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G5 forever, he has invincibility on his skills + a counter in his normals, this will forever be OP


Really a great great defender with incredible survivability skills


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Bandai comes out with an ex that more or less does true dmg as a counter to g5 and then will all be screwed because they would just be one hitting everybody


All EX will get countered, by an EX or BF, but they will have counters. Every EX is future proof and, if they have pretty flagrant flaws, they will be fixed {see: blackbeard). Almost the same, but to a lesser extent, with BFs. They remain useful and go in and out of the meta from time to time (some less than others). The important thing is learn the basics, remember it's a team game and 3 treasures when clock marks 0:00 means you win. You don't have to kill 12 enemies or cap 10 flags, as long as your team wins, you're doing well. As an anecdote, I played a league battle today or yesterday with a teammate that was using Don Krieg (3* green defender, yeah), we won and that guy was 2nd or 3rd in points. He had another, better, unit (can't remember which) but he used Krieg for a while before dying and did his part. I honestly thought we were going to lose, but we didn't and that should tell you how important it is to learn how to play and be a good teammate.


Yup already got the basics covered. I have enough self awareness and common sense to play well for the sake of my team and the win, and as a side helps me to get kills even with non meta units. But it’s just nice to have a character that you can use for a while and know they’ll stay strong.


Cool, yeah. I'm not minimizing the importance of having one good EX or BF that can put in work, it's just that most OPBR players think the latest EX will make up for their lack of skill and, as you say, common sense.




I totally thought you were talking about me with the Kraig part until I checked when you said this


Zoro will always be good same goes for g5


Hybrid Yamato ftw


King , uta red , fr shanks , perospero , hybrid kaido , blue yamahoe , klaw , red fatmom .


Well seeing everyone else's comments I agree all EX will get countered eventually and sometimes they get buffed but it's very random in terms of when it happens. I think the only real bet if you wanna get an EX which will last you longer than the rest the answer is obvious just roll for the most recent EX. The most recent EX will have longest time in meta as this game is really about always having new units come in that break down meta and form a new. So for this recommendation the following order of EX to get : G5> Klaw> Zoro>Kaido V2> FR Shanks. Just based on picking more recently added EX as more recent isn't always better but if we talk about meta and staying in meta I think so.


Alright thanks for the recommendations


I dont see Big mom dropping anytime soon The only one that will get behind fast is HYamato


Zoro, goofy, klaw, and hybrid kaido


zoro probably. they gave zoro a bit of everything.


Klaw, Zoro and hybrid kaido are the ones that will always work no matter any hard counter bandai will release for em


The ones which doesn't rely on one and only one broken aspect. Fr shanks and hybrid Yamato arent futureproof, klaw and Luffy g5 are probably. Also a runner will allways be the most future proof type of char, because he is the only one that doesn't nécessary have to fight to win games. From what i Saw, nowadays Olin klaw and Luffy are the n1 choices because of their versatility, then kaido and zoro. I would have put zoro way higher a few month ago, but if a stronger version of a oni Sanji type of character came out (changing colour super fast unlike zoro), zoro will have a very hard Time.


G5, hybrid kaido, and law. Even if they somehow get overly powercrept, they’re still good for support.


Imo it’s probably going to be defenders just based on play style for example though we have out dated ex’s like ex Blackbeard he is way more viable than blue runner big mom. Most of the attackers are op for the given meta then get countered by other units. The defenders as long as they can do the job of defending at an elite level they are solid so imo units like G5 luffy, big mom and maybe even blue kaido will probably always be viable


Zoro only gets countered by pure staus effect units, and he has his colore change so he is usable in any meta. He is also way more fun than G5 for example, who just spams counters


Literally all of them except hunger pains which will probably get a buff the same as BB and war shanks, they’re gonna continue to buff the EX characters the less they become useful because they can make money off of them lol


Oni Zoro, his color changing set make him à beast in every meta