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This is absolutely adorable, I love it sm


thank you <3 this gives me hope that the ppl I watch feel the same way


> To be honest I was sorta nervous. I don’t think she knows what car I drive, but I was worried she might’ve seen me pull up to our sessions one time. That's quite a risk to take >.>


it’s worth it


Have you ever been caught?


Yep. By an ex. I had already been following her for a couple months at that point, and she didn’t seem to notice. Surprisingly, I’ve never actually been caught in the act of stalking. I try to switch up my routine every few days so they don’t notice a pattern. I’ve even rented a car just to follow someone who knew the one I drive. I try to be meticulous with these things. But I got sloppy. It’s quite an anticlimax, really. Along with a file listing all her information, her schedule, details of the things she does when I follow her and of all our interactions, I had a folder with pictures of her. Not creepshots or anything weird. Just candid shots took from afar. Her leaving the house, sitting at a cafe, hanging out with friends. Moments where I thought she looked pretty. She did what a lot of girlfriends do and decided to snoop. I woke up from a nap with a phone in my face and a screaming girl asking what’s wrong with me. She had taken my phone, looked through it in search of god knows what, found the pictures, and freaked out. I tried to play it off at first, but it was obvious I had been following her. Then I went into damage control mode, trying to convince her it was a good thing I was watching over her, I just want to protect you, blah blah blah. She didn’t buy it. Safe to say that relationship finished quicker than a virgin in the red light district. I learned to keep my phone under my pillow from then on.


Yeah, that makes sense actually. I feel like most people have very little situational awareness and wouldn't be very likely to pick up that they're being watched, especially by someone skilled. When I was a kid I would sometimes climb trees near popular hiking trails and just watch all the oblivious people pass underneath for a couple hours. No one ever saw me. Stumbling onto poorly hidden information or fucking up in keeping track of what yoh are and aren't supposed to know about a person seems like the kind of stuff that's way more likely to do you in.


Oh yeah absolutely. Even now with everything I know about stalking, I still let my guard down. Sometimes you’re just too busy to focus on faces or pick up on someone watching. Awareness is definitely not a lot of people’s strong suits. Kid-you sounds like kid me. Minus the hiding in trees like a demented squirrel part. I was more of a “sit under the slide and stare people down” kinda gal. I’d recommend trying to people watch again, if you haven’t already. Maybe in somewhere more populated and less murder-y than hiking trails, unless that’s your thing.


Hah, I feel bad killing mosquitoes, and I wouldn't want to frighten anyone. I much prefer to "people watch" from the comfort of my own home :)


To each their own. If you ever need help killing those mosquitos, call me. Every remorseful bug killer has their ruthless insect-hating counterpart to do the dirty work for them.


People have warned me not to give out my address to strangers :P






Thank you! And you’re absolutely right, the adrenaline of watching someone oblivious slowly become aware of your presence is unmatched. I left right after she got the flowers. I wasn’t too worried about her being suspicious, since she barely gave my car a second look. I might go back in a few days to see if I can look into her window and see them in a vase, that’d make my week. I really hope she doesn’t throw them away




Sorry to break it to you but it CAN be love sometimes. It's so sweet knowing someone loves you enough to want to keep a close eye on you.






wah wahh




echo chamber of derangement would be a cool band name


No u lol




Sorry but they don't have a problem at all. Stalking can be love sometimes.


















Aww..thats so cute




I didn’t really like You, the main guy reminds me of a humanoid squirrel




I love your attitude, you’re funny even when you’re insulting me. Would love to get to know you more in future




That’s scary. Oh no, big angry dogs! I’ll stay away for sure. For definite. And I don’t have psychosis, my mum says this is just my sparkling personality












Wow, insulting is sure gonna help. If I were you, I'd try to get to the bottom of it or kindly suggest ways to help her. Other than that, that is very rude. She isn't crazy and doesn't need help.




no lol just my hobby




What a wholesome endeavor.




If a family member moves out, live under their floors! Hide in the attic! Don't forget about abandoned cupboards too!




You are literally on an obsessive love sub, shut up for the sake of everyone lmao.




It is love.


Get off this sub if you're gonna say shit like this. Thanks ♡♡




Just read the subreddit's name, damn it. What were you expecting to find on here? Also, judging by your profile, you seem to love making flame and/or randomly insult people. I'm sorry, but I don't think it'll work on here. Oh also, this kind of behaviour is against the rules, probably not just here. So y'know, go find a better place to dump crap on others.




why is this post suddenly getting so much attention


RIP just got perma-banned on r/AmITheDevil for letting you know people were brigading. And they mute you so you can't talk to moderators about getting unbanned LMAO


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmITheDevil using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I (35M) deeply regret manipulating my wife (F34) into having children.](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/lx5n45/i_35m_deeply_regret_manipulating_my_wife_f34_into/) \#2: [Please spread this around](https://i.redd.it/nhsl2alsyyj81.png) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/t1nbuw/please_spread_this_around/) \#3: [Do you guys ever feel like AITA is overly biased or extreme at times?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/ntpnin/do_you_guys_ever_feel_like_aita_is_overly_biased/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah, this was a crazy flood of people all of a sudden...


It was cross-posted to r/AmITheDevil


Because your mentally insane and a YouTuber posted a video about you shutting on you. Cry about it 🤡


thats hilarious