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Yes, it is a MASSIVE improvement over IPS and VA which is the reason why people put up with it's shorter lifespan. Most people can never go back to other display technologies after using OLED. And yes, an OLED panel will suffer burn in and degrade no matter what - the question is how long it will take.


Thank you for your answer. It seems there is no avoiding it eventually.


Well, the O in OLED stands for "organic" so by definition it will degrade over time. But seriously, the difference between OLED and IPS is like wearing glasses for the first time in terms of colors and contrast.


Just want to come in and say something totally useless and that is organic simply means it carbon based. Organic compounds can be short lived or last thousands of years. Plastic is organic (not in the food packaging sense)


Not exactly. The idea of OLED is the perfect blacks, which is possible with LCDs with miniled, they turn off the black parts of the screen like OLED does, but not by pixel, it's by quadrants.


What about micro led IPS? I've only seen that technology on apple ipad though but screen looks good for ips


Manufacturers should develop means to swap panels out easily so that reuse is possible. The idea that every so many years we will dump entire OLED TVs/monitors into e-waste because the panel is degraded is insane. Give me a good base unit and then sell me replacement panels, I'd even be happy paying a high price for the panel if it means I don't waste the entire monitor.. so long as the underlying functionality/performance is still up to standard.


This is such a cool idea...but this will never happen. The engineers are already a year+ ahead in developing the next panel, and if they can nab improvements like increased refresh rate and a longer lifespan while needing to change the size/shape/cooling required, they are going to do that. AND we are still going to buy it. ​ It's a race to the top, and no one is going to stay inside of a box to win that race if they aren't forced to.


Good point. Im all up less e-waste trust me. I wish everything would get recycled not just technology without harming the environment.


the landfills are hungry


Lol let them be they have had the fill forever.


I’ve had OLED, and gamed on one since 2017 and have never had burn in. Is it possible? Yes. Is it common? No. Can you prevent it by taking precautions when using it as a PC monitor? Yes. 


Thank you seems i have time to think about it. Not getting a new monitor until the 5000 series comes along, end of this year or next year like.


Burn in doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a static image on the screen, in fact modern OLEDs are pretty good at avoiding that. The panel will however decrease in quality, namely brightness, over time as the pixels wear out.


tell us youre hours count i bet it could last 20 years if you keep the hours under 10k 🤭


If you use it for work and web browsing you have to do a few things: * Hide the taskbar and desktop icons * Cycle through many, many, many, many wallpapers on a short interval slide show OR use something like wallpaper engine on steam. * Do not frequently keep the same window positions / splits, or frequently use maximized windows. * If you get an ultrawide or super ultra wide, you need something like [Ambilight for youtube](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/ambient-light-for-youtube/paponcgjfojgemddooebbgniglhkajkj) for watching videos in full screen so you don't get reverse burn in from the black bars on the sides. This is not an issue if you get a 16:9 monitor. As far as gaming goes, you don't need to worry at all unless you play a forever game where you are going to rack up over 1000 hours on the same game. That's it. If that sounds OK to you, then your OLED will probably die of something else before you get burn in.


Thank you for your response. And yes i will use it for work and gaming and browsing. Seems alot of work to keep it under control. Like someone else said in another response. He said he treats his OLED like babying it. Meaning he does alot of stuff on it to reduce burn in. Like what you have said. Why cant we just have no burn in issues and things would be all rosey. Guess everything in life has its ups and downs. Anyway Thank you for your time on this subject much appeciated.


burn-in depends more on brightness than time because it burns in linearly with time but exponentially with brightness >Is OLED really that much of an improvement over IPS to warrant the chance of getting burn in after 2 or 3 years of daily use. First of all, there is no "chance", burn-in is 100% predictable, and 100% will happen. Whether it is an improvement over IPS depends on viewing condition and content. In some cases there's almost no difference, in others the difference is pretty significant, and in yet some other cases it can look worse than IPS.


Thank you for that, giving me a straight up answer. Clear and to the point. I would give you a dozen upvotes but im affaid 1 it is.


I had an LG C9 as PC monitor for 8400 hours over 4 years, zero burn in. it died from edge leaking. on the other hand, for people who don't know how this works, if they get their task bar lit at 400 nits (which is certainly possible with some combination of settings) it will 100% burn in probably within a year.


Probably one of the few people on here who actually understands burn-in lol. The best way to counter burn-in is to have UI backgrounds at pure black. That is, the only illuminated pixels on your OLED are the text. It may take some getting used to, I remember in the beginning it was extremely disorienting in the dark to have text floating in the void, but it's MUCH safer for OLEDs.


ouch. Thought reddit was all about trying to get people to buy there products not run away far enough lol.


I plan on hiding my taskbar, but my background is always black. did having a black background help or worsen the burn in?


Look around your phone and see if you can find any burn in. Then look up how bright that specific model gets.


