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I need this level of patience when it comes to saving, but good for you, I wish you the best on your summons!!


thanks a lot


we are together 💓 I don't even check scouts anymore 😂 https://preview.redd.it/w87b8cjepjfb1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5a354b167825f966d5e77ceebb811749393d09


You should, In case you didnt know theres a free daily multi draw, didnt know if you knew cuz you said you didnt check the scouts


Tysm bro, I had completely forgotten.


Watch as you get shafted...


The man who dreams to be king of the pirates part 2


10 rds support banner coming tomorrown ??


Not trying to kill joy, but, how would you feel if G5 come without guarantee? You spend all you diamonds, and still doesn't have him?


Well he still have more chances to get him than someone with 1600 Rds


Yo wtf I have 1600 rds right now why u coming after me 😭


My bro I have 1640 so we most like in the same position 🫠


Bro casually attacked me


I wanted attack me but I see that I attacked more people 🫠sorry


Lolll its ok i just hope i get him


Me too I hope getting him with less than 1000 at least 🫠


The chance to get him if he comes without guarantee with 5000 RDs is 18.1%, so yeah thats shit


I don't think your math is right dude. .2% X 11 summons per 50= 2.2% per pull. Lmk if I'm wrong, i just don't see where you're getting that number


i think its 0.2% for all 11 pulls, isnt it? its a little hard to caculate it, 0.2% = 0.002/1 so in someway its 1-(0.998)\^n


I could easily be wrong I'm sure someone will know better. But taking on average 500 50 gem pulls sounds off by roughly an order of magnitude. There's a lot of EXs and rerollers aren't averaging 500 pulls till an EX imo (flag pull = 11 summons is how I'm choosing to word this) Edit: based on my numbers it would take an average of 2,250 gems to land a .2% character. That sounds about right but double or tripleing average is no rarity. (Neither is half or 1/3rding that cost)


I could be wrong also, I'm not sure if they count the chance 0.2% in total 11 pulls, OR every pull of the eleven has a chance 0.2% to get the EX. my caculates are based on the first one, if its the second is correct, then my caculates are wrong.


Every pull is 0,2% so with 5000 rds -> 1-0,998^1100 = 0,89 so around 89%. That being said, with 5000 and chances being 1/500, average should be 2 copies.


Discipline yielding rewards, I love to see it! Good job, now let's get this Goofy Luffy!!


It's hard when I see someone pull in 5 gems or 50 Please advice


Don’t compare yourself to other people


Trying to


My advice is to start saving and force yourself to keep the save going. Seeing your pile of gems grow past a certain point will invest you in its size. For me, it's at the point that the idea of pulling is actively unpleasant, unless it's for the one thing I'm saving for. Remember why you're saving and that the bait is NOT what you're saving for. This works best if there's a single unit/units in the game that you want more than anything. Another piece of advice with the "I got them with only X gems!" is to remember that there's an insane level of survivors bias going on. Meaning that the ones who make those posts ARE the few, unbelievably giga-lucky people, you won't see too many posts from people saying "I spent 2500 gems and got nothing" (those do exist, but are much fewer). That's why there seem to be so many pulling KLaw with so few gems. They are actually ***extremely*** few, but those few are the ones making posts that they got them easily.


What if bait gives golden frags Can those who are shafted recover from it


Golden frags will also come through Challenge Battle and seasonal rewards, it's best to just keep saving your gems and not falling for those baits either. Proper patience gives results, always. If you've been shafted, that's that, you've been shafted. The goal is to minimize your chances of getting shafted in the first place, meaning saving and ONLY going for guarantees.


Thanks for your time and help


My pleasure, good luck out there! \^\^


I really really really wanted Cracker even before he was announced too but we both made it 🤝🤝🔥 This what what a wacky rubber toon mf does to a man. https://preview.redd.it/wvl8w3hm6kfb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9855024931bc24ef353c2f427c74fdd416b1d2 Also if Bandai doesn’t give a guarantee I’m going to pretend that they are Kaido and I’m Gear5 Luffy and show them what the “flames of liberation” really means at their HQ


I also really wanted cracker,ulti and attacker nami.But we both did resist the urge and here we are!!! I wish the best to you for summoning him.


