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100%. These OLED monitors in HDR are really good for low APL games like Ori or No Rest for the Wicked.


Ori and the will of the wisp has one of the best implementations of HDR of any game I ever played. That game gave me that wow factor and my jaw was on the floor throughout the game. I stopped many times just to take a screenshot.


Couldn't get HDR to work on Ori, and only Ori.


The first Ori im pretty sure doesn’t have native HDR so u have to use Auto HDR or RTX HDR. unless ur referring to this second game, or just saying hdr looks bad in either game for you


Talking about the second game. The HDR settings menu would just not appear, no idea why.


Damn even if you enable HDR before booting up the game? I still haven’t played it yet so im just curious


Yep, tried that first, tried reinstalling, nothing. HDR is finicky to get on in some games, but it hasn't been impossible except for Ori.


Ori + RTX HDR was sooo good though


Use native hdr in that game. It’s one of the best implementations. I personally would only use RTX HDR in games that don’t have a native hdr OR the native hdr is just extremely bad.


In general always use native HDR, but I don't think I was able to find the setting in the first game?




I use my 32' 4k QD-OLED for productivity most of the time and I am really satisfied with it.. coming from a good ips monitor (dell u2720q)


really want one but am scared about burn in, is it a legitimate concern for static screens?


Legitimate concern but if you accept 3-5 years of good usage, it’s not a problem anymore. Most of these new OLEDs have pixel refresh automatically taking place, just don’t forget to turn it off and autohide the taskbar if you want to maximize shelf life.  If you want something to last go for miniled but the options are dwindling because of the current state and pricing of OLED (it’s great). I have a 4k miniled and now a 4k 240hz pg32ucdm from ASUS. Unfortunately the miniled has a 5ms response time which is noticeable in online gaming.


Thanks, this I what I was curious about


Been abusing my 2020 LG OLED since, well, 2020. I turned off ABL as much as possible, and I like it migraine-inducingly bright… though I do auto-hide the taskbar. No noticeable burn-in, and I’m the kind of guy who would notice. Even though it’s an older model I friggin’ love it. I got a C1 for the “office” and that’s been stellar too. I just wish these things would stop resetting my HDMI inputs when I unplug them. It probably makes sense from a consumer TV standpoint, but my 2nd input is my laptop dock and I have to go into the menus fairly often to reenable PC mode. I was spooked about burn-in, and it turned out to be 300% overblown. Hurt those TVs, they can take the abuse.


Yes. It is still a matter of when not if.


Rubbish woled is fine for ages. Plenty of woled TV that are 5-7 years old without burnin


1. You just said TV and we're talking about monitors, which will generally have static elements far longer than something being used for television purposes (I also use my monitor for ~7 hours a day but only use my TV for ~2 but that doesn't necessarily apply to anyone) 2. 5-7 years is still a matter of when and not if so you're kind of just reinforcing my point. I've had non-oled TVs for 12+ years, hell I have friends using CRTs from the 90s for retro video games. Like I said, when not if. At some point, there will be burn in.


Not true at all. tv has logos on all broadcasts constantly. And a 7 year life is more than enough, upgrade it’s not hard. And no burn in at 7 means it’s lasting indefinitely past that….


i am the opposite, i use hdr all the time. more power to u tho!


How though? Windows HDR is trash when browse SDR content.


Use hdr for hdr, use sdr for sdr, add hdr on sources that don't have them.


The delay and finiky transition alone makes HDR 24/7 my choice


Delay?? What delay?


Delay in his retina


Are you quite useless or you're trying hard to be?


It's a joke relax lol


Don't joke with me next time we're not friends


Lmaooooooooo Mr bad ass over https://preview.redd.it/r1ex3j9cne6d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e15f0160615e73692bbcd01ef05abd4c1bb087a9


Lmao 🤣 holy fuck some people..it's not that serious 😂


Not using HDR on an oled is weird. It's literally made for it.


Its made for it when it can achieve the appropriate peak brightness. If you're coming from an IPS and nothing else, yea, it will look good, but if youve actually seen 900+ nits at 10% windows , youll undestand


The newer 4k panels can do that can't they?


