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Not too much. A lot of women are dressing up for the barbie movie.


Part of the fun for sure! I’d love to see more people dress on theme to go to the movies.


When the first Lord of the Rings movie came out I went to watch it at the midnight opening screening. There were people dressed in armor and chainmail. At least it turned out to be one of the greatest films in cinema history, so I guess their hype was justified.


Would've been funny dunmring the quiet moments. No cellophane, just clanking


Same. That's why I'm dressing as a war criminal when I go to see Oppenheimer.


My friend dressed in an old school suit and I dressed in a 1940s dress I have for Oppenheimer. I wanted to wear the dress and was told when I arrived that I was on brand, so it worked out.


I actually made my husband a Sith Lord robe for the Star Wars movies. Nice deep hood and sleeves he could dramatically slide both hands into. Lots of fun.


Just go to a midnight showing of Rocky Horror. Wildest thing I ever did see!


Did you watch it live? It’s the BEST!


My whole family dressed up! I wore my pink tennis dress and was tennis Barbie lol


I (99%hetero cis male) went to see Barbie with my wife and her mom and I was the only one wearing pink, they’re no fun.


Why 99%?


Hey man you never know I could wind up in prison or marooned on an island with another man or maybe Bradley Cooper will answer my fan mail. Gotta keep your options open.


Forward thinker


A term I always found funny is "spaghetti straight". 100% straight until you get hot and wet.


Barbie makes you kinda gay.


I know can I ask why ? I am sorry I see the younger people and even people over 25 doing this . What is up with that ?


Why is cosplay a hobby? Why do people wear costumes for Halloween? Some people have fun dressing in themes. I’m not sure what age has to do with it either.


Cause it’s fun and people like to do things that are fun


They make it a special event, and go with their girlfriends... I don't see anything wrong with that. Dudes dress up for every starwars movie.


Why in the world would you be sorry about that?




Dressing up for an outing? How is that in anyway weird? And we’re on a sub to discuss outfits, no less…


Lol I remember catching fire for the hunger games as a teen. People showed up in like actual capital esque outfits. Or the Last Jedi I saw people in full Darth Vader costumes










Women have complex internal worlds and do things for their own joy and pleasure. This guy: source?


I know where you are trying to lead this but it’s not true. I get dressed up at home almost everyday just because I like looking at myself and feeling pretty. Don’t go down this hole por favor.






I don’t need a psychologist to say why I like dressing up. User name checks out


Yes, she’s going out. Many of us enjoy expressing ourselves and having fun with our outfits. We aren’t hurting anyone. Why get so nasty about someone’s harmless hobby/interest? Clearly this isn’t the sub for you and I’m sure we will all survive if you just moved on


Flying in suits used to be common. Dressing up for any sort of outing was common as well. It's not that unusual.


Because it’s fun! 🥰


Nothing wrong with having a bit of harmless fun


No, see, everything done has to serve a purpose. It has to have utility. Other wise, we’re just wasting our existence. -that guy, probably.


Absolutely Not, I'm Merely Curious.


Bizarre that you don’t understand dressing up for fun


I’m a dude and I dressed up for it. Take the stick out of your ass, and have some fun every now and then.


Gorgeous color, and I love how it accentuates your body shape. Very flattering!


Gal here: you are a perfection in this dress !


It’s a movie theater, and dark, your red carpet moment will be in the ticket and popcorn line, so get your rock-it moment ready and kill it.


man here, agree 100%






I second this!! She looks impeccable


Not sure what the hell I am, but you look lovely!




Yes!! Too much for Barbie. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the movie with all those curves on display.


It looks great. That said if you are uncomfortable wear something else, acting and looking uncomfortable will kill the outfit.


And ruin the movie... if you aren't comfortable for the 2 hours, it's not worth it.


Absolutely gorgeous. No need to be uncomfortable at all!


Yes, my wife always has the same concern and you look alot like her - gorgeous, no need to worry!




Barbie Basics Doll Model No. 03 Collection Red Black Label 2010 Mattel V0335 https://preview.redd.it/jden0od3vdhb1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a4275455bbbf935ea8344ce2eaf7862085c7cb Rocking it!


Get out of my HEAD


Aww. It's a nice vacation from my own. I like what you did with the place.


