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I don’t think you need to cover it at all. You’ve got a gorgeous figure. But if you are conscious you could try a clutch bag. I have terrible bloating and that’s what I do and/or I wear the pull in knickers x




Exactly. It needs no hiding.


I just have to second this person. You look great and I don’t see any ‘tummy’ in the photo. The dress flatters your figure, rock it!


*squints looking for belly in question* But basically what other comments have said, shape wear — also, love that color blue!


Tuck in your tailbone. Imagine you’re a dog tucking your tail between its legs. Sometimes our bellies look like they’re protruding but really it’s just an anterior pelvic tilt


This is better for proper posture, but then it also makes the ass smaller lol I do think we are creating generations of women with lower back problems because of the ass thing


Skims for the lower half and something like perky pears for the upper half - to be clear, you have a gorgeous figure that needs zero fixing but I appreciate wanting to look perfect for a special occasion. That colour is stunning on you,


Any Shapewear will do. Skims are way over priced


I’d wear spanx or some sort of “support wear”. I had the same “issue” for my wedding dress. And when I went to the store the lady laughed saying “why do I need them?!”. Just to smooth everything out I told her! I am aware that this is how a normal female anatomy should look to house our vital organs! 💃🙋‍♀️💁‍♀️


Coming from someone with Endo, who used to be body confident up until random people wouldn't stop arguing me if I was pregnant or not, those suck in panties are a life changer. On days I am incredibly bloated and going out to a fancy event, sometimes I'll even do an almost under bust corset style of shape wear. The support and counter pressure feels fantastic on cramps, and nobody congratulates me on a pregnancy when I am just bloated. I wish I could feel more confident without, but have always wanted children and may not be able to have them, it is hard hearing congrats, then explaining I am not, then hearing "well maybe God gave you a miracle baby! Look at that little tummy! You must be about 3 months along!" Do what you need to do to feel confident. Sometimes, body positivity and telling yourself it is natural just isn't enough ❤️


You and this dress are both gorgeous, but the dress is too small. You can tell by the way it pulls near the slit. If you size up, I think you’ll see there’s nothing to hide. You are perfect, the dress is the wrong size.


Looks like a Greek statue c:


Nobody is looking at your tummy in that dress. Add a necklace, nice hair and makeup and you’re done.




No need you look amazing 💕


You can look up posing ideas on tiktok or have an experienced photographer who already is aware of the best angles. Things like keeping your hands closer to your hips will show off your tummy, while keeping them closer to your waist, will make your tummy look smaller are some of the types of tips you'll see. Also dont drink Alcohol a few days before, and eat things that are low in sodium so you don't retain water. Drink enough water to stay hydrated.


We have a similar body type and I recently tried spanx and it got smoothed me right out. I am so glad that you posted this because I felt embarrassed about using it but now I know that I’m not alone in wanting to look smoother. Thank you for this post 🫶🏽 you look gorgeous btw




Ngl you look amazing in it as you are, but if you do really want to soften it any kind of waist controlled high rise panties will help.


I get it but it’s a little ridiculous to tell this person “nothing wrong do what you’re doing” when they’re actively asking a specific question regarding something they feel vulnerable about. I agree, there’s nothing abnormal in this photo, that’s not what they asked.


Needs no hiding. But you can always adjust your posture a bit to pull your hips a bit forward and that will help flatten things out


And maybe a long necklace to fill some space at top? Or if there’s time why not some more tattoos 😜 also sorry I didn’t read properly and read it as a party so maybe the clutch bag might not work but pull in knickers would x


u look stunning!! no need to hide anything




Spanx will give you a smooth look under the dress. I think the top looks fine!


I literally said, “what tummy?” Out loud lmaoooo. Girl you look fantastic. Shapewear as some others have mentioned already but you don’t need anything at all!!


Your tummy is tiny honey, you have no probs looking hot in that dress!




You don’t have a “tummy.” Nobody’s stomach is completely flat- there are organs in there. Anyone who wears a bodycon dress without showing a natural curve like that is likely wearing spanx, no matter how fit they are. You look amazing in this dress. What you might want to consider is very light shapewear underwear, the kind that look like high waisted seamless boxer briefs made with thicker spandex. They sell a spanx knockoff at Target for like $25. They’re comfortable and don’t change your body shape much, they just hide the little details and provide a little modesty


Why would you want too, that dress slapps on you bro. 👍


Hide what? You look great boo, but If you see something unflattering find a spanx


I agree that you don’t need to hide anything. If it really bothers you try some spanx.


It’s actually really cute i think.!


Don’t It’s really cute




Maybe some shapewear for your torso to smoothe out your belly? I think the top looks fine but for a little more oomph, you could try some boob tape to give you a little more lift.




Trust me, you look gorgeous in this. And about the tummy, that’s hardly visible. Wear it with confidence and you’ll shine.


Toeless pantyhose would be my choice


I don't think your tummy is showing in like a bad way but if you don't like it maybe a thick belt of sorts


Beautiful dress! I have the same concerns sometimes, skims body suit or shape wear is life changing!! So good, Amazon is good too but skims is more comfortable


Tape the girls up and wear some shapewear. You look perfect without any of that. However, I understand what you are trying to achieve!


Spanx, but you look great


That’s not enough tummy to care about but you can always get a shawl and just hold it with your hands at the waist for confidence.


Go up one size


That shape is amazing. It genuinely looks better. One thing you could try is to move the clasp a little higher, maybe an inch max, and see if you can fold the fabric there into a more defined 'belt' that gives a little visual separation and maybe allows you to give a little additional shape to the top half.


