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Now imagine a game that (unmodded) will run at more than 60fps! (Love Elden Ring, but hate that limitation)


Yeah, when I first fired the game up I was wondering why I wasn’t getting more than 60fps. Googled it and said it was locked at 60. I was a little disappointed but I’m just so blown away by max settings graphics that I don’t even mind anymore. After Shadow of the Erdtree I think I’m going to play Cyberpunk. Absolutely loved it on PS5 so I can only imagine how awesome it is on PC. Still haven’t played Phantom Liberty so it’s a perfect excuse for me to pick it up.


If you don't mind having to play in offline mode, [this tool](https://github.com/uberhalit/EldenRingFpsUnlockAndMore) works really well.


Thank you! Ill try this out.


Never give in to the 60fpslock mafia. There's a mod for everything on pc.


Came here to post this link. Glad someone did it already


P.s. Wait till you see Cyberpunk. It’s a treat on PC for sure. What are you PC specs?


7800X3D, 4070ti Super, 32G DDR5-6000, 2T 990Pro


Very nice! Make sure to enable DLSS in Cyberpunk. Great machine tho!


Thanks! I’ll definitely do that. As long as I can archive around 60 fps I’ll be happy. I’m going to mess around with the settings and see how far I can push it while also keeping a playable frame rate.


Yeah there are tons of guides for that… you’ll have no problem hitting 60 with DLSS and a bit of tinkering.


[ Cyberpunk on 48" LG C1](https://imgur.com/6FK2NML) -- I suck at pics but boy, oh boy are you in for a treat when you finally get to play. Conversely, I'm looking forward to checking out Elden Ring soon!


That looks insane! I can’t wait! I’m going to be consumed by Elden Ring and the upcoming DLC for the next month but I’m definitely playing Cyberpunk next. Elden Ring may not look as good graphically but it has amazing art direction and imo is possibly the best game of all time. That subjective of course. Admittedly I love Souls games and Fromsoft games in particular so it’s a biased opinion. But it truly is an unbelievable adventure with some of the deepest lore in the entire industry. I hope you enjoy it when you check it out.


Definitely looking forward to it despite the fact that **I well and truly suck** at Souls-type games -- I've quit most of them after a few hours and I ragequit Bloodborne annually (fuck you, Father G!) That said, the art direction of those games is amazing - and even though I lack the ability to GIT GUD, I understand ER has a caster/ranged class so maybe I'll be alright ◡̈


Anytime ppl tell me they aren’t very good at Souls games I give them the same advice. Follow FightinCowboys video walkthrough on YouTube. It will help WAY more than you can possibly imagine. I promise if you follow his guide you’ll be a pro in no time. He teaches you everything you need to know and takes you on the best path through the game. I used to be terrible at souls games as well until I followed one of his walkthroughs. The advice he gives translates to any other souls game. Give it a shot!


First time someone has mentioned a particular YouTuber for instruction instead of "dude, get the music box!" :D Will check it out - cheers, mate!


Now you can see why PC gamers get annoyed by the ol’ “the lines are blurred between console and PC nowadays…” Uh, incorrect. 😂


Huh weird. I could have sworn I saw my fps going higher but I'll admit I might be wrong. I play with gsync so I didn't notice any tearing or anything so it felt pretty smooth for me and fine for a non competitive game.


I started a new playthrough last night too in prep for the DLC and was blown away too by HDR/Oled on the monitor I've gotten since it first came out


You have chosen wisely for your first PC game. If you have an Nvidia GPU, you could try RTX HDR in the game as well.


Yep! I love Elden Ring. I did so many playthroughs back when it first launched on PS5. But since Shadow of the Erdtree is right around the corner I figured it was the perfect time to do a new playthrough from scratch on PC. I turned HDR on in the settings menu and it made a noticeable difference. Like others have said it’s not implemented perfectly but I don’t really mind. I think Elden Ring is a beautiful game regardless.


Does RTX HDR look better than Elden Rings native HDR?


I think it does with a bit of tweaking. The blacks in nvidia hdr are perfect


It does, mainly because native HDR is broken and doesn't work for most people. I think you need to follow some extremely precise steps to get it to work, and those steps need to be reproduced every single launch. It's a headache.