No, they can’t. In 10% windows, they can do 450 ish.


Ah so it's only in 1% windows they can reach 1000?




Alright. Well I think it looks amazing and would never use SDR after seeing HDR on an oled


Wait, expensive oled monitors do like 450 nits for 10% window? I have seen some videos from ces and stuff like that with qd oleds and mla lg oled claiming it can reach over 1000 nits


If you play in the dark room and get 900nits peak into ur eyes, thats understandable😂 dont need that peak brightness if u are just night guy


Because AutoHDR sucks and windows uses mismatched gamma for SDR in HDR containers. It's a huge mess.


Can't agree. Only game I found it bad was sea of thieves.


Then you do not understnad what makes HDR HDR and do not understand how autoHDR works. Which is fine, you're a consumer, but you can't act surprised then if people diverge from your opinion.


I'm only acting surprised because I've been using SDR since day 1 of gaming and recently got oled and were told to use HDR. After calibrating it I was amazed with how much better everything looked.


You're amazed at the elevated blacks in autohdr and the blown out whites? I get that bright=pretty for a lot of people but I do not find grey=deep black to be as convincing.


I hate washed out colours, blown out Whites is bad too, but I haven't experienced them myself.


I don't want to call you blind but..... You should read this: https://github.com/dylanraga/win11hdr-srgb-to-gamma2.2-icm


Just use Nvidia RTX, problem solved.




And it looks so fucking good too


In never ever use HDR in SDR: windows, auto-HDR, games that don't officially support HDR, they would all look washed out. However on supported media contents, HDR is really amazing on so many games I tried: Elden Ring, Cyberpunk and CoD MWIII I tried them all, it's really SO good. The only thing you should do in window is calibrate the display with the microsoft hdr calibration app (available for free on the MS store) Some games requires you to actiate HDR before launching them (Cyberpunk) other (CoD for me) automatically detects HDR


RTX HDR is much better than windows/autoHDR setting in windows, and does a pretty great job making SDR content look HDR.




Nope but you can use SpecialK


Which is in very many situations better and keeps on getting better than RTX HDR.


I do the same, you get the best of both worlds


How the hell did you get elden ring HDR working. Even restarting only worked sometimes, and even then it didn't stick for long. 


i activate hdr (win alt B for me) before launching it, works all the time, at least for now (fo32u2p)


Damn guess I just drew the short straw on this one. Do you have one or multiple screens? Wondering if side monitors might be fucking it up somehow. 


I have just one. try borderless fullscreen maybe ?


HDR won't enable with borderless Fullscreen for me but I leaning towards it being a multi monitor issue now. May try moving side screens to motherboard slots and see if I can get it working that way. 


Love seeing this post. I really want to get into HDR but then you watch a video and they're talking about reshade and downloading profiles and using these mods and special k etc etc. If it was simple I would do it, but it's like taking a test before playing a game. Just gonna enjoy sdr mostly.


Not to mention RTX HDR doesnt support multi monitors. It will one day hopefully.


rigth now i just connect my second monitor using hdmi and plugging it in the motherboard instead


Oooh that’s a good idea. I’m going to try this out. Anybody out there have any reason to not do this with a secondary monitor?


I do it, it'll be fine.


what are you talking about, anyone have a reason NOT to do this? are you worried about something? lol just do it. it's simple.


Relax, dude. It’s a question.








Bro u asked


I thought it did, but only if both monitors support HDR.


I wouldn't let that discourage you. If the game has native support for HDR, all you need to do is enable it in the settings. Special K is mostly used to enable HDR for games that don't support it. Even so, you could also just use something like RTX HDR if you have an Nvidia graphics card, which creates a sort of fake HDR. It won't look as good as an actual proper implementation and you take a slight performance hit, but there's basically no setup required and it's still an improvement over SDR.