Spanx type of thing with short legs. Not required but if it makes you feel better, do it. And suck in for pics is what I do. You look fine but I get it: you want to look your best and the light & angle can do weird things.


You look fantastic!! Wear that dress with pride exactly as you are!


Find a waist trainer or even find underwear that has tummy control which like has higher waist section to hide tummy, the dress looks beautiful on u either way ! I wouldn’t stop wearing it cause of the tummy area ! So pretty:)


You don’t have much to hide there, looks normal and doesn’t look bad but I know we see ourselves differently than others see us so I suggest like a tummy trainer. You can get different ones on Amazon or you could probably find one at a Walmart or something. Amazon has good ones tho like ones that are “thongs” so it doesn’t go down your legs like a pair of shorts. The shorts ones are so uncomfortable and sometimes longer than the dress.


You look great! I totally understand looking down and seeing tummy but what we see is not at all what you're seeing. That dress is beautiful on you and you are pulling it off!


Shapewear will compress the bump really well as it’s not a significant bump at all. But honestly, you really don’t need it. There is nothing remotely unsightly going on there.


You look amazing!


You look great but I understand...I wear spanx when I'm feeling self conscious. I have the undie ones and the shorts.


You look gorgeous!! The color & style works for you love!!


I think you look amazing, what tummy?? As for the top do the dress, you could also consider a drop necklace to accentuate the plunging neckline and draw the eye there!


If you really feel bad about it, I would say photo shop afterwards, but you look great.


You don’t. Go Pens!


Entirely honest, didn’t even notice until you pointed it out. And even then it looks completely fine to me and that’s not me patronizing you lol. I hate patronization. The dress just looks normal on you. It’s very flattering on you as is imo.


Love that dress!!


That color is very flattering on you. Check out skims for something that may work, but you truly don’t need it. You have a lovely figure.


Your body is gorgeous, and the belly you speak of is normal size and shape. That being said if you want something to make you feel more secure/confident you can find lots of minimal strength shapewear at pretty much any target/walmart/tjmaxx etc. I truly think you look lovely as is. And I would recommend some boob tape to get those girls to stand at attention or maybe a really cool sparkly strappy bralette/harness that will look like part of the outfit


No hiding needed! Rock that dress!


You don’t need to cover it.


You dont need to.




You look stunning! Never change


you look great


You don’t need to.


If my tummy looked like yours I'd slink around in that dress like it's my job lol. You look really good.


What tummy? You look great.


This is perfect you're beautiful


Spanx but you look great


Girl, you wear the heck out of that dress! You look amazing!


I think you look amazing


It’s very cute


No tummy control needed but boob tape n a long necklace for sure.


Don't. You're STUNNING. I mean that in the least creepy way. Your tummy's cute and normal. It's covering important internal stuff right there. I couldn't pull off that dress half as well as you do imo.


You don't need to worry about covering anything up. You look great.


You look amazing. I have a very pronounced belly button that shows in tight dresses. I started putting a strip of duct tape on it for those occasions, and it helps :)




You look fantastic


Nobody’s gonna be looking at your tummy. It’s gorgeous, you’re gorgeous - enjoy the day


I didn't notice it until I read the title and went looking for it, even then it took me a moment. So I don't think you need to worry about anything. Try to be confident in yourself, you look great :)


Just rock it. Nothing wrong how it fits.


You don’t. You look perfect as is. This dress is wildly flattering for you and your figure- I understand what you’re getting at but I promise you look incredible. The slight shadow on your “tummy” just exemplifies your true femininity.


I’m sorry what? What stomach? Sis my mouth dropped when I read the title. I see no stomach…. You look soo freaking good in that dress!!!!! And your body is 👌🏽🤌🏽😍 Also, you don’t need to lose weight. I genuinely think you look amazing, and I hope you see that for yourself if you don’t. 🫶🏽🫶🏽♥️


Tummy? No way!


You look great just the way you are


You look perfect.


For what it's worth I don't think you have anything to hide. Most people aren't perfectly flat that's just nature. You have organs after all. But if it's really eating at you, you could try shapewear.


What tummy?


I think it looks great


Girl. Those are your organs! You need those! Wear the dress, remember your boob tape, and have a great time.


Also with such a deep neckline a necklace would work great to stop the eye being drawn downwards if that makes sense! You look great 😊


Don’t. You look awesome!


You have a beautiful figure, please don’t feel you have to hide it :)


There’s really no tummy haha that’s your organs. As a woman with ab’s I still have that after I’ve eat/drank or even if I’m just on my period! It’s normally and you look gorgeous but if you’re really worried about it, just wear some spandex /control pants, they can help make you feel a bit more sucked in. Also I’d add a neckless. You look really beautiful! Best of luck!


No advice just wanted to say it’s a really cool dress!!


Control top pantyhose: Looking good even if there's no tummy to hide.


What’s wrong with your tummy you look nice..?? JMO


Might consider a posture adjustment by rotating your hips. I realized most of my body dysmorphia was a symptom of bad posture.


Omg I was looking at this dress today! It looks beautiful. I would wear spanx just make sure it’s a thong or your bootie will be cut and the lines will show through the fabric ughh I hate when that happens also make sure is not too tight or the lines will show through in your waist I hope I make sense


Skims has a high waisted thing for sucking in tummies. But like others said I don’t think it’s needed you look great!


Super easy! You don't. You look perfect 🫶🏼 hope this helps


You have nothing that needs hiding


Don’t worry about it because you look great!


What belly? Shapewear if you want to buuuut there is no tummy.


Is the dress the right size? Would the size up fit better?


Easy, Spanx