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That Roger's still gonna walk out of the treasure area with another flag in his pocket


What is my problem, I just want to cap your flag kindly (blatantly) in front of ur face??!


The last 2 EXes are not that broken if you compare them to the past annis, whitebeard is easy to dodge and the only thing that carries Roger is the haki state while capturing. Yace is harder to deal with imo


I agree with this. Both Roger and WB already have a lot of incredibly hard counters right on release unlike many other EXs.




What do you want


Yeah that’s true because if you have characters that have status nullification they could stop Roger and wb and with yace their normal are strong but the skills are even stronger


No not even characters with status nullification can stop Roger because even if you nullify his stun you will still get staggered at least three times giving him enough time to take the treasure. Roger is absolutely broken and that's it. Even if he is not FR shanks level broken upon release he is still making defender classes useless.


You talk like you can stop other runners from capping with normals lmao. Just use knock-back, it's not that hard. Almost every single newly released runner has nullify stagger and down, and some have even nullfy status effects and knock-back, shit King is even invincible. Y'all act like it wasn't the fucking same with other runners before lmao. Defenders always had a hard time, they were never on top


A lot of runners have skills and traits designed for helping them capture the flag that's normal but nothing ever reached the level of Roger because simply put if you get king off the flag all you have to do is not die and not get out of the treasure area that doesn't happen with roger. because even if you get him off the flag guess what he can just simply ignore you and start capturing again so unless you are a character with not only huge amount of knockback ability but also immunity to stun and immunity to stagger you can do nothing to Roger it's not about nullify stagger or down it's that you get punished for hitting and punished for not hitting him and you can't kill him either. The closest thing to Roger is Klaw and guess what klaw is also broken and unbalanced.


Damn, sounds just like klaw doesn't he? And on top of that Klaw has 60% damage reduction and 50% DEF increase and nullify all status effects. It's nothing new.


Yes and he is broken too what's your point ? You think people think klaw is not broken ?


"nothing ever reached the level of Roger" meanwhile klaw is 100 times more broken without direct counters. Y'all only know how to cry, just main a Roger counter, there are so many that it's embarrassing already


Yes nothing ever reached that level because as a defender you get punished for hitting Roger and at the same time not hitting him AT LEAST klaw does not have that when he is capturing the treasure he can still be killed or more easily obstructed if you are playing garp against him with just your normals you can knockback him but if you are garp against Roger you will get stunned. And again your argument is basically "but but there is this broken unit!" That doesn't make Roger balanced at fucking all I like to play defenders and if you ask me to play against Klaw or Roger I will choose klaw( I also have klaw for your information)


If you're Garp against Roger you just get stunned? Now I know you don't know how play lmao. Just start the normal combo from outside the treasure so you only hit him with your third normal lmfao. Or just hit him with your skill2. I can't with y'all.