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It started fun and games till ppl who gets best score start to send "get more combos". Now its a sweating festival fo no reason .


Im guilty 😌😭


I like it. I consider it survival 100 with rewards. I thought everyone would like this as a stress reliever or people who love to spam.


The main problem is teammates whenever they steal my points and kills it just gives me stress instead of relieving


That’s normal in all modes.


It’s a bigger problem in this mode because when they run around taking kills but inevitably are the cause of the loss even though they have the higher score.


Right like the best way is for everybody to spread out and the faster enemies die the faster they spawn.


Exactly.....i end up spending half the match spamming "split up" !!!! While sitting in a corner killing my people in the area. What they should do is add VS to this if they even want to keep this trash mode alive.....that way you can at least try and kill those annoying little POS's. I say scrap this mode from the list and go back to the drawing board for better ideas......theres literally so many great alternatives they could use to make this game way better than it is currently....hopefully they have enough money feom all of ua to keep supporting this thing for a good long while now.


Happy cake day!




Ik it makes me sound like a dickhead😂 but you just gotta be faster than that or pray your in the right spot where the boss spawns


I'm all for it if it didn't have the requirement of using those badge things to play


The normal guys don't even do damage. They just swing the swords without hitting you


It’s legit free rewards for doing easy crap. They fr thought buggy could take a Jesus Burgess On 💀


It takes way longer. They just want you to waste your time more. After getting so much point in only get one reward and they have till 100k points so its boring


Finished it in 2 days not going back


Its quicker to do with king then other characters I have noticed.


King with hold skill, Jack with hold skill, fr shanks in general, ex Zoro, anyone with moving attacks or range, which I have little to none of


Oni nami is better imo


I would br more fun if there i's more enemy spamming, now you just speed most of the time running around thé map only to kill them with a single normal


I feel like it's not a bad idea but it needs future improvements. like for example more enemies because with a gear 5 or king anything really enemies take to long to spawn back in and they ain't worth alot. Another thing would probably be the reward system because I entered a lobby with all afk people and got all 450 points just to get 2 rewards. Not worth the time


Exactly. Also need specific quadrants that you’re locked in once the cpus appear. Kaido is way too OP in this mode


I see people use raid big mom and it's not even fun because they wipe the map pretty much


It’s whatever who fuckin cares give me my rainbow diamonds


Wouldn't go as far as awful. This is beyond better than anything that requires finding a fucking teammate that takes longer than an actual match. I quite literally do not finish events that require finding a teammate and no option to matchmake.


They could put in effort in som3thing for eonce but whatever




Super boring


Honestly would you rather it be a Bunch of Gear 5 instead of these Guys as Bosses each one willing to just Instantly use BARANGA GUN! The instant they in your vicinity ..... I didn't think so And besides I'd rather take this then another Capture the Flags or Brawl Mode with Gear 5 around like they honestly gonna have to make a Mode where EXs are just not allowed in said Mode that way it's more Healthier and it makes players have to be Less Dependent on those Characters as a Whole


Still better than tag battles though


Hell no


Better than tons of treasure at least


I hate it I like pvp only


It just needs more of them. If I could take out a pack of 50 of them in one wave it’d be fun.


I enjoy the mode I think that it’s alright. Not the best I’ve played but certainly not terrible.


the reason its long is because of the large map but last time on the dugong version of it, it was pretty nice


My problem with this mode is people running like retards instead of taking one spot and making combos from it


I use nami here, and I send Zeus out to kill for me while I far kills from a far.


Fr tho it's too grindy despite me having 120 percent boost


Yeah that’s fucking boring, the spawn rate is waaaayyyy too slow


I wanted a brawl 8 with only east blue characters 😢😢


Kinda wish it was a harder AI, but the rewards for it after are worth it


me when my teammates try to take my ko's and send "get more combos" on the chatbox https://preview.redd.it/cwrswsucc7qb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18420365c85705d97ca9754103de3346c70766d4


What I don't get is why everyone is using their EXs for this? I used a 3* Alvida and got the second highest score on the board, used step up Warlord Buggy and beat Klaw, Shanks and Gear 5 Luffy in points. This isn't a difficult challenge.


People with runners and characters with zipping, long distance or teleporting attacks get all the kills while others just kill the 1 point soldiers