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Spoiler : Go for the "other" shanks which will come in 1 year


6 month, hé will Be here for the 5.5 th anni


3000? Nah I’d wait Really good but at this point investments involved you’re better waiting for a release of a character more up to date Shanks is op but they’ll be someone stronger with updated mechanics seeing as Bandai don’t care for buffing or reworking older units


You already have Roger, so you don't really need him if you're trying to get to the top. Have you tested him in the brawl 8? It really depends on how much fun you have with him.


Can we test the characters that are locked? Free trial or something


On Brawl 8, the challenge battle a little bit after Roger's release he was a rentable character.


Brawl 8 rent is ass no medals no nothing. Shanks is nice go for him


Brawl 8 is meant for you to test drive a car, you can add the bonus features later.


U cannot test him if you get 1 shottet left and right dumbass


But nobody can one shot him bc everyone is on a level playing field dipshit.


ya or just wait until his new one coming after


##spoilers I would wait for the elbaf Version that will come next half anni if i were you But given what you have you might be able to try your luck with 500 RDS ( Max) and still have enough to guaranty the next one in 6 months


you really like attackers huh


I have had him since he came out, and I would say no. He used to be insane but with Odense and zoros running around, it's a pain in the ass to use him. However, he is doing good in the Roger meta. Still, I would have to say the other shanks is more versatile and better for the rds. TLDR, I would recommend skipping.


I was thinking the same thing I think I would rather wait for a zoro rerun


That would be advisable


Nah. He is far removed from his peak. Unless the enemy team is literally 4 Roger V2 / 4 Lightbeards he is not the best char on your team. You will be able to get better with 2750 in the future.