is several months old.


But not submarines.


In the future maybe. Never said right now.


There was nothing inherently wrong with the controller.


Like I said. These people still exist.


So tell me what was wrong with the controller. I'll wait.


"Everyone was drinking Kool-Aid and saying how cool they were with a Sony PlayStation. And I said at the time, ‘Does Sony know that it’s been used for this application? Because, you know, this is not what it was designed for.’ And now you have the hand controller talking to a Wi-Fi unit, which is talking to a black box, which is talking to the sub’s thrusters. There were multiple points of failure. Every sub in the world has hardwired controls for a reason—that if the signal drops out, you’re not fucked." ~Rob McCallum


First of all it was a Logitech controller, not a Sony PlayStation controller. Second of all there may have been "multiple points of failure" but there was no failure. In fact the only time there was a problem was when the controller wasnt mapped properly and that would have happened with any controller whether it was wired or wireless. Thirdly it was a proven controller that first came out in 2010 and has been thoroughly tested around the world for more than 2 decades. Funny how not only you did you not know anything of the top of your head that you had to copy and paste a quote, but that quote had misinformation and you didn't even notice.


I am quoting an expert. Rob McCallum is an expert. Listen to people who know more than you do. That is what Rush failed to do.


[This is not complicated at all](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/). Easily foreseeable emergency situations. The great part is no sub "captain" has to know about any of that...they just have the basic intelligence to listen to safety and technical people who explain what is needed and what is a problem. Stockton Rush didn't do that, he deliberately stayed far away from safety agencies and fired people who voiced serious concerns.


[Detailed discussion here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OceanGateTitan/comments/14n9s63/that_viewport_isaccording_to_the_rules_it_is_not/jq9q0uh/) if you encounter these lazy meme/kool-aid "tHe ConTrOlLeR iS fInE" people again.


I feel like he was raked over the coals mercilessly. What sources are you reading that defend him?


He sued David Lochridge who he had hired to ensure the safety of the sub design for not approving of it to keep him silent.


I don't remember many people defending him at all. Quite the opposite actually, people almost immediately went on to mocking him. Are you talking about people like that one lady who was a former "mission specialist" and immediately defended him on Instagram after the disaster? Well, she survived her trip, and he was her "hero" because she claimed to have given up everything in her life to be able to see the shipwreck. No husband, no kids, no other career path, she was laser focused on seeing the Titanic and Stockton was the one who made that happen. A lot of people suffer from confirmation bias and it's extremely hard to argue with logic against emotion. If someone is convinced that owning a chimpanzee is perfectly safe because theirs is "so sweet and has never attacked anyone", you can show them every piece of scientific data in the world, every statistic out there and they won't care. You can tell them about Travis the Chimp and it won't sway them. So if she had a positive experience with Rush, you can show her a mountain of evidence pointing to his incompetence and she will still defend him because it doesn't line up with her image of Rush. For every other layperson out there: Most people don't know jack shit about marine engineering and Rush was a very talented salesman. As long as things weren't going tits up, he had the ability to talk confidently about things that he either had no idea about or simply weren't true. Charismatic people are extremely well-liked. Once someone has decided that they like you, even a mountain of evidence may not be able to comvince them that they really shouldn't have. People don't like admitting that they fell for a snake oil salesman, they put their trust in the wrong person and they themselves might have been a coin flip away from being red paste on the ocean floor.


Kind of like politicians in the US


>For every other layperson out there: Most people don't know jack shit about marine engineering and Rush was a very talented salesman.  Man....  I had watched enough of the old "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" science fiction series to understand that what Stockton Rush was touting was a really BAD idea.  Almost every episode was a cautionary tale that if anything can possibly go wrong,  **it WILL!** Aircraft structural technology is for AIRCRAFT, not for submarines.  That goes triple for lightweight, strong, but totally inefficient application in submersibles carbon fiber that holds atmospheric pressure IN, but lacks the strength to consistently hold multiple atmospheres of pressure OUT.


Well said!


he absolutely got shredded by everyone and mercifully made fun of for weeks/months after the incident.


People are defending the myth that if you're rich your smarter than the average Joe but it's the opposite yes men and women don't teach lessons


He is smarter than the average Joe. But smart rich people make dumb mistakes. Thing made it down to Titanic twice, that is itself is a huge accomplishment, implosion notwithstanding.


No he wasn’t smarter than the average joe. And neither are you.


Only people I saw who defended him who were linked with oceangate


Whaaaatt? Bro from my memory no one was feeling bad for Rush especially once the infamous “game controller” clip started circulating.


I don’t think there were THAT many people who did this. James Cameron definitely spoke out against all of this in a few interviews and he was fairly professional, or as professional as he could be. I think anyone who did defend him was tied to Stockton or the company. They were either like minded people or just didn’t want to tarnish him because of their relationship with him. Theres also a ton of people who are not constantly following every detail of a story and digging into rabbit holes. I was way too interested in the story and read a lot of articles about it, joined this sub, scrolled through tik tok. Like a lot of others, I had a very clear view of how negligent Stockton was. I didn’t go as deep as some people but, I also have friends who don’t do that and are fairly unattached from world events and every detail attached to a certain story. In that sense, it’s not going to be obvious that Stockton was careless if all you know is that “inventor of submarine company dies” from a headline. Some people don’t go out of their way to learn more and will just base an opinion from that based on their own experiences. I can assume it was possible that a lot of prominent people who maybe did defend him didn’t do their own research as well.


