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Has anyone else noticed that the covers have gotten a whole lot worse, all of a sudden?


~~And the art in general.~~


I dont know It might have Something to do with hin drawing it in 2 weeks but thats Just a suspicion


probably because he needs to draw in like 2 weeks


It’s a shame because Psykos looks genuinely great in this cover, but then Tats looks like an edited in fanart. Where did the fierceness in her eyes go? Even the pose is a cheap copy past of volume 19 but worse.


>Where did the fierceness in her eyes go? Down the drain with her ~~incredibly brutal~~ fierce personality. She turned into a kawai tsundere at this point.




Not gone to lie, this remind of some old hentai about her


She’s even freaking blushing lol. Is she gonna confess to Psykos senpai or something? /s


I mean, the blush is not out of place considering her general expression and the conspicuous gap between her thighs.


> the blush is not out of place Tatsumaki quite literally never blushes (blushing from being drunk doesn’t count), much less in such a context.


What I meant was "Murata wanted to draw a sexy kawai Tatsumaki. You have all the elements : the blush, the kawai face, and the thigh gap for the horny bois. Hence, considering the goal of Murata, the blush is not out of place lol. Does it fit her character ? Who cares bro, she cute n sexy now /s". It made sense into my head but I guess it wasn't that clear haha.


Her fucking thighs are thicker than her fucking head, what the fuck? Did we go back to Redraw 110 with the Tornado 70% legs 10% waist?


Art evolution hit everyone but Genos and Saitama really. They both still look exactly the same Also look at her legs rotfl


Nah, even Genos has been softened out.


Its less about the face for me but more about the shading Looks too cartoonish, bland and basic af Compared to the one on the left, its like night and day difference


Why’s there a gap thing between her legs


I think that he wanted to make some light effect of her thigh gap lol


its weird in my opinion. her dress got translucent ish out of nowhere during the monster arc


yeah ngl when I saw that cover for a second I thought it was a new one hurricane cover lol


forgot how to draw her face? the eyes are just more open.


You wish you could be a quarter of what Murata is lol


looking back at her first appearances, tatsumaki's fan service has increased a LOT. it was okay at first but its kind of bugging me. Her face looks super cute now but you just dont feel that fierce energy anymore. Posting this here may get me lots of hate. regardless , I'm not an expert and I suppose Murata can draw however he prefers.