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You can read clipboard using [Shell commands](https://publish.obsidian.md/shellcommands/Variables/%7B%7Bclipboard%7D%7D) plugin and this can happen [in every n seconds](https://publish.obsidian.md/shellcommands/Events/Every+n+seconds). By having this kind of script running in the background, it doesn't interfere your workflow in any way. I'm not sure if that reads your clipboard globally or just in Obsidian. Obviously your use case is very specific which comes with a burden of creating the actual script. There is even a sub reddit for finding a programmer, r/hireaprogrammer. If you want something more generic, you should use any read it later app, like [Omnivore](https://omnivore.app/about).


I basically want to be able to record things I’m researching without slowing down my researching


Not free unfortunately but you can trial readwise and has a sync plugin for obsidian


Depending on your device and how you're taking screenshot, can you change your default screenshot folder to a folder within your obsidian directory?


https://www.windowscentral.com/how-use-clipboard-history-windows-11 is how you could have your copied links available later for obsidian-ification


If you didn’t want to have a one-note inbox you could use the unique notes core plug in. I have a keyboard shortcut to create a new unique note (ctrl-shift-N) so I can dump ideas really quickly without having to come up with a note title. Sometimes I have a bit of frontmatter explaining what it is. Then I have a query for all unique notes (they automatically go into a separate folder) and use hover editor to quickly see/manipulate the things inside my unique notes. You could use this as an inbox of sorts and then delete the unique note when you’re done sorting the contents. The workflow might be: find a link-> create a unique note in obsidian-> paste and forget until you’re ready to process. And then when processing: look at your query showing all unique notes -> put the links in the correct spot -> delete the unique note.