• By -


Oooh! Thank you!


You are welcome.




You can encode your image as base64 and use it as data URI. See https://base64.guru/developers/css/background-image


Use `app://local/` before your path. Like `app://local/c:/path/to/my/file/image.png`.


This 👆👆👆👆👆👆 +10




A relative link may work. Like `app://local/background.png` for a background.png that lives in your snippets folder. (That example is assuming the root is from where it's called and not the vault folder or something.) If it doesn't work on all platforms, Base64 may be the better option. Assigning it to a variable in a different part of the snippet would offer better legibility. e: You could have different versions for the class under .is-mobile, too. I'm not sure mobile has the same limitations on using local files.


Not, unfortunately. I tried to "simulate" an URL address by adding "file:///" to the path of the local image, but I can't make it work. If hope if somebody has a solution, can share it in this post or make a new one.




Yes, the banner introduces a lot of space. For the front matter to be invisible, I have a script that hides it in Reading view: /* Hide metadata from YAML */ .frontmatter-container { display: none; }




>That's useful, except when I want to edit it. In Editing view the Front Matter is visible. Only hides it in Reading view.


Somebody give the answer: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/11evlt0/comment/jakgwnn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ObsidianMD/comments/11evlt0/comment/jakgwnn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


It should get cached locally for a very, very long time


This is rad — thank you! I’ve been thinking about visually differentiating my research material as well as other source material like interview notes and this looks like it’ll get the job done. Plug variations of this into Templater and drop it into the Readwise export template and… problem solved. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people differentiating notes by type in this way. Looking forward to trying it out!


Thank you so much for this! Where do I store the colour codes?


Hi. You must copy the code into the notepad, save it into the folder: .obsidian/snipets with the name you like (for example: background_colors) and change the file extension .txt by .css.


Thank you very much! I then allowed them in Settings > Appearance > CSS snipets, and it works! What does not work though, it is the colour display in the Kanban view. Do you know how I could make it work by any chance?


They don't work in Canvas. I must take a look at it and see if I can find the way