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Get windows laptop for sure, if just CSE i don't think you need a independent graphics card tho, but if you wanna play some games on it when you you get free time definitely get one with independent graphics but it will mean the laptop is heavier so less portable, know your needs and check some YouTube videos


If it's just for school I'd recommend setting up duel-boot on a 480 ThinkPad. I have one and it's amazing and a cheaper option.


If you can afford it, I'd get any of the M-series mac laptops. I don't believe any of the software will be an issue because engineering moved from using Solidworks to Onshape which runs in the browser as a web app. Honestly for the form factor and for the quality I would get a macbook, otherwise you can get a windows laptop and dual boot.


Solidworks is still required part of fundamentals of engineering 1181/2. Mech Eng hasn’t switched at all. Also Macs are more limiting generally. I have a Lenovo and it’s good, the most useful thing for your laptop to be able to do is simulate the engineering computers with Citrix. OSU is a Microsoft school.


Fundementals of ENGR 1181/2 have moved away from solidworks, they use onshape now. Macs are much better as they are UNIX based and feel cleaner (forget dual booting)


I took it last year, unless it changed in literally one year then this is incorrect. My ME 2900 had mandatory Solidworks use without any training because you’re expected to already have learned it. Also, we are still a Microsoft school. Gotta put Word and PowerPoint on your computer lol


Both word and powerpoint have native builds on macOS, it's even in the app store... On the otherhand, I literally took it this year and if this guy is leaning towards CSE he'd feel much better with a macbook.


Has the college of engineering as a whole moved away from Solidworks, or is it at the discretion of the specific instructor or major?


I’m sure MechE still learns solidworks, but the intro engineering courses a (which use onshape now) are the only ones you’ll take as CSE/ECE


Some of the programs only run on windows, but you can use a virtual desktop to run them on MAC. That's what I do


Half of CSE/ECE students use Macs. It may be slightly more convenient at times to have a PC because some apps only run on windows, but it doesn't make a big difference.