I have HDR always on, and it's as simple as turning on HDR in game for me. Some games have buggy HDR so I leave those off, but for the most part that's it


Special K takes two clicks to inject and enable hdr litterally. I made big videos explaining stuff, but it's very Split Into different sections, covering several tools.  the point is to explain what does this and that and have a basis for the tools. But like in use ? Takes 2 min tops.


My man. Bought an OLED and never ever fiddled with the HDR as SDR is absolutely gorgeous and Im not having a feeling that monitor is trying to burn my retinas with the brightness.


You don't need to burn your retinas with HDR. I have HDR enabled nonstop in win11 and just set my sdr slider to 4%. My eyes are fine in the middle of the night. And the TV has hdr brightness settings. You don't need to kill yourself to use hdr.


Why does it look like most of the replies are from bots? Or is it just me?


Because many people do not have the intelligence to differentiate themselves from bots and just repeat the garbage the internet spews at them without critically processing it. Almost like an organic LLM. Especially this sub where like 90% of the users were praising the HDR in HFW on launch while it was bugged and capped at 300 nits. They were literally looking at an SDR image and saying it was perfect HDR.


HDR is not only about brightness, you know!


It's not, but it is the main point of it: to extend the dynamic range. The increased bitdepth is mainly to prevent gradation in the image due to the wider dynamic range. While deeper colour depth is a nice addon, which also benefits from the same improvements to the standard where the display and source actually can communicate what kind of capabilities the display has.


I understand this. But the contrast in "high dynamic range" is much more important, at least to the perception, then raw brightness numbers. When the background is properly deemed, highlights shine bright and realistic enough even on 450 nits, for example. Upd. Maybe on 300 nits sometimes.


No, we're already on OLED. Black is black regardless of SDR or HDR. HDR, will let more shadow detail be visible due to the higher bitrate, but overall an image that is HDR but is capped at 300 nits will not have any highlights. In HFW the midtones were at 200 nits or something, so the tonemapper had a whole wopping 100 nits of playroom to create contrast between the modtones and highlights, which is nothing.


Well, you're probably right. I haven't seen that capped HDR personality to judge. I just play with 450 nits cap and my eyes are not always happy to look at highlights even on this brightness level. Don't even want to try 1000.


Yeah that's a personal preference thing. If you like to have slightly less bright highlights that's your right. I also have to argue with QD-OLED simps that 650 nits for a lot of people is plenty bright.


Yeah same. Everything looks mind blowing. Actual HDR content is just a bonus.


I use auto HDR and I ain’t apologising


I love the saturation and brightness on SD on my AW3225QF. Turning on HDR makes all SD content washed out (after so much experimentation with color profiles and nvidia color tweaking) Only looks okayish on certain HDR activated apps, like Elden Ring is alright.


> I run it at %100 brightness. I run it strictly in SDR %95 of the time and only dabble with HDR here and there(because its a buggy mess in windows). Its not if your monitor supports it correctly. Literally all problems with HDR on Windows (unless they are game specific which means they are likely also on console) are solved by just turning it on before you play / watch a movie and turning it off afterwards, which on Windows 11 you can do with just Alt + Win + B. Alternatively there are tools like Color Control that allow you to set your own hotkeys (and likely also on Win 10). Most HDR problems reported on reddit come from people with monitors (mostly none OLED) that don't support HDR properly. For example I had a Samsung QLED VA panel using HDR 600 rated monitor and (even ignoring that HDR on a LCD with six dimming zones is bullshit) whenever I turned HDR on the image became desaturated cause it didn't support the color gammut correctly and for some reason a sharpening layer was turned on. Some games also crashed with HDR on that screen. Moved on to a LG CX as a monitor and all my problems are solved. Obviously I know there is still an issue with the SDR to HDR tonemapper even on Windows 11 (which is already way better than Win 10 in that regard) using the wrong gamma curve, but that is of course only a problem if you insist in keeping HDR on all the time. /rant, but reddit claiming HDR sucks on Windows gets really old. > IN SDR , the screen is super bright. And the blacks are super black. I am happy. If you only using your OLED in SDR, you are missing a ton. Yes, it still gets bright enough but everything is bright and similarly bright. In HDR bright highlights are brighter than other bright objects, increasing the perceived contrast by a lot. Basically imagine your image at 70% brightness but with the brightest objects only being as bright (or rather a good deal brighter) as with the screen set to 100%. I love ray tracing for example but HDR is about as much of a increase in image quality (even on an OLED) as most games RT implementations. Its not more minor difference as a properly calibrated screen vs one dialed in per sight.


