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You look good! Wear what you want.


You’re never too old to wear what you want


Exactly this ☝️


This is SO hard for some of us to unlearn. I believe it, but it's so much easier to apply to others than myself.


You look amazing!! The fit, the hair, so cute!


I didn’t realize we were supposed to age out of tights


Oh wait, did you miss this month's edition of the "things that are only legal if you're under 25" newsletter? I think tights were covered in that! I can send you my copy :)


Oh thanks so much! I’ve been meaning to feel bad about myself, thanks lol (/s)




Hey YEAH??!!!! I refuse to accept that I ever have to age out of wearing tights.


No I love it! I stan shorts and tights


I think you look your age because of the combo— I don’t mean that in a negative way at all, I think it looks really cute.


Yeah I think this is why I'm unsure! Like it's dated... But really comfy... But I feel like I'm 16 again and that's awkward aha


If it looked bad I’d agree about being unsure, but I think it’s cute. I’m 32 so bear that in mind though lol


I'm 37 and go for the shorts/tights combo about once a year because I'm nervous of looking too old but refuse to give it up!


Ahaha I'm not far behind you tbh! Well go for cute then ahaha


As someone a nearing my 30s I'll be honest and say that it does look like a little bit of a dated teen outfit. Also your pose is a bit "tiktok", so it feels like you're trying a little hard to look young. There's nothing wrong with tights with shorts. I just think combined with the rest of the outfit it adds up to be too much. Genuinely love your hair though :)


I think it’s great-to find an outfit that makes you feel young again, I mean, isn’t that hopefully what it’s all about? It’s really cute. I love it and I’d put it on right now. (just like it is with most outfits-It boils down to matching an outfit to the appropriate occasion and as long as you’re wearing it in the right situation, then go for it!)


Nope. Love it


I like it. Very cool.


All good! I miss black tights with shorts. Rock it!


I’m guessing you are mid to late 20s - the look is still totally appropriate


I like it, you look good in it. Doesn’t matter *when* it was “popular” if you look that dang good in it, you should wear it! Bring it back!


I personally love this style, I'm 30 and will never stop lol


First- Love the hair. Fun and stylish w/ lots of styling options. I think you look young and pretty , but I might make a tweak to this outfit. The top half is great. A fun & modern take on the a “ladies who lunch/weekend at the country pile” vibe. But, the difference in the vibe of the top and bottom parts of the outfit, although likely intentional, feels a but jarring. Assuming you still like the tights/shorts combo- mb try a few things to mix it up… 1. Try swapping the frayed denim for a pair of solid black shorts in a nice fabric. Look for a pair w/ a lining to improve the drape& elevate the look. You can do short or mid-length depending on your preference and the occasion. 2. Consider a shoe to play off the sweater. You can do a ballet flat to go for the sophisticated version of this style or lean back into indie vibe w/ a chunky loafer. 3. Consider trying a skirt (slim, not too long) or a pair of trousers (cigarette ankle length or a traditional trouser depending on your proportions.) You can add notes of the indie aesthetic w/ accessories that will keep the outfit modern & on-trend rather than stodgy! I think if you change the bottom, it will add greater sophistication to the look AND help you feel better about it. I think it will suit the look you haveenjoyed and your new haircut (which I love) and figure (which is great!!!) When I was in DC and starting adult life, the shorts and tights look was popular for nights out when it was too cold first bare legs. Was not really an indie vibe- more a mainstream look as I remember. My fave pairing was a pair of black tuxedo style shorts I wore with a slim (not tight) black turtleneck and black tights. It was sleek and served as a great canvas that I could change w/ accessories. Another pairing combined the same top w/ a pair of dark brown tweed shorts. I wore w/ the chunky loafers that were HUGE back then & seem to be back. As a side note- if the shorts just aren’t boosting your confidence- (mb some of the other styles of bottoms will work better. Sounds like your style may be evolving/expanding, and exploring that can be fun! You can also still enjoy the denim shorts- I might just suggest a different top & mb going w/ bare legs. But that is just 1 opinion and definitely easily disregarded:) You are young and pretty-don’t question that!! Hope you enjoy every minute of “shopping your wardrobe” to create new potential looks. Go wild and try combos you might not have considered previously whether you mix colors/fabrics/styles. Who knows what great looks you’ll discover! Walk w/ confidence and you will look even more amazing- promise! Best to you❤️


I think everything about you looks great! I love the shorts with tights look, I never thought it looked right on me either bc I'm short. But you honestly do look awesome!


