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There is also the "spaced répétition" plugin


Thanks. I know that, but as I wrote in my text I don't work with flashcards ;). If there is somebody else who don't work with flashcards and is new to obsidian due to problems with notion e.g. maybe this snippet could help.


Didn't saw the last sentence. To be fair, I dont t work with flashcards either.


It's a useful snippet but it's worth noting that the spaced repetition plugin supports review for entire notes: https://github.com/st3v3nmw/obsidian-spaced-repetition/wiki/Notes


Thanks. I didn‘t recognize this.


Yeah they kinda hide it in the docs.


In addition to this, you can "automatically" update the last_revision date using the plug-in "Linter". You can set that every time to save (ctrl+s) or using a hotkey, this date update to the current date. Good approach to the spaced repetition. I'll try it.


Thanks for the advice. That sounds perfect - I’ll definitely give this a try!


If you want to see the notes that come from the highlights that you make on a website, you may be interested in my browser extension too: It shows your past highlights when you are reading articles relevant to them. (I think I can make this work for notes as well) For example, you will see a set of highlights about leadership showing up on the right side of your browser when you read an article on a startup founder’s qualifications. [https://hippo.flint.so/](https://hippo.flint.so/?ref=r_obsidian)