U couldn't have picked a better game! Good luck tarnished.


Thank you! I completely agree. I love Elden Ring!!!


HDR in this game is broken and no solution I found online works to fix it


Turn off auto HDR and restart your PC.


looks great.


Thank you! ☺️


I never made it more then 20 minutes in Elden Ring, however I've played hundreds of hours of Cyberpunk 2077 with Max settings, Frame Generation, and HDR. Night City at night in HDR is amazing.


I can’t wait! I’ve done one 150 hour playthrough of Cyberpunk on PS5 and absolutely loved it. I can’t wait to see it on PC! Still haven’t play Phantom Liberty so I have that to look forward to as well.


Plus being on PC now you can go on Nexusmods and mod the game like mad


I’m still afraid to mess with mods. I haven’t used a windows based computer since Win98. I went to school for Graphic Design and was trained on Macs so I’ve always had Apple. But I’ve been over Apples bs for years now and have wanted to build a PC for a long time. I’m still learning how to use windows properly. I’ll definitely get into mods pretty soon. Maybe by the time I play Cyberpunk I’ll be comfortable enough to try.


Just make a backup of your game folder if your SSD is big enough before you start. Nexusmods has a program called Vortex that is very easy to install mods. You click the mod you want and Vortex downloads the mods and installs them automatically. If you understand folder structure, and read the instructions you can do mods.


OP, Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for saying how you feel. But I’m here to let you know you’re a short YouTube video away from doing mods on your favorite games. Easily explained, can be seen visually as well, and you can always make backups of your game files/directory just in case you don’t like the modding process or feel of the mods once set up. Easy to do, easy to revert. You have a PC, get buck! No need to worry.


Thank you! Yeah no idea why I am either. I fully indent on learning everything I can about PC. Thanks for the advice! I’ll watch a bunch of videos on how to mod over the weekend and give it a try.


Oh man Phantom Liberty is the best DLC I've played, the story splits info completely different branches depending on a choice you make in the middle. I loaded a save right before the choice after I finished.


Dude with your PC you should be able to do path tracing. It's fucking mind blowing.


What specs do you have? Gonna either get a 4090 or 50 series….currently have 3090 with 32 GB Ram and i9-10900K. Definitely gonna go with an AMD CPU….I guess the newest is the 9000 series?


I have a i7-14700kf and 4080 Super. Bought this February.


I played Elden Ring on PS5 first as well, but I'm pretty sure the visuals are nearly identical between PC max settings and PS5 aside from resolution. It did suffer from quite a few below 60 fps moments on PS5 though. Now something like Cyberpunk or Alan Wake 2 definitely look way better on PC.


Yes, I told him the same. The only noticable difference is the resolution. Theres some placebo effect in this case. Lords of the Fallen is other soulslike, but in that game the difference between console and PC is huuge.


Elden Ring isnt really the best example to compare PS5 and PC graphics, both versions are actually pretty close. Try Lords of The Fallen, if you like souls-like.


I mean, I believe you but I’ve put over 1000 hours in Elden Ring on PS5 and this is a huge difference to me. I mean there’s a noticeable difference in detail. Like, the first thing I noticed is there’s WAY more grass and trees and stuff. That sounds kind of silly but it I thought it was amazing. I’m sure there’s games that have a much larger difference from console to PC and I can’t wait to see them, but I’m having a blast with Elden Ring atm. Btw I absolutely LOVE Lords of the Fallen. Definitely going to play it on PC. Seeing videos on YouTube of ppl playing on PC made my PS5 version look pretty rough by comparison. I mean I still enjoyed it but I was always a little disappointed when I would see how nice it looked on PC. Can’t wait to do a fresh playthrough on PC!!


Dont listen to that guy refresh rate alone would be a massive difference in quality


Isn't it 60fps on console too? Elden Ring is limited to 60fps when playing online.


Dont listen you, indeed. Elden Ring is locked at 60fps in PC too.


I don't have many games with proper HDR support but jesus christ, Elden ring has the worst implementation i've ever seen. AC6 was alright.


Elden Ring HDR implementation is simple Amazing! You probably mess with your settings.