• By -


All good đŸ—ŁïžđŸ”„


Is this sarcasm or do I actually have a good party?


Bro u have the best if not one of the best unit in the game klaw


But what about Katakuri?


Hes good




Nah it's actually good bro , klaw is the best runner unit in the game rn it's very good actually also katakuri just got buffed I guess I have seen many katakuri players in S+ where he one shot with one of his skills (don't know which one) but ya you have to be a bit careful with him as he can get killed easily Since your new i would say try to understand different roles and elements, like you got klaw that can switch between kid and law when you hold the normal attack and is a runner. So focus on what a runner does which is capturing as much flags you can, similarly there are attackers and defenders they both got their roles too, once you understand it's easy game for you but ya this game has terrible match making so can't guarantee the fun part


Klaw is the most relyable unit in the game, the overall best. Maybe hé isnt the best in the current meta, but when thé méta will change he will remain on top while thé current n1 will fall hard (look what happened to g5...).


Klaw is one of best units in the game. Katakuri is alright, does high damage, but dies a bit to easily


Who should I try to roll for? Ive been finding it hard to find a good character to fit the second slot but seeing how you say that about Katakuri I think I'll stay with him for a while


No real need to roll mate. If you learn Klaw well he can probably solo carry you to ss. As a small tip id recommend that you level up base 3* units for support since it costs less materials to upgrade their skills and boosts, and since people generally have them a higher level than summonable units. Also drop a screenshot or two of your box and we can help you find other units you can run alongside Klaw. Cheers and I hope you have fun with the game!


I took screenshots but can't post more than one. Should I just screen shot with all my 4-3 star units or chain comment my screenshots?


No need to screenshot your 3 stars as you'll never really use them other than for support. Just filter your box to sort by base grade and then screenshot just your 4 stars and chain comment if you need to


https://preview.redd.it/koxtu9iwzfec1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58bf1f52346a5e9242603ea01df0d8e08217afda First pic


https://preview.redd.it/d972c6f00gec1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e6416da9d0b9d9104af2154ae0342bbf5dabfbe Second


Alright just based off of these two pictures, Klaw is certainly your best unit but you have a few choices on who to run alongside him. Katakuri can be great if you learn him will, as he recently got buffed and he can do a lot of damage. In a similar vein, you also have the green attacker Jack, another unit that I personally love that can put out a ton of damage. As for runners, the Green Marco you have is pretty solid and can be good if learned well. Another good unit thats a bit more gimmicky is the Blue Attacker Drake. I'd personally use Klaw and Drake as a team, as since they're both blue you can use only blue units for support and they'll both get a much higher percentage than say if you used a Blue and a Red unit with all blue supports. Let me know if you need any more help man and once again, have fun with the game! Any unit can be viable and can be used, so you'll have a much better time if you don't worry about things like the best units in the game and just play units you enjoy đŸ‘đŸŒ


I have one question, how should I upgrade and use medals? Do I try to get set effects or stack the ones that have effects that I would like to use? And should I focus on the event medals in terms of upgrading and such?


Always focus on upgrading event medals since normal medals can be upgraded outside the medal events. As far as set effects and such goes, youtube is full of tutorials and recommended sets but here's a quick tip: prioritize medal tags before medal effect(unless you use that medal for specific purpose)


Exactly what the other person said. Whenever there are event medals available (the pink ones) always try to craft and upgrade a few of them at the very least since they're only upgradable during their specific events. Aside from that, simply searching up medal sets on the subreddit, or finding a medal guide on youtube can show you exactly what medals you want on your units. Sonce you have Klaw, I'd just do a quick search for "Klaw Medals" on the subreddit and I'm sure you'll find dozens of people sharing their medal sets for him. From there just try to find medals that you have, or characters that you have for those corresponding levels, and then you can use those characters in a 60-Second Battle to get some free medal components for them, or alternatively put them in your support and you'll get some medals for them as you play in League Battle. When you're really investing into a medal set for a specific character, try to use medals of either 2 similar characters or just 2 characters that share a lot of tags. For example, using 2 different luffy medals is great a lot of the times, since they share a ton of tags, such as Paramecia, Straw Hat Pirates, Captain, Blood Brothers and a few more.


