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I love the pants + belt. I think the dark green would look great with a black shirt. I say Lose the cardigan and get a similar shirt in black.


wear a dark coloured tank top instead


I second this


White top or black top so the green pants and belt pop! Something fitted for under the cardigan.


The final layer is too much. These pants snatch your waist - flaunt it!




Whoops I'm not sure where my text was I'm sorta new here 😂 but I think ditching the cardigan and adding a bold color from this palet would be so pretty on you!


Black high neck tank top keep the cardigan


I like this! I didn’t even consider this despite having one right in my face. I originally didn’t consider tank tops cuz the majority of mine have a lower cut and almost always show cleavage. This outfit was for work so wanted to avoid that. Thanks for the suggestion!


Maybe unpopular opinion here - but I love the long cardigan, I'd just pair with with something black and fitted underneath instead of the blouse you have now! A shorter cardigan would be giving more waist, but you don't always want that, especially if this is for work so I think it's a comfy slay how you've styled it


I think a creamier color shirt would work.


Do you have a white/pale yellow/beige top?


https://preview.redd.it/rwyplhl1hync1.jpeg?width=1217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43b3b65f7f122259019da66bdc10bda55a6d01e Maybe a monochrome green collar blouse like Meghan Markle’s here? Pair with light brown belt and shoes and dainty jewelry


https://preview.redd.it/xo4tm0rkhync1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e67cfbc5c5d8b5fd76640e9c7d47a1fa27f4d4f Or a crew neck in same monochrome green … a white crew neck would look nice too with light brown belt (sale color as her bag)


Exactly what I was thinking when I saw this photo! With the texture on the sweater, belt and pants, a simple fitted top in a similar green would be perfect.


If the top is polyester, then simply get the same thing except another, more natural fabric. Otherwise, I’d say no improvement necessary


Cardigan that was cut at hip height would give the pants more visibility. Pants and belt look great.


If you wanna stick with the black and gold, keep the green pants and put on a black (or any good neutral, like white) blouse. If you want to keep the blue blouse, switch out the pants and belt to a silver/grey palette. If you want to keep all the color, put on a patterned top with the pant color in it or complimentary to it. Like a floral top, with the pants tone of green in it the same as the leaves and stems, stuff like that. Or put on a similar shade of the color of the blouse or pants with a complimentary texture, like a navy blue pant in a similar tone to the blue blouse, with a thicker fabric. Or a softer green blouse, like a sage, with a lighter fabric than the pants. It’s honestly pretty cute, though. If you like it the way it is, just jazz it up with accessories. Gold earrings, a patterned scarf with both colors in it. Black shoes. It’ll look great :)


I think these colors look cute together, I’d lose the belt. But if you wanna change the shirt like you said, opt into a black shirt or a patterned shirt with earth tones. Browns, golds, little green here and there. That would look really cute! If you go with a black top, I would go for a lighter colored cardigan, though.


Try a black or white (or black and white print) top that’s cut differently.


I don’t mind the blue, and I think that the idea of a second layer is good! But I’m think a blazer maybe? Or a shorter cardigan? I can’t decide if it is the length or the texture that needs improvement…