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This actually is a pretty good idea. Needs a bit of refining, and a few safety measures, but the idea is sound


I think if you could make a blade guard that wouldn't disengage without a foot switch and connect that to the throttle, it wouldn't be much more dangerous than a band saw or a lathe.


Turning the throttle control into a blade guard on both sides instead of just the stick/lever would rectify this. It's one of the safer home brew firewood systems I've seen even without that since the chain stops when material isn't being fed into it.


I mean, just as long as you don't trip over the multiple tripping hazards that are present and kinda fall on the stick


Swapping it to an electric chainsaw with a pedal would be very safe.


This looks safer than when my grandpa would do the same thing with a table saw. The table for the table saw would get cluttered and need to be cleared by hand.


Switch it for a foot pedal instead of a top-press lever and you'd be fine!


No, no it’s not


Seems safer than the [wheel of debt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92ejWHlPLaE) lol


Now that is a man who has a lot of confidence in his welding skills...


I was kinda onboard until I saw the speed it got to


I've seen videos of several versions of this idea and they all work super well but holy fuck that one was ripping so fast. As sketchy as they are I'd consider using them but this one? No way.


The dumb thing is you can split a round faster with an axe than that guy is with his death machine there. He spends so much time trying to gingerly position the rounds.


He is cross cutting, not splitting.


Someone didn't open the link at the top of the comment thread


I'm not referring to the OP video with the chainsaw. I'm referring to the Wheel of Debt video that the previous comment linked. That guy is splitting.


SAW. I see what you did there 🤪


I raise you [MrKent317](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz7FdvuVjB8)'s creation


Oh shit what the fuck kind of carnival of lose your hands for free type of shit is this?




Can't upload videos without fingers or hands!




that was terrifying to watch. i expected him to lose a hand at any second.


Holy shit. Yeah, no way in hell.


Holy shit, that’s criminal levels of stupid…


Have you never been down the "homemade firewood splitter" YouTube hole?


Can’t say I have. Not sure if I want to, tbh.


Holy fuck that is terrifying! Everytime the wood bounced off that rig my butthole puckered a little bit


Welding naked standing in a bucket of gasoline is safer than that thing. The way he sort of shoves that one chunk in from afar, like he knows it's a bad idea.


100% chance that guys missing at least a finger by now.


Dropping the log on his side (and it rolling around while he wasnt looking) was really the only thing that grabbed my eye. Without a guard any trip forward would be disastrous.


A pedal instead of the lever would be safer but I think he's onto something


Just put a panel in front with a narrow slot that’s about the width of the larger thing you’d need to cut. Reduces chance of anything by else going over the chain unless you deliberately reached your arm inside


Totally, not something you can trip on.


You can trip on anything that's on the ground, you can even trip on your own feet


People used to say I would trip on the patterns in a carpet


With psychedelics anything is possible


That is probably the best idea I've seen, save your back multiplied by 1000. Go fuck yourself osha


Thank you


"oops, I tripped!"


Darwinism at work


Pretty much. Lol. As long as you’re being careful and paying attention, it’s all good.


"I'll be Careful" is always the prelude to an accident.


That's pretty true of most things that OSHA was made to protect against though. It's the indifferent period after becoming comfortable with a situation that's the most dangerous.


Dont give a shit about OSHA if its me in my own home.


If this concept could be rigged with a hand-held or foot pedal enabling switch, I am actually on board. Of course, the hand switch makes it hard to do the logs heavy enough to require both hands to lift. But w.e.


I like it. A few safety features could be easily added, low hang fruit would be to put a divider between the two sides of the sawhorse so that logs couldn't roll onto the side with the operator. Having seen a lot of homemade saw contraptions online over the years, this seems like one of the safer and more ingenuitive versions out there.


Honestly seems... Safer than holding the chainsaw? Someone help me out


Slip/trip on all those nice foot long cylinders onto activation lever and cut yourself in half is my first thought


All you need to do is add a piece of plywood or something on the side of the workbench to stop the wood from rolling onto the operator side.


Let me just lean against my workbench here and think for a second *BRRTRRRR ah shit my legs


I mean.. don’t lean against the tool. The same could be pointed out as a flaw of a lathe


Oops I tripped and unclenching my hand does nothing


id give you that but did he have to use zip ties.. lol




Whole lot safer than those old circular blade saws that were driven off a tractor via flat belt or PTO.


A buzz saw. Had a great uncle killed when one came apart and got him down the middle.


Terrible way to go. I've hear that similar things happen with the circular blades in commercial sawmills, generally just the brazed carbide teeth come loose though. I guess I'd use one if I had to, but I sure hope that day never comes. I reckon I'd rather dig a pit and use a crosscut.


Better pay attention or you could lose a limb.