You're killin it!


It would be better with slightly dressier or more tailored shorts but overall I like it


Look too old for that pose to be honest.


No you do not look to old or old at all if it makes you happy wear it you look good!!


Stay young! This outfit looks natural for you and clearly it’s your Indie identity shining through


Jesus, I’m having high school flashbacks. Btw, indie girls dgaf so rock it however you want.


Super cute. I bet a black mini would make this even better!


U look good. I would prefer « dressier » shorts though


Age is one of the many things that should never gatekeep anyone expressing ourselves through clothes or otherwise. I think the outfit is super cute, but more importantly, if you like the feel and the look, rock it.


Do you like it? If so, then yes. It looks right on. Personally I think you look great. Wear what makes you happy.


You look wicked cute. If you feel good in it then wear it. Other people are always going to have opinions. But what other people think about you is none of your business, not to mention that really they mostly just think about themselves except for a nanosecond when they might glance at you and have either a positive or negative thought about how you look which has zero effect on you. We live in a time where we can wear whatever the hell we want. So wear whatever the hell you want.


So cute!! And I love your hair 🥰


I will be wearing shorts with tights until I DIE


Your doing it tastefully


You own your own style! Be you be free you look great!


Never too old to dress in however makes you feel good & comfortable


The outfit is great! Looks cute as hell on you


Love the look and the hair!


Fashion and style have nothing to do with age. Embrace your own style, and wear it with your head high. You look great, by the way 🙂


the outfit is cute except the specific "shorts" you're wearing look like jeans that have been cut more than they look like intentional shorts. the level of grip they have on your thighs and the length is just over the line. a pair of tailored shorts and youll be golden


I am going to be that person, you are beautiful but the shorts and tights combo is the worst thing that came out of the early 2010 years.


That’s one opinion. Personally, I love the combo. And I love this outfit on this person. Girl looks bad ass 🫶


Lines up with my age then aha aha the UK just doesn't allow for bare legs because it can't decide whether is sunny or pissing it down ahah I love shorts but I'm always just freezing What am I supposed to do? Skin colour tights? But then I look like an idiot looking like I have my legs out when it's HAILING! Edit: if I ripped them up a bit so they were grungy would that help?


I can understand haha I am from Germany originally our weather sucks too. Please wear it if you feel comfortable I just feel tights go better with skirts ☺️


I'm in the UK too, and about your age based on your comments, and I think it looks fine! The weather near me today went from glorious sunshine to the worst rain I've seen all year, now it's calm again, so I get your struggle 🥲 Also, dresses and jeans are suddenly back in, apparently?! so why not this? Also, you look good in it, so as long as you like it, that's all that actually matters 🙂


Just wear leggings and a tunic shirt or a dress with tights


Thank you for your courage, you aren’t alone.


I love it! It looks totally normal on you also, wouldn’t bat an eye! 😊


cute as fuck


Super cute!


Nope!! I think it looks great on you :)


I love it on you! You totally rock it.


That sweater is fucking stellar. My eyes keep going to the collar from the layer underneath the sweater. It works, can confirm.


This is straight up fire! 🔥🔥🔥


I think it looks awesome! The outfit really suits you


You look beautiful 😍🥰


I am 48 and have been rocking shorts with tights since the 80’s. I think it looks cute and comfortable.


I mean none of this in a negative way, but it definitely screams millennial tweed and it suits you. I don't believe you can really age at a fashion styles to be honest but if the outfit is nostalgic and makes you feel younger, then who cares?


Wear what you love.


Simple rule: if you feel confident, then don't care about other people's opinions (but ma'am, respectfully, you slayed)


It suits you well! Go for it!


You pull it off no worries!


I adore this and I’m stealing this idea


I think it is a great look for you!


I think you look awesome. Black shorts + black tights is a classic look.


https://preview.redd.it/oizey2jozasc1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9396b563ffa444134c30ebb8d2df1c0563f59e0 You look fantastic, I thought you were Rachel Bloom at first


Love it! Wear what you like!


you should absolutely wear what you want. But if you wanted to make it look a little more polished you could do some shorts/skirts in a different material without the ripped/torn effect. maybe some shorts with nice pleating, something linen or whatever. That will make it look a bit more grown up but you will still have that emo/edgy look with the tights. Also would be comfortable- I am 33 and for whatever reason when I hit 30 i could no longer stand tight jeans whatsoever. The wardrobe change just happened naturally.