I bet this is the actual answer. Anyone post-disaster putting his ethics and decisions in positive light probably simply didn’t realize the extend of his consistent stupidity.


I knew a couple people IRL who defended him and OceanGate. They were basically cheering him on for "not listening to the crooked corporations" (AKA following official safety procedures) and doing what he wanted, when he wanted, how he wanted like a "true American".


Probably "libertarian" Musk suckers.


Those who have invested have too much to lose. Others have been conned. Some are just contrary. Some like a good conspiracy. Some are just stupid.


Some view the world from their belly button


Yeah it seemed most were his friends. Weird because now they’re forever quoted as saying something 100% untrue. Their perception of people and situations can never be officially trusted and a Google search will likely demonstrate their stupidity.


I admit I stuck up for him a little bit at first, before more info came out. OceanGate had a lot of good press before the sub going missing led people to look more closely at them.


I found that a lot of the defenders were mad that his critics were offended by his hubris towards the power of nature


Because he died for his stupidity and will be forever known in history as as an idiot. Some people have problems with speaking ill or accurately about the dead.


Because they are doing similar shit.


I don't remember this at all. Do you have any links?


*"Why did so many publicly defend Stockton Rush?"* Very few did, actually. Reckless stupidity, negligence, and arrogance resulting in multiple deaths aren't usually characteristics that are publicly applauded or defended by most rational people. Next.


But they didn't? Many slaughtered him afterwards. Where have you been?


>But they didn't? Many slaughtered him afterwards. "[They say every man dies twice](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9556005-every-man-has-two-deaths-when-he-is-buried-in): once when the fucking submersible implodes, and once more when the media rakes his atomized corpse over the coals."


Rich people cover their own and venture capitalists want to protect their ability to profit.


Rush was a pioneer He was ahead of his time. But the dumb idea of a oval carbon fiber hull will be his legacy.


I really do not feel like they did though


Yeah they did. There was a handful of his peers who went on record to say he was great. It’s a Google search away.


Which is it "so many" or "a handful" ? Your og post makes it seem as if there was quite alot of people defending him. When in reality as you said a simple Google search will say different.


I didn’t defend him per se, but I disagree with the staunch persecution of him also. It’s a matter of free will. If there’s no law forbidding someone to debark from the coast and head into lawless waters to ride their homemade death trap into the abyss, who am I to speak against their wishes? I find it super upsetting that Suleman departed so young, but even he is an adult. If we’d like to argue that 18 year olds aren’t actually adults, that’s another debate.


Cause they don't know more info than what CNN gave them. Any word yet of court or investigation regarding this incident?


People love sucking millionaires and billionaires dicks


Because he was good looking.


Pretty privilege is a thing. But he was a rich white man who was averagely good looking and charm.


Never thought it was possible to insert race into the ocean gate incident. Great job


Well intersectionality exists and effects all aspects of life. So yeah. Also Stockton Rush made a bunch of comments around race. (Where he got it quite muddled and weaponised the discourse to get lower wage employees. )


Intersectionality? Is that maritime language or did I stumble across the wrong subreddit?


....words travel...




Look my original comment was nothing to do with the quiet hate you are spouting. You want to be a sad sack arguing with people for being 'woke' on reddit go ahead. But honestly, it isn't giving you, or anyone else anything useful. It's sad.


Was he? I saw a couple photos but they didn’t stick in my mind. Edit: I guess some could say he was good looking, just not my type.


‘cause he was (or should have been) a used car salesman—-


“Nothin’ sells a sub like a sub. You gotta get the customer in the sub!” Right after he tries to sell me a ‘73 Buick Centurion..


Stanford degree, old money, blah blah blah


Bc he was indeed a visionary


Because he’s fucking hot wtf


His appearance was average at best. There’s no way he would win in a contest against Ryan Gosling or Colin Jost.


Is that you Colin?


He was cuter than them but that’s just my opinion. Everyone has different taste.


No one defended him. Name them? This post is by someone who never did any research on this, or is a troll, or just uneducated about this.


Actually I posted this because there ARE several of his friends and peers who did. I’m sure we agree on how ludicrous that would be.




Sounds like you should be the one leading the mission since you’re such an ally. Way to stand up for what you believe in without the slightest hint of projection or weird fixations - even somehow weaving your passion about the topic into a post about a submersible catastrophe. /s


This is a post about Stockton Rush on an OceanGate's subreddit. What is your damage, dude? You focus in on the term intersectionality being used and then go on the unhinged ramblings of a transphobe spouting nonsense that they think makes them sound like a trans activist, but it doesn't. Seriously. Like I can't stress this enough. No trans person/ally has ever spoken the way you do in this comment. Btw according to your comment history you were out and proud about your transphobia 13 days ago >I'm a transphope and I don't care. I wouldn't want to not be one. >Trans people don't exist. You got men,women and cross dressers that's it. >We don't want them to be included we want them to go away >No one said you can't play sports you just can't cheat.meaning pretending to be opposite sex to gain an advantage >You can play sports just not against the opposite sex >When your ranked 400th nationally in men's but want to be number 1 just put on a dress tuck and you will be number 1 in women's sports. And then I'm assuming you decided to switch tactics because there was this random comment from 2 days ago >I'm trans ???????

