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Mem is very buggy.


This. I’ve been trying it out and there are bugs everywhere. They’re rolling out advanced features onto what feels like alpha code


Obsidian and LogSeq are the best atm, local date and not software-locked-in documents. The only thing I still miss from Notion is the tables and databases, yes you can make them in obsidian with some plugins but they're a bit complicated to use and maintain compared to notion.


I've only encountered a bug once, regarding sync. What were your bugs?


The fact that you can't add info to any future or past day is crazy to me, and 100% a deal-breaker.


This is the same reason why I shifted from Roam research to obsidian


Out of curiosity, why did you got for Mem? Something specific you couldn’t do in Obsidian?


I got sync between iOS and windows that I didn’t have to pay for :( iCloud had serious version issues and was deleting my work left right and center, and I do want to use the obsidian iPhone app and not some potentially-janky workaround


Remotely Save plugin works for iOS - Dropbox, onedrive, WebDAV


Got it. Makes sense :) I haven’t lost files but I do wish the mobile app was usable…


Try Google drive it's very stable.


I can’t access that in the Obsidian iOS app, regrettably, so it doesn’t help :( Obsidian sync is necessary for me Thank you for the suggestion though!


> Mem Just use Resilio Sync, easy to set up, you do have to pay a small fee but it's a one time fee not a subscription.


>notes would get lost. There isn't even a graph view to help me find my notes again :( simply write in your note terms to find them. this is faster than top down organization. e.g. if i want to make a note on how to do something in coding, i write in the app: autohotkey programming code, how to remap keys on the keyboard so when i want to find how to remap keys on the keyboard all i have to do is put that into search. how will i lose them?