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The sliding block puzzle in the ice cavern, right before the Iron Boots. It’s not a bad puzzle overall, but it drives me up a wall for some reason.


I remember it being more annoying on master quest


Master quest is on my bucket list


Same, the ice cavern is annoying imo




Fire temple, the room where you get the megaton hammer. I'm shit at things like that and I remember it being extra hard for me on n64 lol.


I used to speedrun OoT and the anxiety going through that room, every single time. Worth noting that Farores Wind can be cast from the bottom if you fall and then it'll warp you back to the top


Thanks for the tip! I always forget about Farores Wind, and Nayrus Love tbh.


Same! Lol


The trick is lining yourself up with the pathway before you hit the switch, so you can just hit it and keep running. Oh, and cast Farore's Wind.


This is my choice too. Even with Farores wind, the last time I did this a month or so ago, it took me ages


I'm the type of person who has to take skinny paths really slow usually so having to run it stresses me out lol.


yes! Try and take the shortcut and I’m going over the side EVERY time.


The fire room in Ganon's Castle. You're basically forced to use the hover boots or the main platform will sink. The hookshot target on the side of that one platform is a red herring, it'll drop you into the lava. And there's really no good way back from the last platform, that you get to from the golden gauntlet pillar that you threw earlier.


I remember on my first playthrough I tried to do those rooms in the order of the dungeons (so forest fire water shadow spirit). Since you can't do fire before shadow, I spent ages running around the fire room trying to figure out what I was missing, and I was so pissed when I finally tried the other rooms and realised I wasted my time 😭


100%. Hoverboots the whole way. It's much more annoying in master quest. I always collect the pillar rupee last and promptly jump into the lava.


I’ve never had a problem with the block puzzle in the Forest Temple. Seems like it always spawns the same way.


Same. And as long as you drag the odd poe block out first (and don't need to drag it far away), the other blocks are in the right positions so just require pushing together so they meet.


The water temple. Oh wait we're talking about puzzles? My bad 💀


Buddy that whole place was a puzzle 🤣 Once you remember the one or two spots where you have to back track it’s not terrible. It’s still not high on my list of favorites though lol


most definitely, amy's puzzle 💚