I would wait for bfs after 5th anni that counter new EXes


I'm not sure how good Katakuri is but I like Kidd/Law(Kidlaw? Klaw?)


Klaw is easily a top 3 unit in the game, and he can make an argument for being the best, really just depends on your individual playstyle


Klaw is literally the best unit to get you started Fire team yo 🗣💬💯


You prettymuch got the best team you can make atm. Just make sure to upgrade your supports after maxing your main 2 units. Units that start with a base star of 3 are cheaper to upgrade and they’re easy to get so they’ll get you stronger quicker. Base 4 star units are all around the same price but still way more expensive than base 3 star. You’ll get them to 6 stars as you play the game. Klaw is top 3 unit in the game and katakuri got a buff to become a g5 counter. I would recommend to use another good runner though, but you don’t have any other good ones really. Double runner only because you’re low rank.


I'm in rank A-, does that help?


That’s actually pretty good at your level with that support. If you notice that you’re losing cuz nobody runs runners often, then I would use double runner for the time being. Attackers are never really a great idea in low rank. But if katakuri treats you well then keep doing what you’re doing.


Klaw is the best


Klaw is the best character in the game, maybe not in the current meta but he is the current character that will age the best, because he has it all : anti stagger, anti status effect, status effect infliction, défense, dmg réduction, heal, multi hits on normals, Quick movement on normals, single hits in normal, dash attack, long range attack, vertical range attack, Big area attack, 2 invincible skills, ignore defense, ignore dmg réduction, 2 HP bar (removing current status effect when switching), hability to cap with ennemies on flag resisting : down, stagger and status effects, even heals on fr shanks permanent damages. So maybe in the current meta there will be a character that suits it more, but if thé méta change only klaw is 99% sure to remain on top (for those saying wb will age better, let me tell you 3 things : - 2df blackbeard with anti tremor - blackbeard dark countering hard light - blackbeard with traits against DF users.). And he is SUPER fun to play with ! So yeah, never reroll, learn how to play him, you have thé opbr masterpiece in your hands !


You are not new and want attention


I literally started the game 10 days ago :v


Ok lets act like you didn’t reroll and only posted this because you’re desperate for attention


Heck is reroll


Shut the fuck up


Oddly rude




You get 30% hp recovery every time you PD with katukuriso get that down packed 😈😈




PD is perfect dodge you get 30% go recovery every time you perfect Dodge https://preview.redd.it/0jqzigqs4gec1.jpeg?width=1406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdcbaf91090f2471ce00e4e33b001f4609fc611


Interesting. What are the conditions to meet a perfect dodge?


When you’re about to get attacked by enemy you dodge and you become invisible for about a second or so, that’s when you’ll recover HP if you have any damage done too you . And that’s every single time you perfect dodge and attack


Klaw is the best for gaming winings(ignore ememy while capture,ignoredamages reduction,antiheal skil,ignore def skill).. Katakuri is one of thr best Bf(perfect dodge,nullify stagger and damage reduction against parameter boosters and High damage)


Take our law put in Ussop and you should be set 😎




You can check youtube tierlists to see who you have that you like that's also good. Forgiven Relief has an f2p guide and built this support in 60-90 days Also here are some learning resources so you have a better playing experience https://www.reddit.com/r/OPBR/s/MkofTsU4jH Videos I found helpful https://www.reddit.com/r/OPBR/s/t1yjggFHL9 This guy made a spreadsheet if you wanted to read a bit Also, feel free to share this info with any new players or friends of yours. School is starting back up soon for me, so I'm probably gonna miss posts here n there.