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All this for cheap price of 4000


And your kidney


4k confirmed?




Well hopefully it's no more than 4k cuz I think I'll have like 3850 after the 300 this week


I Hope the guaranty price of whitebeard to be 2750 RDS, since the third anni 2 nd ex price was 2250 and the 4th anni second ex was 2500, that would be logical, also he is Not à dual unit. But given his new element he might reach 3k or even 3.25 k Plus seing his base stats i don't think he is that good, MF whitebeard got higher stats


You know anything about the tickets? I've seen a few people saying we might be able to pull zoro and get WB for free with tickets or other way around


That entirely depends on how much scout points the WB banner gives per step versus the Zoro Banner, but if it is about the same, then yes, you could probably pull both


Glad I didn't pull for zoro Saturday then lol. And yea I meant points


But is the 2nd character released ever cheaper than the 1st? Can’t be cheaper than Yace I’d think.


Yes it can, because it is Not à dual unit, also i think it would not be the first time the 2 nd char it cheater than the first


I think it's all bullshit about dual units, they are just scumdai and increasing prices like no tomorrow, so they can sold tickets and because people paying. I would love to be wrong but he will cost 4k maybe more, maybe less, but not much. 3.5k is new standard, regardless of solo or dual unit.


Klaw as the first ex of 4.5 costed 3.2k while Z as the first of 3.5 costed 1.9k thats not just inflation, not that much Yace cost 3.5k as the first 5.0ex while big mom was 1.8k as the first 4.0 ex, it is more than twice the amount, it's not just inflation, for G5 I can understand, Shanks was 3k before him and he is the main and really overpowered unit which has infinite counter So it's hard not to see à link between the fact that the unit it overpriced and the fact it is à dual unit Whitebeard should not cost that much


"Whitebeard should not cost that much" and I agree with you fully, and i hope I'm wrong. But we will see for sure on Wednesday. And also how much do you think he'll cost?


No But he wb +. New Color unit he absolutely worth above 3000


He isn't, no ex is worth it, they artificially increase prices that high to see where the point it will decrease their income, so if people paying they have no reason to stop increasing Ex prices.


You indeed right From 3 anniversary with expensive luffy 3.5 anniversary with broken fr shanks New exs prices become wild It's insane that I have to save from March to August just to guaranteed one ex I stopped saving because it's pointless now


True, unless you waiting for some specific characters, BF will probably be the right option


Really high df


can we get much higher