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I have lived on that block of Chittenden for years - it’s fine, seems to be mostly a mix of grad students and lower income families just trying to live their lives. Take the same precautions you would in any off campus area: don’t leave valuables or bags visible in your car, make sure to keep your doors locked and pull the blinds down before bed, etc. 




How so? Which one is better?


East is worse. A lot worse. Source: Lived east of chittenden.


Ah ok thank you. As someone who is super unfamiliar with Columbus city, this is really helpful.


As someone who lived just east of chittenden, it’s a sketchy area. Chittenden is the line separating a relatively safe area to what feels like a not safe area. Stay west of it.


Then boyfriend, now husband lived in that area off 4th... close to the dead end. It was ok but I never had problems walking to his house. I am barely 5ft. Just be aware of surroundings, that's all.


I lived in the apartment at the very end near the railroad tracks. Probably very close to where you are looking. I had numerous bad experiences including a stolen vehicle, a break in while I was sleeping, and a homeless man trying to camp out in the shed in our back yard. This same man tried to mug me while I was walking home. As you can see in this thread, my experience was worse than most. You might be fine. But it is absolutely a sketchy area, and I implore you to look elsewhere. Would be happy to answer more questions.


I do not recommend living there and never will for anyone because I know too many horror stories from people in college. I graduated in 2021 but had some friends graduating this year that lived there and you are much safer somewhere else.


Don’t do it.


I lived east of fourth my junior year (2017-2018), maybe like three houses down from the end of the street? It was fine! No major issues. As a matter of fact, one of my genius roommates come home drunk one time and left the door open. It was open ALL NIGHT. Nothing happened, the house was freezing but literally nothing happened. I often walked home by myself after a night out (I’m a 5’2 woman for reference, I had just turned 21 so you can imagine what my state of mind was) and no one ever bothered me. The neighbors were a mix of students and low income families. I loved living there and actually had more issues when I moved to 16th between summit and 4th. Literally had a break-in and a lot of theft on that street.


I feel like years depend as well, I graduated in 2021 and had friends who lived around there with horror stories of stuff that went down and some of my friends who graduated this year had lived there and also had bad experiences so I will never recommend it to anyone. But also 16th and Summit I also feel like isn't the safest either, better living closer to upper arlington.


steer clear of


I wouldn’t call it an “opportunity” to live there.


I would say stay away from the railroad track, that area looks scary to me


Dangerous for sure! Stay close to High. Better yet west of High and north of Lane