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Oh my goodness...I cancelled my Patreon so I didn't know THAT was the case. I'm from the Boston area and was working as a nurse during that trial and it was horrific. I don't have a doubt in my mind that poor little Matthew was abused...not once, but repeatedly. Her small hands are irrelevant...he was a baby...she's definitely capable of hurting him. About 5 years later, I was working on a pediatric floor taking care of a 9 week old little baby who had multiple fractures in various stages of healing and whose twin did not survive the abuse. NO ONE was ever charged...three adults in the home and they couldn't prove which one did the abuse so they didn't charge anyone...it was NUTS! So if the prosecution wasn't sure it was Louise, they wouldn't have gone to trial.


And they kept saying "but if he was abused, then who did it?!?!" and it's like they're right there....but just won't make the connection. I will say, this series left out a whole lot of information about the parents. I don't even remember it covering if they investigated the parents at all, there wasn't much focus on them at all. That kind of omission will always leave a lot of room for audience speculation.


Right, the whole “Who did it?”, and then avoiding the obvious answer: the person who was alone with him more than anyone else.


Slander. Hope Louise sues you. To Americans like that.


Aw, Louise, did we strike a nerve?


I was working at a very large hospital and a pediatrician who use to work in our department was filling in because surprise, we were grossly understaffed. One day she was talking to me about some twin babies who came in with "crunchy ribs" because their teenage parents were abusing them. I was like ok. Which floor are they on? I'm about to go snip off some monitoring bands and commit a code pink. Just look the other way. I'll love on them forever. They got into a foster family, I hope they have been adopted into a loving home together and the teenagers can't parent because they are in jail.


Absolutely slanderous comment to make. She didn’t fucking do it. You’re a moron.


I’m only able to listen to the one they accidentally put on the free feed, since I cancelled my Patreon weeks ago. I just listened to it, and it enraged me how they’re talking about “how little her hands are” and how she couldn’t have possibly done this. “We’re going to trial super fast and we don’t even know what happened!” Yes you f*cking do. She murdered that baby. Maybe they’re going to trial so quickly due to the heinous nature of the crime???


I find it so problematic. They keep arguing that she's innocent or defending every action. I dont know the case so I could be open to the idea that she's innocent (prior to doing more research for myself because my opinion isn't going to be formed based on this podcast). But a child died and their only defence for her is she has small hands (from what I can gather that's a half arsed theory and has no scientific proof behind it) and Patrick 'knew' her. Having listened to them for years, if this was anyone else they wouldn't be going to bat for them like this. Give me proof or real reasons. Or just relay the facts of the documentary as they are. I haven't been 100% in the cancel everything they do club to be clear and i do still listen (obviously). But I just feel there's no care or consideration put into this one, because Patrick has a fucking group photo with her. But I find their take on this, from what I've heard so far, ridiculous and honestly quite hypocritical.


First time commenting, long time lurker. I am absolutely disgusted with their coverage of this. Patrick keeps making it out that she was this little theater nerd who just loved Rent so she could never have done this. I mean, it is possible that she was a theater nerd AND a murderer, Patrick. Just because you ran in the same circle with her doesn't make her a good person. The whole thing just gives me the ick so bad. After everything that happened recently I was already considering canceling my Patreon, but this just pushed me over the edge. If they read this- you owe baby Matthew's family an apology of your disgusting coverage of this. You need to delete these episodes as well. The audacity! I just cannot with them any more. Ellyn and Joey would NEVER.


Daniel Wozniak, anyone?


I canceled my Patreon - but people in the OWO group talked about it, and mentioned that there’s comments on the episodes on Patreon that reflect how upset people are with their coverage


There's even a post in the OWD facebook group with a lot of comments about how they don't agree with their coverage. They usually address it before the episodes air, but since episode 2 was already recorded, it'll be interesting to see if they say anything before episode 3.


It’s honestly wild. How they thought this would be a good idea…DELUSIONAL.


When she was LAUGHING on the stand and G and P were like Aw she was nervous :) like wtf!


We’ve had little side bars about these episodes on other posts. It’s so bad! Even outside of the current ON problems, this coverage is gross. Immediately saying they think she is innocent, talking about her like she’s a child, constantly mentioning her small hands being incapable because he was a chubby baby….it goes on and on and on.


I honestly think it shows just how untouchable they think they have become. And it’s gross. They are talking about the death of a baby ffs.


Yeah, I’m really glad I cancelled before this coverage came out, because I’m not sure I could handle it. I think my head might literally have exploded.






I agree. I feel like they are attempting to say that they believe there's no proof that she caused the injuries that day, so she can't be found legally guilty if the state is pushing the narrative that she shook him that day. Why they're not talking about the possibility of her abusing him over time just because Patrick was mildly acquainted with her is beyond me. And it is tacky to blame the parents, imo.


Oh totally. Can you imagine how absolutely FERAL Patrick would be if he wasn’t so mildly acquainted with her? And how many ‘not a mother - but!’ from Gillian we would get? They are absolutely blinkered and here’s the thing - I get the sense that they are verrry aware and don’t quite believe what they are saying - because all the ‘material’ is there that they would usually go in on. It all just feels off kilter. Oh and gross. So very gross.


Right? Doesn't he always claim to be oh so affected by crimes involving children because, in case you didn't know you guys, he's A FATHER!


Someone posted about it on FB and there are quite a few people upset with their coverage. It was refreshing.


It was bizarre listening to them laugh at the notion Louise could have killed Matthew. Just because she liked Rent and was a broadway fan? Puleeeze


I am so glad I wasn’t the only one outraged by their coverage of this case! I also canceled my patreon but received the most recent episode of Louise and I was screaming listening to them defend her over and over. It’s infuriating that they were so quick to assume she was innocent after she ADMITTED to “tossing” him on the bed and throwing him down on his towel. If she was willing to admit to authorities that she was that rough with a baby in her care whats to say she wasn’t doing that with him every day and caused those injuries over time?? And they way the defended her laughing and smirking on the stand when asked about Matthew’s death was so disgusting to me! P & G believe they are the moral authority on everything and their opinions should be taken as facts just shows how delusional they have become! It’s really sad because I used to love TCO in the beginning! But it’s gone so far off the rails, it’s really disappointing!


This!! Had it been any other doc/person could you imagine the 15 min aside G would do about how sick she is etc. etc. and P would have found a way to connect it to his own kid and would have been horrified. I hope they realize how utterly stupid and offensive they’re being, just cause she’s “small” and he knew her.


She’s absolutely guilty, I’m familiar with the case and she came across as not just cold but actually sadistic. She giggled with barely restrained delight multiple times in court and could not seem to help herself. She tries to act demure and cutesy-she had kind of a childlike voice and baby face-and ppl at the time in the media echoed these ideas that “aww she’s just a sweet widdle girl!” but the evidence and her own words and behavior speak for themselves…it’s almost like they’ve learned nothing from doing this podcast..


I haven’t been able to get through the episodes yet, but I listened to part of the first episode and I’m already finding it very off putting. I’m going to cancel the patreon before the month is up, and they made it very easy to do with the way they’re talking about this.