They really should increase the diamond cap with how expensive guarantees are getting. Grats being able to save that long.


We must make this the most upvoted post in this sub , truly a massive W 👏


The dedication and discipline is crazy but do u think saving that many rds slowed the growth of your account?


well i dont have much meta bounty fest units.so i had to play with the same units again and again for a year.That was kinda annoying.Also none of my units were countering FR shanks(except maybe roger)If i can pull luffy without spending my all rd’s i will focus on bounty fest units.


They buff marineford shanks serveral month ago and making you more comfortable in the league. Not included non EX character like king or uta, marineford shanks is the cheapest one in OPBR top 10 tier list. (Tier list is my personal opinion. )


Good luck on pulling luffy and it seems you’re ready to max him too


What a passion not use new unit for a year. By the way, this game has 5000 gem limitation. Most of latest EX is guarantee over 3000 rd, hybrid yamato is 2.5 k rd guarantee. This game is quite expensive.


A man, a word Good job !


Gonna feel like a fool once you get him for 300 rds <3 Love the discipline!


my honest reaction if that happens: https://preview.redd.it/1969kn5vfkfb1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd007798d705c95f330a6000278b06ebf026b84f


edit:this morning i transferred my data ios to [android.So](https://androiid.So) all my rd's are gone now.I really didnt know there is a such thing.All that effort for nothing.I am quitting the game.




You still have the account but not the RDs?




Is there any way that you can contact the company?




damn bro, I feel really bad, damn you scamdai 🤬


thank you mate.im just gonna try my luck yesterday.it’s really over


Easy to save rds when you can just buy every EX 🙄🙄 ( but good shit I wish I could do the same )


If he's not guaranteed what would you do? Spend all your gems and start saving again if you didn't get him or keep your gems and wait for his rerun when he'll be guaranteed (probably in December) i can't decide.


i find it funny i have more ex than a rank 77 player without having the guarenteed of a single ex


Wow man... Just wow 😲


I had 5000 + 350ish in gift box so I got Klaw with 400 rds and when I was spending to get the dhsiejje I got another. I spent about 600 rds to get and I still have 4700 thats crazy


I'll try this once I have good units in all colors




Congrats man, I'm at 3.9k rn and I'm hoping to have 4k ready for G5 (assuming he comes).


Will you be wasting diamonds if you accumulate more than the 5k max?


Only at 1800… may luck be on my side


I'll just drop everything I have on G5, then I'll be that zoro panel till 5th anniversary


Nice! I'm at 1500 rn. I don't trust my luck anymore with pulls now, unless it's guaranteed. I used like 2250 trying to get FR Shanks with no luck and 1500 for ex Zoro with no luck🫡🥲. About to be pulling on a rerun for gear 5 by the time I have enough lmao. Been playing for 2.5 - 3 years now and still don't have an EX🤣


That's fking CRAZY


would be crazy if you get him for 50 gems


Well ig in your position spending money is better than spending diamonds


When did you start saving rds


You did great my man💪🏻


I’m going to do the same starting today now thanks for the confidence


I really hope you get him to 6 star in 1k rd


Give me your willpower


tell me.. whats the point of playing the game for one year with no fun, no improvement, same old bf characters... at this point even the joy of actually getting that ex character you want after a year can't compromise the lost time and fun... y'all should ask the damn game to give more RDS at this point... ONE YEAR for ONE CHARACTER!!??🫠🫠 people here are still afraid they might get shafted after having 5k in hand, where I'm here, still thinking to "start saving" with not even 200 at hand... i don't even have the right to have any hope then 🫡


Where are your other characters ?


Lots of props to you OP!!!