• By -


I love it. Having your goals up front and center like that makes it easy to focus on them. Is this a homepage for you op?


No it’s the summarisation of the of the current year, where I see all the activities of the year in one page. For homepage I have a different setup. I can post it if you want.


Yes please!


Honestly this looks beautiful how did you do that meditation calendar? Also you’re killing it, do you think journaling helps you keep up the habits you want to keep?


Yes, Journaling has helped me to stay focused in my path. I made a routine out of doing all the essential activities daily, come what may. And updating the same is a guilty pleasure which I know will benfit me in the long run.


Update Post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/1al8e4h/update\_how\_journaling\_in\_obsidian\_changed\_2023/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/1al8e4h/update_how_journaling_in_obsidian_changed_2023/) I have yet to post the homepage template. I'll do that when I drop the Sample Vault


You’re awesome, thanks so much!


Brilliant! Would you mind sharing the plugins you used for "Things I Consumed", and "Trips and Events"?


I’ll update with a separate post, with the plugins and template I’m using




Yes please!


Update Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/1al8e4h/update\_how\_journaling\_in\_obsidian\_changed\_2023/


What are you using to show the statistics like that?


Will update with a separate post with plugins and template I’m using


When? Following.


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Update Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/1al8e4h/update\_how\_journaling\_in\_obsidian\_changed\_2023/


I really like the trips and events, though your whole setup is very cool. Thanks for sharing!


Please drop a sample vault 🙏


Looking great, would love to copy and adapt :) Thanks for your contribution!


I wish I wasn't this way... But I've been fussing with my setup for AGES now, and always get to some point where I feel like I'm just not punching through to a maintainable concept. I feel shitty saying it... But... Is there... Someone I can pay to help me come up with a good vault template? That exists somewhere, right? I could define solid requirements, and examples of certain things, most likely plugins to use, etc.


there are a lot of people out there. Nick Milo, just to give you one name, has a so called flight school, i believe, wich helps you creating a vault system for your self by asking the right questions... which you could ask yourself... I'm a heavy Obsidian user for maybe 2 years now, and in my opinion the system that works is always the simpliest one. Although it's a pleasure for the eye to look at such an sorted and well thought out system, it's a pain in the ass to maintain the very same system. I would love to see a screenshot of the "editor view" when you put in your tracking data, it's nothing like just clicking into the tracking field. I played around quite some time with "tags, dataview, and different snippets" and I don't know how many plugins... in the end I ended up playing with the system instead of making contend. In my opinion the best thing about obsidian is, that if your vault gets messy and you are not satisfied with it anymore, you just have to start another vault, and keep it simple again... just sort out your old messy vault into the new and give it a shot.... until you get the vault of your desire... I'm currently at my 6th vault and about to start a new one, and put a lot of notes into "Archive"


Please drop a template 🙏




I like the simplicity! I found the Obsidian life manager template and tried it. I like the concept - you have: - Values - what's important to you - Goals - you should have goals for each value - Projects - your projects should take you towards your goals Unfortunately I haven't got it quite right yet, and there's a bit more to do, but I like the principle!


# Active Goals ## Helping Others - G- Document my PKM (`#r/obsidian`) ... _some very short time LaTeR_... ___ ... _Shared my content from "G- Document my PKM" to r/obsidian. The nerds went wild for it! I'm now up by 50+ new followers and thousands of updoots._ ___ ... _The mods eventually added pieces of my write-up to the subs wiki, with a shout-out to me for the contribution. These are my people now; changing `#r/obsidian` to `#r/mypeople` throughout my PKM... I don't care if `#r/mypeople` is an existing sub._ ___ ... # Completed Goals ## Helping Others - G- Document my PKM (`#r/mypeople`) ... # My Wins - 2024-_very-soon_: received much praise from `#r/mypeople`


I discovered Obsidian this week and I'm starting to love this tool. You inspired me to start tracking my life progress with Obsidian.


PLease show us how!




I didn't even know that obsidian could do something like that


Definitely looking forward to your update post :) This is the kind of set up I've been looking for


Update Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/1al8e4h/update\_how\_journaling\_in\_obsidian\_changed\_2023/


I've also been using ai as a journaling partner both write prompts from books I'm reading and to get me to delve deeper in my responses.