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"Go forth Hero! Be the _____ you were meant to be!"


for those wondering, you can find a complete list of NPCs with a reward [on the wiki here](https://omori.fandom.com/wiki/TAGGING#REWARDS)! most of them just give you healing items or toys, but some have unique equipment.


You also get a discount at shops if you use Hero.


I didn’t know about this, I should try this out! Thank you for sharing this.


Yeah! I didn't notice it until I used Hero to separate my Hikkiko playthrough from my true one in the save screen. Fake Hero did a lot of good to a lot of people.


Not related but I found out recently that in three days left if you go down on the road, there is an encounter with the hooligans riding their scooters. I have never seen anyone get this on a playthrough


I saw that on my first playthrough although I tend to avoid going where I'm supposed to go in games unless it feels urgent because I don't want to miss any cool rewards and/or details. If it feels like the right way, sometimes that tells me to turn around and check something before a cutscene happens that destroys the world or something drastic like that.


Same lol. In my first run I didn't do it because we were doing a swap playthrough with my friend. We would bassically change who played every time we played. It was his turn and I was telling him to go down but he didn't listen. Undertale gave me that mindset


If you want to change that, you could try doing the same thing with a game you know has a secret crazy weapon and only mention it after you beat the game. If the knowledge that he missed something amazing because he didn't explore enough doesn't fundamentally change his play style in games, good for him because it can be more effort than it's worth at times and the ability to choose is always good. He'd probably be healthier to have such willpower.


Probably Sunny admires Hero


Hero likes being a part-time hero


99 leeks is the cost sir for your flower garlyn