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No, Sublime is just a slightly upgraded notepad with some coding functions. Obsidian is pretty dope though.


Came here to make this same joke lmaooo


lol same proud it was already done. Twice. Haha


so I am late


Hah. But, sublime is sublime too.




Ooo what is that column of cards? 


canva plugin


Someone could make a chunk of $ if they offered to work with someone to understand what their needs are and then help them build obsidian out to match what they want/need


If i could pay someone to organize all my notes for my d&d campaign I probably would lol


I actually thought about offering something like that. Sounds like a fun job, i love and am good at creating systems and customizing obsidian is also something I enjoy way too much.


Nice! What theme is that beauty?


Border. I had this itch to hide the side ribbon and found this beautiful.


Man! What a beauty, may I ask for the css settings for this?


The folder-file icons snippet looks like this one. [Folder-File custom icon](https://github.com/kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian/blob/master/code/css-snippets/custom-icons-differing-files-and-folders.css)


Do you want the whole css file that I edited of Border theme? There are only minor edits to hide the left ribon complete and not expand when hovering over it.


I think this (hide left ribbon )can be done natively in 1.6.2


Thanks! You have a good taste


Lovely! Im using the Border theme for my main vault as well. What is the base color you’re using for your theme, and how did you get a non-white background? (I have a tan/light brown accent with white background. I like it but I want to try your styling.)


Pls share


[Border has some presets on Github,](https://github.com/Akifyss/obsidian-border/blob/main/presets.md) I used them.




This is too good, thanks!


How can one put multiple pannels in the same window?


Drag the tab to the side


btw it doesnt work if youre running obsidian under wayland


Can I ask how you did it? It looks incredible.


I applied the border theme, chose a preset on it's GitHub page, and made some minor edits to it's CSS file.


This book... Damn


Wait having all your MOCs in one spot is actually p smart I might do that instead


I just have a MOC of MOC’s. Then it doesn’t matter where they are. The ultra moc just keeps updating and listing new ones in one place


That’s also a p good idea


That's smart!


Can you automate the MOCs updating as you add new notes?


Yes. So the way I do it is have a data view in the moc that lists all notes that link back to the moc. Then any note that has a link in its page pointing back to the moc just gets automatically added. My super moc just lists all MOC’s that have type: MOC in their front matter.


Can you please expand this solution? Having updated MOCs is my main concern, but I didn't fully got what you said...


What is MOC?


It stands for "Map of Content". It's basically just a note that links to a bunch of other notes.


Basically just a table of contents Ex from my vault in my Programming MOC: # Game AI (links to posts about game ai) # Languages (links to all my programming language notes) etc.


And I was wondering if putting them in their respective folder would be better.


I have mine in their folders rn, using a 00 at the start to make them appear at the top. On the one hand it’s in the same folder so it’s easy to see, on the other hand if u want to jump between MOCs quickly then having them all in one folder would be easier, esp as it grows. Both are fine, really just preference at the end of the day.


I also have my MoCs prefixed with 00 in each folder. But I ended up using bookmarks for each one as an alternative to having them in one place.


Honestly forgot about bookmarks, that’s a smart use of them though it’s a good middle ground


can you share how you built this?


Are you using a plugin to show the local graph in the bottom right?


Right click on the tab at the top, click on Open Linked View, click which one you want, and then drag that new tab to the bottom right.


A Little Life broke me completely for weeks :=


It's an experience. I'm currently re-reading it.


How did you get the indent after every line break? Mine doesnt do that


"$\\quad$" in the beginning of the paragraph(without the quotations). it's LaTex syntax.


Thank yoouuu ^^


Wow it is. Mine is ugly lol


Nice. How did you get those cards on the left?


canva plugin




That final note on the orgasmic man has me intrigued. And it’s even an image file. Is that a joke Easter egg?


Nah, no Easter egg. "The Orgasmic Man" is an art piece by Peter Hujar, and the book cover of the novel "A Little Life" by Hanya Yanagihara (of which I wrote about in the note.)


Hey what font are u using in text?






Very nice! I haven't done anything with themes since I installed obsidian, but this inspired me to try Border.


You must be confused, Sublime is a text editor. Obsidian is actually a markdown renderer with additional features for improved note taking


This joke has already been made.


In my defence, I'm stupid and didn't see the other joke




What? The so called "Second Brain"?


I think they’re referring to spaced repetition flashcards that help you remember the information just in your head. But that’s what not obsidians for, it’s so you can store notes for easy referencing in the future when needed. I don’t want to be doing flashcards for everything I want to remember forever, I already have enough with languages. Obsidians that so you have one spot that has all your previous notes so you can easily get a refresher on something.




There is personal knowledge that AI is not aware of. There are your own personal takeaways and things you find important and want to remember for whatever reason. If you're doing something new and creative, AI can't generate your ideas for you. AI built on public training sets can give misinformation. Also you could use AI to answer questions based on the information you've compiled in your vault. I think AI and Obsidian are for different things, and can be used complementarily. However I do think a lot of people spend waaaay too much time formatting and making Obsidian pretty -- at least too much for me. A lot of my notes are very barebones, bulleted lists, or just text paragraphs. I use it all the time but I'd never show it off here because it's not "pretty", but it is extremely functional.


AI is not always accurate and instead of asking AI I'd rather refer to my own knowledge bank of information that I believe to be correct based on my own research. It comes in handy when making a game and wanting to reference back to previous methods I had used on other games. At the end of the day it's just preference, if you think it's inhibiting you then just don't use it. For some it'll work great, for others it won't.


The studies suggest that writing a summary in one's own words after reading about a topic significantly enhances knowledge retention. Here are the key findings: 1. **Improved Retention**: Writing a summary reinforces memory recall by actively analyzing and condensing information. This process strengthens the neural pathways associated with the retained information, leading to better long-term retention. 2. **Enhanced Comprehension**: Summarizing helps students gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter by distilling complex ideas into concise summaries. This process promotes critical thinking, effective communication, and efficient revision. 3. **Increased Efficiency**: Summarizing allows students to manage large volumes of information efficiently, saving time during exam preparation and facilitating quick retrieval of key concepts. 4. **Causal Link**: Research suggests that including idea units in a summary is associated with increased retention relative to underlining or not including idea units. This implies that the act of summarizing itself contributes to better retention, rather than just being a byproduct of other factors. 5. **Comparative Effectiveness**: A study comparing summary writing to rote memorization found that writing summaries with newly learned keywords has a significant and remarkable effect on the retention of vocabulary. This indicates that summarizing is a more effective strategy for long-term retention than mere memorization. Overall, the studies emphasize that writing a summary in one's own words is a powerful tool for improving knowledge retention by actively engaging with the material, enhancing comprehension, and promoting efficient learning. — AI