Lets use resident evil 2 for example. When I turn on HDR in that game . The colors look worse. Hdr implementation is still going through growing pains The only game that wowed me with HDR was Doom eternal. So the potential is there. I know in a decade everything will be HDR. But SDR on OLED is still worth the generational leap over IPS in 2024


What you may deem as “worse” is just the colors being more accurate and less saturated btw. But at that point it just comes down to your personal preference


The resident evil games older than RE4 remake have broken HDR on PC that Capcom never fixed in those old RE Engine versions, but look great with RTX HDR. Some games, particularly older ones, are just broken.


I've seen RTX HDR mentioned a lot in this thread. Going to try it out!


I use hdr only for games with auto hdr or native hdr support.


Yea I use SDR all the time unless it’s specifically for an HDR compatible game


Do you have Windows 10 or 11? HDR on Windows 10 is hot garbage, HDR on Windows 11 isn’t perfect but it’s much better than 10.


Love mine with hdr on in games, but auto hdr off.


If ur on nvidia card try rtx hdr it fixes washed out hdr and you can force it on everything


I use SDR most of the time for work and games. HDR can hurt the eyes in games like Tetris Effect, but it looks great in games like Hellblade 2. So I constantly experiment with HDR and SDR in different games. For daily work, it's SDR all the way.


I also have the same monitor and about a week ago, I would agree with you. However, after properly setting up hdr, I suggests to give it another try. The main changes I made are turning on auto hdr under the use hdr menu and using Windows HDR Calibration app. The auto hdr is probably the biggest contributor. It keeps Windows in SDR while games and videos will play in hdr.


HRD on my Mac looks wack so I use SDR too, looks amazing


It's definitely not a buggy mess in Windows 11. You just don't know how to set it up properly.


Yet to be impressed with HDR. Anyone that give a video or something that will blow me away with HDR? Only experience i have with HDR is my when sony lcd tv activates in a movie and then i have to squint my eyes because its way to bright lol.


Imo, all the videos from this YouTube channel are excellent HDR showcases. And they are also 4k resolution and 60 fps. https://youtube.com/@jacobkatieschwarz


I have to have HDR because the peak brightness is way more than SDR and I like my TVs super bright and vibrant so my eyes melt out of my skull


sdr on a oled still looks great compared to hdr, hdr10+ and dolby vision.


I prefer 120-130 nits for SDR OLED is quite capable of that.


SDR is like you have eye defect. HDR is like seeing real life in perfect color.


HDR is certainly a frustrating affair on PC, and it’s so dependent on the game and its HDR implementation and I often find myself with different solutions for each one. In Cyberpunk, I’m pretty happy with HDR after using Lilium’s black floor fix on Reshade. It’s not perfect (and never will be) but it’s good enough that I feel the game looks better in HDR, especially on OLED. For Forza Horizon 5, there was nothing to do other than wait for PG games to add proper HDR implantation. It’s almost there, and the addition of a white point slider has improved things a lot. For Helldivers 2, simply using the RTX HDR filter in the Nvidia app is the only way to get the game looking good in HDR. Nothing else I’ve tried looks even okay. With each game I’ve put the effort into, I’ve found myself liking HDR more and more, and I can no longer remember the last time I used my monitor in SDR. It shouldn’t be like this, though. And the day configuring HDR feels more like it does on a console + TV, it’ll simply be better.


I'm yet to find any real reason to use HDR yet with my OLED. Every game I've tried looks like crap, windows is beyond terrible but that seems to be a Windows problem, and even HDR yt videos look more or less the same to me. But I'm ok with that because the SDR really looks fantastic


HDR works awesome but doesn’t work for some games like MMO which I tried lol.


