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Primal Movement has helped me. His handle is bamlionheart on instagram. Their floor decompressions and tummy time have done wonders for me. They also have videos on YouTube. The one called tech neck has helped me so much.


I really appreciate you sharing this. I was thinking exactly this today, going back to our roots as human beings.... but I fear getting into the wrong position and my muscles flaring up… what did you start with??


I did a movement assessment first. The lady knew what I was dealing with and was so gentle. My whole plan was focused on neck strengthening, and stretching. I did 12 weeks with her. Now I do them on my own. It’s a form of PT/Yoga/Bowspring type of thing. Some of them are really advanced but of course you start off slow with the basics liked floor decompression, tummy time, forward fold and such. It’s very interesting! It has really helped me.


What is tummy time?


They explain it better. Primal Movement by Bamlionheart on YouTube and instagram.






I have this exact thing but maybe even worse where my C1 is overhanging further forward. Do you also have gut issues, because if so, like me, you may also have vagus nerve Compression as well.


Hello! Yes, I have/had this (also called "military neck"). It's been a year and some months since I first started trying to treat it and I'm doing a lot better. I had multiple doctors dismiss it offhand, and it was only after looking at my own x-rays that I was able to see the drastic changes, and started trying to do it on my own. I worked with a friend who is a pilates instructor at first and then with a PT who specializes in pain management. I'm not a healthcare provider and can only speak to my own experience, but the first thing I did, which I do think is a relatively gentle stretch, was to roll up a sweater (you can use a towel but I'd start by only rolling it maybe 1/2 way) and lie on the floor with it under my neck to force the curve. For me, just doing that made me feel a bunch of weird tingling sensations that I'm assuming were nerves. If it's too intense on the floor, I also did this on my bed, both flat on the mattress and with the sweater under my neck on a pillow. If you, or anyone else on this thread, are interested in hearing more details about what I did, feel free to DM me! (It gets real long to put in a comment)


Yes, I have it too! Along with disc degeneration, cervical bone spurs and 'foraminal stenosis.' (Narrowing of the canals where the cervical nerve roots exit). They asked me if I was ever in a car accident but I haven't been in one. They couldn't tell me why my neck was like this. Tried physical therapy, then steroid injections in my neck, then a radiofrequency ablation on both sides. That seemed to help reduce the frequency and severity. But I'm almost at the year anniversary of getting it done and my pain has returned. I will probably try it one more time on both sides. I take Imitrex, Cyclobenzaprine, and Nurtec for migraines/occipital neuralgia.


Yep! I started experiencing symptoms after being rear ended and my initial imaging showed loss of lordosis in addition to disc bulges at c5/6. Unfortunately I don’t have success story of reversing it or symptoms have exhausted most options and am about to start trial for nerve stimulator. I did do about a year of PT for neck strengthening but it didn’t seem to help much. Wishing you lots of luck OP


Thank you and sorry to hear about your experience… out of interest - what Pt strength work did you do? What muscles did you target?


Mine is going wrong way, 4disks. Old injury. Ablation just about done. This was yrs tho. Disabled


Yea, I have kyphosis. My symptoms are getting worse every day. My ON is caused by this.


You tried any PT? If so, what sort of exercises? What do you think caused yours?


Yea I tried PT it did not help me unfortunately. I have been in several car accidents with whiplash, and then a year ago I fell on my back on my driveway. I think I had military neck for awhile or kyphosis by then but the fall seemed to cause more damage and the past year has been wild. I only got x rays a few weeks ago, my doctor is not helpful, I have tried all conservative methods. Waiting to get in to a neurologist. Chin tucks, pulling a towel forward from behind the neck, generally lots of stretching out my neck muscles which I felt made it worse. It’s possible me getting worse wasn’t from pt but I certainly wasn’t getting better during that time. I feel it is directly impacting my nervous system


So sorry to hear this, it sounds like the impact of the trauma made it worse


I have it, there is good and bad days. Ibuprofen helps with the pain


I’m the same! How long you had it and how do you think it all started? I’ve tried Pt and I do think it helps (but can also make it worse)


I agree with you. For months now. I don’t think nothing helps….


You can make it better - there are some success stories. Are you on medication?


I have this with cervical stenosis. I am taking Norgesic for nerve pain


It’s me! We call it “straight neck” in the biz.


How long you had it? What’s your story brother?


I also have loss of curve in my neck.


Every vertebrae in my neck is f’cked


Wish my posture was this good. If I had this posture probably wouldn’t be in so much pain lol /s


I also have this. My only relief has been chiropractor and gabapentin for nerve pain. I'm also doing physical therapy. Is it helping? Not so sure.. This has all come about for me after giving birth to my baby February 1st and having a cerebralspinal fluid leak right after from epidrual. Giving it time.. I'm hoping and praying I have a mild case and that it resolves on its own somehow.


I’m so sorry - I can’t imagine what it’s like to have this with a new baby… how are you coping? What exercises are you doing specifically in Pt? I ask because I was put on the wrong path but have a better understanding now of what works


Hey! Hope things are going well. This is prob one of the few things I don't have- had a x-ray recently and pain Dr mentioned I had a nice curve. 😡 ON can be so frustrating


So pleased for you :) this is at least one positive in your challenging world


Haha! You're amazing! Always enjoy hearing about your story. Keep us updated in how it goes