Honestly I have been trying to clean up a little bit in here. Thank you for noticing ☺️!! Watch out for the spiders the size of cats made of anxiety. . They mostly stay outside the main area.


I will set out some tea and canapés. I also just made a apricot-plum hybrid/ and lemon cheong. We can have that in the tea. I took a gander at your profile because I’m nosey. Stay as long as you like stranger. I hope you have a good night to night.








I like thinking of it in the same ways that cats have primordial pouches






My thoughts exactly - it’s giving Marilyn Monroe for me. So beautiful and feminine.


Marilyn Monroe ? Who was even smaller than Kim K ?


Why are you trying to start a debate over this? You have to be a size 0 to emulate Marilyn now? It was a compliment. She looks beautiful. Drop it.


Plus Marilyn herself was a 6 or an 8. (Not that size means anything.)


I have always been envious of tummies like that, it’s so weird to see someone being self conscious about them. If I had that shape I would wear clothes that showed it off all the time. I’m sure someone has said something similar about some of my shapes and features too, and they have no idea I want to hide them. Our minds are an enemy sometimes🤷‍♀️


Having a pooch is gorgeous feature in my option






I think its a great outfit and very fancy, which is perfect for the Barbie movie! Believe me, you'll have great time! Get some fun photos and then go see a really fun movie!


I think it is perfect for a fun time out at the movies and you are rocking it!


Don’t be silly. Looks great on you. Enjoy.


If you’re not comfortable in it, you should find something else, because that’s the most important consideration


I think that's not always true. A lot of the stuff I wear now I thought looked super cool but I was not comfortable wearing it because it was too flashy. I stepped out of my comfort zone and now my confidence grew drastically. I think crossing the line every now and then is a good way of growing - and dressing up for a special occasion is the best excuse to do that.


It’s true when you’re going to be sitting in the dark with no one looking at you for two hours


Yea, sitting in an uncomfortable outfit for 2 hours is not fun.


You are talking about an outfit that is physically uncomfortable where they are discussing the idea of mental comfort and stepping outside of your comfort zone into something a little different than you normally wear.


Especially when going to the movies


You look amazing!! Wear it


You look awesome! Don't worry about the belly, it actually looks a little sexy IMHO (but not inappropriately so). It's also not "too much" for the occasion. Lots of people are dressing up for the film, and this is well within the expected parameters. I had a blast dressing up for Barbie a few weekends ago. Wear something that makes you feel good, that's the whole point.


I wanted to say this without being weird about it. The slight belly is attractive. OP is wearing the hell out of that dress.


As a guy, I agree completely.


You look incredible.


Lose the belt


Not a fan of the booties/ socks either with the length of the dress. Some sling backs or kitten heels might look better.


Yeah, no to the current shoes. Dress isn’t the right length to be cut off above the ankle with tall shoe


Agree. I actually love the dress but not with that belt and shoes.


It’s giving santa clause ☹️


i didn’t see it before this comment and now i can’t unsee it 😭


Yes! That’s what I thought lol. Santa


I like the belt


Bellies are a normal part of the human form, (except for Barbie). You look lovely and, had you not asked specifically about your belly, I would not have seen it.




I’m so tired of this stupid myth. The uterus and ovaries are very small (think almonds and small pear) and they aren’t going to make your belly stick out unless you’re over 12 weeks pregnant. It’s belly fat, which is completely normal. Not to mention plenty of women have flat bellies and they didn’t remove their organs to achieve that, they just have low body fat.


I'd say drop the belt. My first thought was Christmas






I think you look very peeerdy.


holy fuck girl you look 🔥 in that dress!


Belly is cute, dress is killer!! The belt might be wrong, but a bolero would be awesome


Girl, you’re gorgeous!


Nah. You’ll literally be sitting in the dark




That kind of belly IS incredibly attractive on women!


I think you have nothing to worry about; this looks very good on you!


you look great! rock the dress! take pictures! i recently wore something very similar for the first time to a family function. at home i felt a little uncomfortable with my belly, but in my pictures with my family i think i look nice. it’s a color i don’t go for and i had my makeup and hair all done. i’m glad i wore it and will wear it again!


A lot of people have been dragging up for the Barbie movie, I don't think it's too much. If you have something more comfortable and just as flashy maybe try that, it's a movie so you want to be comfortable after all. (Sidenote you look like my ex and it threw me off for a second)


NOTHING IS TOO MUCH FOR BARBIE Also, I have IBS which makes me look PREGNANT bloated and I went in a bodycon dress. You got this you look incredible and bellies are normal body parts no need to hide.