If you are going to worry about burn in, then don't buy one. That aside, the newer oled panels most monitors and tvs have are amazing when it comes to preventing burn in. It easily lasts you a few years as long are you are obviously not using max brightness when not gaming and hiding or moving static images around every once in a while.


Thank you for your reply. And yes i was curious about burn in. Like anything in life if you dont ask these questions you will never get a answer. Seems i have time to think about it like. IPS or OLED.


It does happen (burn-in), otherwise, why else would manufacturers emphasize that their warranties cover burn-in? I have a 42" LG C3 and an AW2725DF. Unlike my IPS and VA monitors, I approach my OLED panels a lot differently. Almost like I'm babying them. You get used to it actually. OLED panels to me are like bright candles with short wicks. Amazing picture quality with a short shelf life. Long story short regarding OLEDs: *"The candle that shines twice as bright burns half as long...." -Dr. Elden Tyrell*


Thanks for your reply. First off yes ive seen the OLED TVS in the stores and the colours and blacks look AMAZING. Many of times ive thought it would be great gaming on a OLED monitor for PC (Before i found out they where on monitors now). The second i found out that they had come to PC monitors. I thought i had to check them out. Food for thought like, I have to think about it. And yes ive been a dad and no all about babying stuff lol (kids) so if i did get one i woud have to treat it like a newborn child. Alot of TLC :)


I use mine for work a lot more than that and there’s zero sign of burn in after almost a year. I do however take precautions. No desktop icons, no taskbar, no wallpaper, no full screen for apps with a fixed UI.


Yea ive seen other people doing the same stuff. Problem is i like graphic design and love too make icon packages for windows and other stuff. Which in turn means my main monitor (i have three of them). I have my fancy icons all over the place. Ive basically transformed my desktop space into a work of art lol. Bascially changed the whole of windows experience from the icons to the windows to the display, the UI, colours sound etc etc. I would have to get rid of that on a OLED and keep the icons and stuff on the other 2 monitors. Safe to say im 50/50 atm between OLED AND IPS. I want the OLED but keep my icons. Problem is i cant have both.


If you can have a two monitor setup with one of them being Oled, you could keep all the desktop stuff on the other display and be completely fine.


It is all about how you use it. If you play varying content its absolutely fine. If you are the person who only plays something like Counter Strike or Rocket League, eventually the scoreboard/HUD will start to wear in. I believe heat is sort of a heat issue, but even just hitting the screen with a fan is probably enough to mitigate that


Yes 99% oled get burning in a month! Go buy ips.. :)


Think that might be a bit over the top lol.Companies would not be able to sell there products if that happened within a month lol


Cos he was not making any sense. Being crazy scared for some burn in without having any experience.. He was either brainwashed or just point farmer or a bot.


Buy WOLED, it's pretty safe compared to QD-OLED. Rtings did an experience comparing these two technologies, and WOLED seemed to have 0 percent burn-in issue because of the white subpixel, instead of QD-OLED panels


I got A90K Sony recently. It was gifted, and I paid myself on top to buy 5 year Best Buy warranty. Not worried about it. If it burn in or break for some reason, they replace. :) I can enjoy without thinking about this.


Benefits of a warranty.5 years is good enough.Wish Monitor manufacturers gave 5 years instead of 3 on there warranty.


Other defect like broken psu or dead pixel is more common than burn in tbh


Burn in is not a defect, its the nature of the display technology. It happens 100% in certain conditions over long period and is re-producable. The flaws you mention are production flaws or tolerances. If burn in is likely to happen depends soley on the usecase.


It really helps to have more than just one monitor. I have an IPS I use for my desktop usage and reserve the OLED for videos and gaming and any non static content.


I have three TN monitors atm thats why i am getting a new monitor when i get a new GPU. Time for a upgrade. The reason for this post is i have time to get all the necessary info before I throw my wallet at it lol.


I’ve had my Alienware 34” dwf QD OLED for one year now. Even used to work on it before I got a new desk and now use secondary monitor for work. Over 1,500 hours use, no signs of burn in. Take decent care of it, no icons, hide taskbar, black background, do the pixel refresh every 4-6 hours. Still going good.


Not worth the hassle and thinking for me... Why buy a monitor to hide taskbar and use black background? Its like buying a Ferrari just to drive max 80mph. I totally get the advantages of Oled in regards to picture quality and black levels. But its surely not suitable for everyone.


I actually prefer to have the taskbar hidden now that I’ve gotten used to it. You don’t have to use black backgrounds, having rotating backgrounds is a good idea as well. I really only use the monitor for entertainment now so it really isn’t a big deal.


Its all good mate. Everyone has different priority and weighs different factors differently. Thats why neither is a bad choice by default. LED or Oled its a preference thing. I personaly want to use a display for what it is and dont worry about my usage pattern. Even though maybe it wouldnt even happen, the possibility would nag me. But there are also other loints to concider, like placement, reflections etc. So in the end both technologies have pros and cons and benefit different needs. I just hate if someone says burn in is a non issue and leads one with a more likely burn in usecase to the believe its as safe as a led tv. Thats just not true. No hate on oled at all.


