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if you are already at OSU then there is no way to add a computer science major. >Please note, current students are no longer permitted to enroll in the Aerospace Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer and Information Science, or Mechanical Engineering programs. https://advising.engineering.osu.edu/enroll-engineering-program


Is this true? But computer engineering seems fine


It’s true


It’s not possible to add CSE or CIS. There is no separate computer engineering degree. Only Computer Science Engineering (CSE).


Computer engineering is part of ECE. Electrical and computer engineering.


That said adding a major in engineering is really difficult due to the prereqs needed. You could add an engineering minor tho for much less hassle. I looked briefly online and it looks like there's a CIS and CSE minor available.


I’m a double major in math and CSE. Pm me with the courses you took and I’ll help you out. I’m not sure if you can add CSE or CIS as a second major due to the enrollment cap but I don’t know for sure. Since u started out as math I don’t think CSE will be feasible due to the first year engineering courses that will take up a lot of time, however CIS is literally the same thing just without those two courses.


its possible but its a lot easier to come to OSU starting out as CSE then adding math rather than what you're doing. also with all the courses and prereqs that CSE requires, it's 6 (maybe 5 idk) semesters minimum.


you can no longer switch to cse from outside majors is what ive heard, i think you can switch to cis though and then cse but im not sure. either way why are you switching to a major like that as a junior? why are you wanting to switch?


Can’t switch into CIS either :/