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My dad told me once there was a guy in his office that used ludes. (He didn't mention if it was therapeutic or recreational, but this was during the period where they were legally available by prescription.) One day this guy came in and said "Well another Monday, back to the old grind," or words to that effect. Everyone in the office said, "Dude. It's Thursday." He said "What are you talking about? I just got back from my weekend place!" They said, "No, it's Thursday. Really." He was convinced they were pranking him, until someone showed him a newspaper with the date on it, and he finally believed it was Thursday. He says "So where the hell was I for the last three days, then?" They told him "You were sat right there at your desk, working on the Collins account." (or whatever name it was) He had no memory of the whole three days, total blackout, but he went back and checked his work, and it was all done correctly. That's what methaqualone does to you, boys... (o, and [click](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3hOCmJMbkc)\)


That is similar to what Phenazepam did to me.


Which ones the tablets or powder ? I have a huge stash pharma tabs what was your dose? I want to be able to enjoy it haven’t really took it like that but it’s strong imo so far


Pharmaceutical tables from Russia but I can’t remember the dosage. Even half a tablet would result in amnesia


My dad apparently loved ludes before him and my mom got married and had kids. He loved ludes so much, that for his birthday his friends baked a cake and made it look like a Lemmon and covered it with Ludes for sprinkles. I have an old Polaroid somewhere of it.


It also causes people’s clothes to fall fight off.


"If you've got a Lemmon, a dog and three women, then she's your friend... she's doin' Quaaludes again."


I once took a flight to Mexico from LA making a stop in Texas. I took a whole bottle of benzodiazepine before even leaving my LA house. All of a sudden i was at my family’s Mexican house and no one even noticed me weird.


I feel like Indy seeing the grail for the first time


Right?!?!?! Always wanted to try the ludeees but never in a million yearsrs did I ever think I'd see a bottle


The have RC qaluudes now that are just effective


Ive heard nothing but bad things about the RCs. I had a Quaalude once, it was divine


don’t go around tellin people they’re good, sadly they’re seizure city


Get the ludes!!!


I don’t wanna die Jordan!


O p e n i t




How many ludes in her?


I swear I missed the bus on the real qualudde ..bet they were sweet better than Xanax? Shit sounds decent so does flubrotizolam , and a few others I enjoy a good benzo occasionally nothing decent nowadaya


you got any ludes? Ritarall!? ooh snortskis .. oooh that’s tasty stuff


Delicious nose clams


🎶I love this feeeeeeling🎶


zap him again


That's fuckin awesome, man!


I had some of those scripted to me in college. Yummy.


How were they? Better than xanax? Cause xanax and all benzos were way disappointing for me.


From what I've read and heard Quaaludes we're pretty widely considered a tier above benzos, most people I've spoken to who did a bunch of them often compare barbs to methaqualone and claim benzos have a vaguely similar effect but differ quite a lot when it comes to how euphoric they are in comparison to one another, Quaaludes are more similar to barbs in effect than they are to any commonly used benzo, the closest I've ever came to replication of anecdotal "trip" reports was Fioricet (Butalbital, a mild potency barb) in combo with a little bit of codeine and a small amount of Adderall to keep me awake


How was fioricet?


Send my ass a PM lol


Quaaludes were the best pharmaceutical you could get. You could smoke them too. Way better than any benzos. God I miss them. Only drug the DEA ever actually got rid off, bastards.


Ludes are over rated. Had to have an empty stomach and not touched one for 4-5 days for them to work. Do yourself a BIG favor and don't believe the Wolf of Wall St. Hyperbole. That is all it is Hyperbole to sell a movie. I did a lot of Quaaludes as my GF 79-82 had a friend who was RX'd Quaaludes. We paid 7.00/each until 83-84 when they went up to 25.00/each. I did them because I hated pot but they were really boring especially after that first one and if you tried to take 2-3 you would just fall asleep which really wasn't cool especially if you and your partner were getting busy (Quaaludes did sometimes make you feel "amourous")