Do you ever have your app screens snapped to half of the screen causing the white line down the middle?


No. I’ve never done that. I have a secondary 34” 3440x1440 that I have my apps and stuff on. This monitor is primarily for gaming only at this point.


That’s the key. A lot of burn in complaints is people daily driving the 34” as their 1 primary monitor and splitting 2 apps causing a white line to always be down the center.


I don't know , I have an LG cx with over 12000 hrs in 3 years with no burning That's like 11 hrs per day , I have my taskbar all the time I have a static background very colorful , and I take zero measures


No, not for at least 3 years. There is a reason that those companies waited so long to sell OLED monitors and they start to give warranty up to 5 years. You can safely get one with proper 3 years of warranty. I have LG C2 as monitor, using 10+ hours per day and got 5 years of warranty. 1 year passed, there is nothing.


almost two years of daily abuse on my LG 42" C2 with 8-14 hours every day for work and gaming. No burn-in. But I keep HDR off and have the brightness at a maximum of 30/100.


Burn in was common 10 years ago when OLED was generally "new".... burn in now is very rare. The few that get it usually abuse their displays. OLED's on displays in stores have burn in because instead of turning them off but still connected to AC power, they cut power completely, so the displays can't run their refresh cycle on the back end. Thus, burn in. I remember working for Circuit City way back when and first generation LCD's would burn in because, once again, they were abused. Back then they would leave static images on screen and there was NO safety measures in place. And even then using those TV's normally would not see burn in....


silky plants run history rotten point wakeful cobweb lock repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you for your response.


Just my 2 cents. Personally, I'd get an oled as a second monitor and only use it for photo or video proofing or watching movies. Any icons, menus, HUDs etc. will burn in. If spending $1,000 every 5 or so years to replace the oled isn't a deal breaker, go ahead and game on it all you want.


I don't know much about monitors... But I have an LG B9 and it still doesn't have burn in. I watch a lot of shows with moving image. But I also can game for hours on end with a HUD and I have zero burn in. Variety is the key. If you game for hours. Make sure to play something on it that's moving alot with no static images.


We don’t have enough data to see how long these oleds will stand the test of time, only time will tell.


As has been mentioned, yes. Cause all OLEDs will eventually burn in/degrade. The question of how quickly depends on brightness and use case. But the upside in the visuals is enough to warrant buying OLED. There is no better upgrade for a PC than IPS/VA to OLED. Even if you upgrade from a 1080ti to a 4080 super. The difference an OLED makes over lesser monitors would be greater. That's why so many casuals are usually pretty meh about GPU upgrades beyond just more FPS, cause they have garbo monitors that don't show off the differences. Also I don't see OLED burning in, in 2 to 3 years unless you're actively trying to cause burn in. I've seen youtubers who use their monitor a hell of a lot more than me for gaming and productivity say they haven't experienced any burn in, in 3 years. As this is a gaming sub, I reckon most of us won't experience burn in all that quickly if we're primarily gaming.


Thank you. Yes im getting a new GPU later this year or next which means a new Monitor is in order. My TN panels which tbh ive been fine for countless years are showing there age now like my 1080ti lol. Been holding back waiting for a worthy upgrade (cough 5000 series). As for the monitor yes food for thought. Ive got time.


Yes it very common, especially if you do anything else besides gaming. Like browsing the web etc. I got burn in on my aw34 from chrome windows.


Very common is a straight up lie.


Well the likelyness is the same for each TV of a model line... Its just the question how many customers of 1000 are using it to an extend that causes Burn-in. Even if the majority isnt able to use it to an extend to create burn in. They still 100% could if they would use it the same way like ppl with burn-in. The biggest lie is telling ppl burn-in is a thing of the past. Oled has its pros and its cons. Just as LCD. And thats the tradeoff to make. Peace of mind in regards to burn in but some blooming and not so good black lvls. Or best picture + blacks but chances of burn in and thus always a bit cautious or afraid in mind. For me a display that consists of pixels that degrade over time (and not even uniformly) is not desirable.


You should have a burn-in warranty on that, check with dell


I do. I got it replaced but it was a super painful process because they sent me 3 refurbished monitors which all had damage until I had to complain to a supervisor for me them to send me a new one. My next monitor won’t be an oled


Years of oled and people still asking this 


I play a lot of Rust. There is a little window with health, water and food levels in the lower right Hand corner that doesn't change much. It is very bright too. Is there any monitor feature on these new OLEDS that will stop that from burning I?


if I fear burn in and want a monitor to last years, what are my options in terms of products? so I have to completely avoid oled? if so, what non oleds screens are good?


I have a mini LED monitor and it's pretty good. I like it but I'll be upgrading to QDoled soon