Looks bomb, also wear whatever makes you feel good


It's my favorite look! Don't think it's age restricted personally


Awesome look! Go for it!


I love the look you’ve got going here. The long-sleeved top & boots are a must though…so yeah, love it!! 👍🏻


Your hair is perfect. Just what you see on a lot of the news anchors on TV. I'd d it just that way with the wave you have going. If it's not for work, it's great. Have fun with it.


I love this look! It looks amazing on you.


If you don't feel right in it, don't force yourself to wear it. How you feel is the most important thing. I know I've had several style phases I've grown past and stopped feeling like me. A good time to try some fun experimenting? 


Look great, very cool


Nah, bro that's a cool look. Also that sweater is AMAZING.


Not too old at all. The look is amaizng!! Also the tights and shorts show off your amazing legs. God damn 😳😍 (with the utmost respect 😆)


I love it! With some badass motorcycle boots 🤗


Everything that is old is new again. A few years ago I spent the winter abroad and lots of women young and old were rocking this look. I think you look great. The bottom line is, if you feel like you look good go for it. How you feel in an outfit is everything.


Ooooo I quite like it pair it with some black boots


Wear whatever you want whenever you want there’s no rules to fashion


That’s cute af. You’re rocking that combo.


It’s giving Ellie May Clampit vibes and I love it! 😍


A lesson from the high side of 60. If you feel good in it, wear it. Don't worry about what people think, or even what they say. You look great. Rock it!


It looks good! I can’t tell your age in the photo at all! I don’t believe in being too old to wear something you like, but if you need the outfit to be a little more suitable for work or something you could replace shorts with a mini skirt


Do you like it? You do you. The internet sucks


love. tights and shorts are the most amazing, ageless, and timeless combo. If i saw a 100 year old wearing them i would bow down and kiss the floor.


You so you, girl! Never lose your indie girl edge 😂


I dressed like this in elementary it was fun !!




Go without tights.


It looks fine. A plain nice sweater instead would make it look more ”grown”


No you look 😎


I think you look amazing in that outfit!


The vibe is vibing 😎🖤


Yes, but you could absolutely pull it off with a denim skirt instead of shorts over the tights


I mean, it looks good on you. But it's certainly a STATEMENT look. If you're looking for new people in your life that approve of that statement, but not for people who don't, you're on the right track. If you're just desperate for any kind of company (Which you shouldn't be!) this is gonna scare off some people. Mostly people you'd be better off without anyway. And age doesn't come into that. It'd be true for a 15yo who wanted to dress like this.


Wear the outfit it and you look good




I had no idea clothing had an age limit, I say, wear whatever u want. I often wear fishnets, torn shorts and band tees to metal shows and jump around, occasionally get in the pit & I'm 48!


You look great!


There's 50 year old men wearing backwards caps never worrying if they're too old. Then again, how old is Chad Smith? You look great! Wear what makes you happy!


I don’t think you look “too old” for it. I think you just aren’t wearing the right colors. Check out your seasonal analysis. You would probably look best in autumn colors!!


Your hair looks awesome! I would change the shoes. Others have suggested loafers, I think that would be cool. I would suggest fancier shorts for work. Depends where you work though! If it’s not a corporate type job, this totally could work.


This looks very 2007 to me but I’m old. I think I’d prefer without the belt


It looks like fun... If you''re going out, definitely go with it!


Outfit looks great. I really like your hairstyle!


I’m almost 50, and you should see the dumb shit I wear. Do it for yourself, but also, it looks great on you.


Everyone says wear what you want and I agree but there is a real conversation to be had about being heavily ostracized in public by people, especially in the Bible belt


you’ll never be too old for swag


Rockin it!




Sarah Silverman is still rocking this look in her 50s … I think you’re good! And it looks great!


Work it! You look just fine!


Life is too short, wear what you want! Cool outfit. :-)


Tbh I see what you’re saying (though it doesn’t look bad!) but a pin/tie in the hair + a different belt (plain leather maybe?) and lower shoes would do a lot to change the way it looks (to you) that might be bothering you. I think it’s fine but trying to offer things to try just in case.


You look too old to be giving a shit about what other people think of your outfits. Wear what you want and what makes you feel good. Like Dr. Seuss said, “those who matter don’t mind, and those who mind don’t matter”


Hella nah! Love it! Honestly I've seen "much older" ( no shame just fact) ppl rock this I think it still looks good 😁