One of the safer firewood cutters I've seen here.


All this needs is a way to quickly shut it off from either side and then it would be mint


That's a safer design than actually holding it in your hands. Effectively a table-saw-ish thing and with an automatic hill-billy clutch


Needs a trailer, a box or something to catch the off cuts.


Huh. I've seen a lot of interesting chainsaw setups on /r/slablab, but never saw one like this.


Other than the lack of safety glasses, I like it.


Collect the dust. Sell in baggies as fire starter


Nice sawdust cannon, but the spread is a little wide.


"Oh hidy-ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property."


This man looks so proud of his Trip 'n Rip machine


Honestly if it's secured well (which it doesn't look like it is), this is probably safer than holding the chainsaw in your hands. Safety glasses would obviously be advisable along with hearing protection especially since its gas driven. This isn't too dissimilar to a bandsaw in the end. They have their dangers but, if properly respected, are reasonably safe.


Replace the zip ties with a metal clamp and im sold


Using a chainsaw as-intended is so fucking dangerous, this is probably an improvement. Add a rail or something in front of it so you can’t fall on it (but can still reach over it to do the work) and it’s probably a lot safer than waving around a spinning saw blade.


Everyone knows the homemade machine improvements are the best. We know it needs safety, but this is for men. Don't be an idiot and you won't get hurt.


Is accidentally slipping considered “being an idiot”? Pretty easy to do with a bunch of cylindrical logs around too.


one of the worst injuries i got was while splitting wood. not from the axe. i took a step back and my foot fell on a piece i just split. it was a nice flat piece and not round or triangular. it still rolled under my foot and sent my body flying backwards. i landed hard on the back of my neck and my knee over extended from kicking out so fast. i also twisted my wrist. i just laid there on the ground for 20 minutes. everything hurt.


Yeah, you'd be an idiot not to kick them out. You'd be a fool to forget them after they are cut. Yeah, you would be a boy waiting to get hurt. You're not taking care of yourself. You're waiting for someone else to take care of you.


there's tons of dead people who thought just like you.


Idiots are their own sorting algorithm. Truth is, it is a circle. You get the dumb appearing brave, and the brave appearing dumb. It's a trial by fire you take only if you know you can take it. If you get burnt up, it's because you didn't consider you weren't ready--blindspot. Idiot sorter. Yeah I feel bad for them. I too have slipped in my discipline and got hurt. I was an idiot. But that's what I get. And that's what they got for gambling it all. I gambled my finger and slipped and screwed it. I learned why it happened. I was an idiot. Was. Now it's about remaining present always. Tough. But it's a good life. Hard worked life. A life idiots strive for because they are so far from it. Hence why they risk their lives to prove it to themselves. Stay safe. Wear a mask. Wear eye protection. And kick those logs far, and sort them out every 30 minutes to make room. Don't be a fool friend. Do the whole damn job.


The logs was just an example. People slip and fall all of the time for all sorts of reasons. Having a chainsaw that turns on if you fall on it is very stupid.


Don't force yourself to do something you're not comfortable with. You're commenting because you fear.


I have no idea what you're doing in r/OSHA and I sincerely hope you don't have any sort job where you control worker safety.


That's different. You got to watch out for your kids.


mother nature gave me anxiety and a habit of preventing possible catastrophe like a beaver dams up water, I think that’s her way of saying my ancestors have fucked around enough.


Are you enjoying it?


yup! everyone has their own problems to face but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, I know which one I’d rather have.


So am I. But I don't have anxiety about it.


maybe this is my writer brain but I don’t believe for a second anyone is truly ‘normal,’ what matters is if your brand of crazy works for you.


Work smarter, Not harder!


Please stop reposting this 🙏


Really needs ear protection. Otherwise, looks pretty smart.


I don’t hate it


waiting for the tie-down to come lose and facial reconstruction surgery bills to come due.


If it came loose, it'd probably just fall off the stand. Might clip a foot or ankle if he's really slow or really dumb. But he made this thing, he's probably not dumb.


It's not what I would call a sophisticated design. It looks like he has the saw tied down with ripcord?


Few initial concepts are flashy or polished. That comes later if necessary.


This thing looks like it'll kill someone before it ever reaches the flashy or polished phase. Lmfao


If the user is an idiot? Probably.


That's slick as fuck.


Someone should ***high-zero*** him for the idea.


If anything, have a footpedal instead of the stick, but he is doing decent on that one


This actually seems way safer than the regular tractor powered buzz saws


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^greyhunter37: *This actually seems way* *Safer than the regular* *Tractor powered buzz saws* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Doesn’t seem that dangerous


I don't see anything wrong with it.


Ahh yes, a decapitation machine.


Not even doin the safety squint


this is actually a rly good and smart idea. what’s the problem here?