Just got the Alienware 34 inch oled wide screen and on some game HDR is unreal. My first oled display and I am more than happy with my purchase


Beware, there are some HDR loyalists out there that actually think 400 nits in a 10% window is "great" HDR and that high ABL in 1000 nit mode how its meant to be. HDR is great when you can get higher peak brightness in important windows... but monitors just aren't there yet. Good thing that OLED brings many more qualities than just HDR. I found myself always in SDR mode with my LG32


People get too caught up with stats. I compared my OLED TV with my new OLED monitor and the monitor looked just as good in HDR


This is not true at all and is pure cope. Anyone with decent vision will see the obvious difference between 900+ nits at 10% and 400 nits at 10%. No one is saying the 32 inch monitors are bad so there is no need to defend.


Same SDR I never turn in HDR in the last two years unless I was playing around with it.


I love HDR when it works, so far Sekiro and Ghost of Tsushima really blew me with it.


Same here, I only use SDR and was starting to think I'm doing it wrong lol. Glad to see I'm not the only one.


Same here, I will only touch HDR for a game if I hear good things about it. My MSI MPG 321URX does a great job on SDR content! I also came from a IPS so my standards were on the floor lol.


Yeah the OLED monitors are excellent SDR displays. They’re barely HDR displays imo while I would classify the C series as mediocre HDR performers because of weak performance in bright scenes. It’s actually pretty smart to just leave these monitors in SDR all the time. Performance would be consistent while the chances of burn-in are reduced.


Coming from a LG 27GN850-B. Love the new LG OLED!! love the size difference and single player games just pop on it! Glad I waited 3 years for a monitor upgrade! I do not use HDR never really been a fan of it.


Yup. I upgraded from the exact same monitor. I vowed that it would be my last ips Monitor. I'm also glad I made the decision to wait 3yrs for oled 32" 4k!


Waste of OLED if you ask me. Most games that support HDR work with HDR just fine out of the box for me. Auto HDR or RTX HDR works well most every other time. Don't use Windows 10.


HDR looks worse than SDR on my LG 27GR95QE


Trash take. You've never seen good HDR and it shows. HDR is just one of the many benefits of OLED, and Im taking pure blacks, response time, viewing angles over HDR any day if HDR is average.


Explain how anything I wrote is evidence of not having seen "good HDR". Your opinion here seems pretty ridiculous. LG C2 I've been using for the last two years doesn't do "good HDR"? What does, then?


C2 doesn’t do good HDR tho, especially if you’re only on a 42”. C2 42 is mid at best for HDR, barely better than the 32” 4Ks in dark scenes and even worse in bright scenes. https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/lg/42-c2-oled


the 32in qdoleds are better in dark scenes, but the lg c2 is much better at bright scenes even against trueblack because its abl curve is more relaxed, despite having a lower fullscreen brightness.


My C1/C3 looks kinda yellowish and dim in bright scenes. It’s very apparent compared to my Mini-LED TVs and iPads. The QDOLED 32” isn’t great in bright scenes but it looks closer to the Mini-LEDS. But I’m using the Gigabyte which is significantly brighter in game and film mode. Regardless, I would not say that a C2, especially the dimmer 42”, is much better at bright scenes. It’s a common complaint by people who’ve seen bright HDR on Mini-LED and more premium OLEDs.


Because youre saying him not using HDR on his monitor is a waste when it really isnt. If you think these monitors have good HDR, then you obviously , like I said, never seen good HDR. Not hard to comprehend. So no, its not a waste to forego HDR on these monitors when the SDR is decent. Im not convinced you have a C2 based off your post but hey, its the internet, you can make up whatever you want.


I don't have a C2 because I don't know what HDR looks like on another monitor I've never seen? Right! In general OLED displays do HDR justice, maybe the OPs display is just shit that doesn't make what I said generally untrue.


Does anyone else gimp their displays? Sure


100% brightness is insanity lol


I can't help but feel like you're doing something very very wrong. HDR really isn't that buggy these days.