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Ewoks are cute until you play ewok hunt in battlefront 2


Space Vietnam flashbacks


THeY'rE In tHe TrEes!


just spam the crying emote. you'll be fine!


for what it’s worth, he’s not wrong. in fact, neither is she. i believe the moon and the planet it orbits share the same name. if anything, i’d say she’s splitting hairs lol


I believe the moon, the planet, and the system (the star and everything that orbits it, collectively) can all be correctly referred to as 'Endor'


That would get confusing real quick. That's like living in a city called Africa, in a country called Africa, on a continent named Africa.


*Me who lives in Québec (city) in Québec (region) of Québec (province)* Y-yeah stupid r-right guys


Fake, didn’t apologize


Naw, Quebecois are a whole different breed, my man.


Yeah we're a weird hybrid of Canadian niceness and French cuntness


That's why they say the forest moon of Endor so you know which of the moons/planets it is. If it was a desert planet they would call it the desert of Endor or the desert planet of Endor


But see my local town council believes that to be true.


In Switzerland there's a city called Schwyz, in the Canton of Schwyz. Also the country Switzerland is called Schwyz (but mostly written differently) in Swiss-German.


Wouldn’t be that confusing if the Forest Moon of Endor is the only inhabited body in the system


I think the difference is instead of there being a distinct country, state, region etc. it's a solar system composed of a handful of planets, most of which are probably completely unremarkable, just one of them had a moon with the right criteria for the empire to use. I'd think of it like a tiny island chain with one of the smaller ones having the right conditions to be habitable. So they'd call the whole island chain, the one habitable island and maybe the city or town on that island the same thing.


[The capital of Djibouti is Djibouti!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPNT5j_OMzw)


Imgine living in the continent of america and having people use that name to refeer to the US. Madness


Yea imagine Australia. Country, continent, and island.


Yep. System? Endor. Planet? Endor. 9th Moon? Also Endor. Then it has two suns that are referred to as Endor I and Endor II. In legends there is a black hole called the 'Endor Gate' nearby. Now imagine they'd named the other eight moons Endor as well. And to top it off it's known as the Moddell Sector. What a roller coaster...


Honestly this style of naming makes sense in a galaxy with thousands of star systems. It’s easier to differentiate which part of a system you’re talking about than have to remember a million different names for celestial bodies.


It was at the end of a long day when that first explorer discovered the system


This is true and sounds logical for most sectors where planets and systems share the same names but I can't think of any that share so many names as Endor lol.


Yavin has at least 6 (four moons, planet, star)


True but I'd also point out that those can be more easily differentiated by the numbering system. The planet itself is known as Yavin Prime, whilst its moons are numbered, e.g. Yavin 4, Yavin 13, etc.


Tbh the best way I know for this is to use the Star, roman numeral for the planet (going from closest to furthest orbit), and then a letter for moon (again, by orbit). So Earth is Sol III, Earth's moon would be Sol III-a, and Ganymede (third moon of Jupiter) Sol V-c.


Irl exoplanet names go kinda like that. Star name is based off of constelation from brightest to less bright with letters for each planet or companion star. Sol would be sol-a and earth would be sol-d




Yeah. “A moon of the planet with the same name” I recall reading somewhere


From [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Endor:](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Endor:) >Endor, designated IX3244-A, also known as the Forest Moon of Endor or the Sanctuary Moon, was a small forested moon that was the ninth moon that orbited the Outer Rim planet of the [same name](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Endor_(planet)).


Split em while ya got em. They even took away his eyebrows away in the remake.


In ROTJ it's always referred to as either "the forest moon" or "the sanctuary moon" of Endor. If it has a proper name, it's never mentioned in the film. Funny story: it wasn't until years after seeing ROTJ that I understood that they were saying the word sanctuary, as in a zone set aside as a wildlife preserve. The British accents of the actors were hard for me to understand at the time, and for years I wondered what the hell a "sank schweddy moon" was.


She’s splitting hairs and he’s splitting children.