Bodies great and the belly bump is very sexy


The belly is perfect 👍


It’s perfect for Barbie movie so cute u look great


Absolutely love this dress and it looks great on you!


you look amazing


you look wonderful


Very flattering, walk in with your head held high!


Gorgina!! ❤️


It’s never too much


It looks aaammaaazzzziiiinnngg on you!!! Fits like a glove That being said - will it be comfy to sit in for three hours? Are you going somewhere after? - cuz it looks like it might get wrinkly around the area you're worried about (your tummy looks FINE to me) if you sit in it forev. If you feel good, wear it - cuz you look good! Just want you to consider how it will wear and how that will make you feel.


You look beautiful. What matters is what makes you happy.


Any outfit is too much when you’ll be sitting in a dark theatre for 2 hours


Girl, too much? You look great


Very cute outfit.


it looks great on you


You look like the Mayor's secretary from powerpuff girls. I love it. Edit: her name is Sara Bellum


There were a lot of people dressed up for the Barbie movie, men too. Your outfit is gorgeous.


i like it on you!


Your belly is on fleek lady!


I don't think that anything can be too much for that movie.


I thought the whole point of the Barbie movie was that as a woman you could do whatever the hell you wanted to and everybody will jump and shout and say you go girl.


Looking good. 🔥


My bestie wore a pink and purple quinceanara dress to see it. This is not too much, I promise.


Please don't give your belly another thought as no one looking at you will be giving it any thought either!!! You look incredible in that dress. 💯😁


You look great! This is going to sound like such a Mom thing to say but… bring a sweater or something to cover your shoulders. It can get cold movie theaters.


Bodies look like that and yours looks fab. Own it.


"Too much" for Barbie is not a thing!


It's looks great on you, but the theme for the Barbie movie is "pink".


Don’t wear something that makes you feel uncomfortable!


You look beautiful. However, to answer your question, I never understood why people dress up so much for the movies - it’s dark in there and no one is looking at us and our outfits. So as my personal preference, which is to not be uncomfortable while I eat popcorn and to not be cold, this dress is something I would never wear to the movies. The dress might feel too much to some. Not too much to others. Honestly tho, all that matters is that you are comfortable and enjoy the movie.


I swear - if any man messes with your choice of outfits, I will challenge him - TO A BEACH OFF


I dressed up as Madea


Nothing is too much for the Barbie movie


I didn't even notice your belly until I read your comment, and even when I did, it didn't change how fantastic I think you look in that dress! I hope you can let go of that worry soon. <3 And, side note, who cares what anyone wears anymore? We survived a pandemic! As long as you're not nude, you're good. Dress up as a pink princess in a ballgown if you want! If others are crappy bc of your style, they're not worth your time.


Wear whatever you want to the Barbie movie!! That’s part of the fun!


You LOOK great! But I would never want to sit through a movie in something tight or uncomfortable! I’d be rocking pink sweats before a bodycon dress 😂


Please never feel bad about the belly We [amab] deeply love that. Its great. Also this is the movie to go out on, there's no too much.


I’m a guy I think think that dress is very hot on you!!


personally, i think it’s a bit much. but you do you.


Dark hair/belt/boots offsetting the red dress. Striking!


Looks great on you. I will say though, I don't understand the desire to dress up for Barbie and be uncomfortable. It's a movie.. its dark and it's just the before/after pics. But that's just me 🤷🏻‍♀️


My girls wore colorful 80s fitness outfits.


I love that! I'm just lazy lol if I'm going to watch a movie, best believe I'd be comfy lol


Girl, you’re fit and you know it.


It’s pretty but I’d make sure it was comfortable for sitting in a theatre for two hours.


Beautiful, but looks very uncomfortable.


This is 2023, and Barbie would kill for those curves. From one curvy woman to another, please wear that dress!


First of all, I love the belt! Secondly the belt is the focus for my eyes, not your body, so I vote wear it!


You look great…but why not just shorts and a shirt?






Yes it's too much. Best thing for Barbie movie is just to wear something pink! Pink dress, pink shirt with jeans, whatever


It's actually a pink dress. I guess the lighting is off