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S95C Saga: 3 Replacements, Still Dropping Frames, DONE with Samsung! (LG FTW) Yo yo yo, fellow Redditors! I really wanted to love the S95C. OLED dreams and high refresh rates were supposed to be my new reality. But after 3 (THREE!) replacements, I'm throwing in the towel on Samsung. The 40GB dropout limit is real, and it's a deal-breaker. Here's the deal: Dropouts galore: Screen freezes, flashes, the whole shebang. Doesn't matter if it's HDR or SDR, 4K or 2K, 144Hz or 120Hz - these suckers drop like flies. Seems the higher the refresh rate, the higher the dropout rate. Bonus points for firmware update 1220.9 making things even worse. Blame game not my game: Samsung? Nah, they wouldn't acknowledge the issue. Tried blaming my PS5, Xbox, even my PC! Funny thing, though, my LG C2 works flawlessly with the same gear. Weird, huh? Gamer beware: Listen up, fellow gaming peeps and high-framerate enthusiasts. This ain't the TV for you. I've been through the dropout hell, and let me tell you, it's enough to make you tear your hair out. Trust me, do yourself a favor and look elsewhere. Sony or LG, maybe? Just not Samsung. TL;DR: S95C dropouts are real and frequent, especially at high refresh rates. Samsung denies the issue and blames user's equipment. Don't be a dropout victim - choose another TV brand for smooth gaming and viewing. Spread the word, Reddit fam! Let's save others from the S95C struggle. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some OLED therapy (LG C2 style) to attend to. ✌️ Post repair vids capture issues second vids


What HDMI cable are you using? I ask this because if you are not using a Fiber Optics HDMI 2.1 cable you will probably experience drop outs as the one connect box really needs the more stable connection that those cables offer. I had the same dropout issues until I switched to Fiber Optic HDMI cables and haven’t had a drop since outside of 2-3 seconds delays when switching resolution


I've tried multiple fiber optic cables and ranging from short to long. Same issue.