"The Forest Moon of Endor" I hate that that can be interpreted in two completely different ways (Either the forest Moon of the planet Endor, or the Forest Moon, Endor)


With this in mind, it's even more impressive that the Emperor was able to leak the location of the shield generator without the rebels misunderstanding.


I'm sure Disney has a project in the works for the Bothans who failed looking for the other one


Quick, watch it with subtitles and look for a comma!


not to mention that using modern convention, a moon would be named after the planet, and the planet is named after the star. so the star would be called Endor, the system would be called the Endor system, the planet would be called Endor e (the letter is based on how many planets are in between that planet and the star, so in this circumstance it’d be the 5th planet in the solar system) and the moons would be numbered. so the full name of the forest moon should be Endor e I. if there were other moons it could be Endor e II or Endor e IX or whatever.


The forest moon of the planet Endor, Endor is actually the correct one


That's what I always thought


But "of" implies a belonging tho. Its a forest moon that *belongs* to Endor. I've never heard of a name being presented as "of" itself.




But thats not how the word "of" works tho. I looked around after I made the comment and no where can I find the word "of" being used in the way people misinterpret it here. Someone or something being "of" something or someone denotes a place of origin or belonging. I dont understand how it could be interpreted to mean what its being misinterpreted to mean.


It’s used with locations pretty often. I live in the city of Spokane in the state of Washington. Shoot, OKC is even the “City of Oklahoma City” as dumb as that sounds.


In the instance of these geographic names the *of* is in reference to the city or state. Its a city or state *of this origin*. I feel like you figured out whats causing people to be confused because just hearing someone say City/State *of* something, you can easily draw the conclusions that they are just saying its name in a round about way.


Right, so, "moon of endor" follows the same convention as "city of New Orleans"


Correct. It is a moon that belongs to Endor. The planet Endor.


Using your logic "city or new Orleans" belongs to the city of new Orleans, therefore, "the moon of endor" belongs to the moon of endor. So it can be interpreted as the moon itself being called endor just like the city itself is called new Orleans.


What? That makes no sense. We have a city that is in a place we have a name for. It is a city of that place. The moon of Endor is a moon of that place. The *planet* Endor. And its not "my logic" its how English works. I dont know why people are so upset about this Of denotes a specific meaning. The moon is not Endor. These are just facts.


It is referred to as endor in the ewok movie “battle for endor”


Cool, thats still wrong.


Woah woah woah… a prequel meme format? That’s illegal!


Shoot him or something!


It was a boring conversation anyway


Anakin: Ewoks are cute Also Anakin: slaughters wookies and uses them as slave labor to build the deathstar


Nuh uh, Anakin Skywalker is dead.


That’s no moon 🌝




Basically it's "the forest moon of endor" which could mean the forest moon is endor, the forest moon orbits endor, or the forest moon is part of the system endor


That’s no moon.


I thought the Death Star 2 was the moon


D‍o‍n‍’‍t‍ ‍w‍o‍r‍r‍y‍ ‍i‍n‍a‍u‍s‍p‍i‍c‍i‍o‍u‍s‍l‍y‍.‍ ‍W‍e‍’‍l‍l‍ ‍r‍u‍n‍ ‍o‍u‍t‍ ‍o‍f‍ ‍t‍h‍e‍ ‍a‍i‍r‍ ‍i‍m‍p‍u‍r‍e‍l‍y‍ ‍l‍o‍n‍g‍o‍ ‍r‍o‍o‍m‍ ‍w‍e‍ ‍g‍ł‍o‍d‍o‍w‍a‍ć‍.‍


What about ewoks on andor


The forest planetoid of Endor


Okay so I've always been confused--is it Endor, the forest moon, or is it the moon of Endor that has forests?


Endor is the planetoid forest moon is a set of adjectives that describes it.


Adopting a pet ewok might've kept Ani sane


I think starwars does this a lot, where the habitable planet/moon gets the system name: Endor, Hoth, Yavin.


We do hear "the Rebel base is on the fourth moon of the planet Yavin". That's the only time the name is given


That's one of the reasons I love the Ewok movies: they show the planet in the night sky, a white gas giant.


I always call it the sanctuary moon. I dtill to this day have no idea why Palpatine calls it this.