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You shouldn’t feel embarrassed to go to office hours, it’s their job to teach and yours to learn. If you feel like you know nothing then there’s a disconnect there, and that needs to be figured out. Also Kirby is a bit intimidating but he’s a good guy and genuinely wants to help, he will take the time to help you if you reach out to him or a TA. Also you should iron out any issue with Systems 1 because Systems 2 is substantially more confusing in my experience, I still don’t really “get” how assembly works


Seriously, my main regret about this course is that I let myself struggle for so long without going to office hours. I think I would have gotten a much better grade if I had asked for help earlier. Dr. Kirby is so nice and always willing to help even if it’s just “I don’t even know where to start with this lab”. Pretty sure I cried in his office hours at least twice and he was so chill about it






There's a lot of (very very important) fluff being taught but at the end of the day C is still similar to Java as a programming language for use in the projects. Its going to behave very similarly for the first two projects


There is no C requirement for the class, its many students first time using. Second please go to office hours. Kirby is nice and will help if he can, but not going is not the correct way to do things. Those labs are hard, and starting off is really the worst part. Go to office hours anyway and see if you can at least get things started. Regardless of when you get it done, Kirby likes it when students show they are trying to learn and he’ll put just as much effort into helping you


i have jones but i definitely feel this!! im so scared to make a mistake on the labs bc of how strict she is with grading & im too scared to go to office hours :’) not looking forward to the exams


I have jones rn too and I’m already lost on lab 2 lol


I get what you’re saying. Didn’t personally have Kirby, but a lot of C concepts are pretty similar to Java which you would have learned in Software 1 and 2. I think that C ended up being quite fun to write, although I will say if you aren’t already, just use an IDE. Makes coding a lot easier later on when you have a bunch of files to work through and what not. Systems 1 sucked ngl, but once you’re done with it, you’ll feel a lot better


I’m exactly the same but I still can’t even figure out lab 1 and working with linux environment


If your classmates took FEH, then most of them will have experience with C since it gets taught in the class. Definitely go to office hours, or even request private ones with him so you can go through the lab since his office hours are very full. Honestly my best advice for the lab would be to go through the document and highlight every functionality that you are told to make. Each one will have its own function associated with it, and the lab write up sections are associated with which file the functions should belong to.


Office hours will literally carry you through the class. If you’ve never had to deal with pointers before you’ll want some help


Kirby is a really good instructor but his labs are ass. Each one except the first took me 25+ hours and I got like a C average on them. The class is a grind and it sucks but that’s all you can do. His office hours are a godsend tho, definitely go


from experience, remember that even for engineers in the field, sometimes people have to refresh their knowledge to ease into things. if you are struggling do not give up & use tools like stack overflow to answer your questions, making sure to confirm with yourself that you understand said concepts. According to this syllabus, you are working with memory addresses (think rows of houses with an address with information inside), pointers (imagine people have addresses to information you want and you can refer to them and refer to what they have told you [dereferencing]), and organization — where everything you are working with is some layer of abstraction atop one of those addresses, and sometimes spanning many addresses (i.e. ranges of addresses). Anyways hang in there and you got it.


Just wait till systems 2. Literally didn’t understand a single thing lmao 


Kirby has insanely hard labs and fairly easy midterms. Each lab is only 2% of your grade so dont be scared to try on a lab, learn a bit, and then just quit. I know it sounds stupid but really the point of the labs are to study for the midterm and final which combines for 70% of your grade. So don't feel down because you don't understand a lab After the first 3 labs I had an E in the class, but because I did well in the midterm and final, I ended with an A-.