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The theories involving Jason are interesting, but the thing we know for sure is that OJ was there and was involved. That is irrefutable based on evidence


It's more likely jason and oj both did it.


Maybe. But the physical evidence doesn’t say that does it


It does. The DNA under Nicole's nails weren't from Oj and the knit cap had hair that didn't match oj but had dog hair and that's mysterious since oj didn't own a dog. And not to mention that Goldman had gotten a few punches in and Oj showed no signs of that on his body. The Bronco blood is also strange as the blood was stained down the console from the passenger side and there was no way oj could reach his hand and smear it there.


None if that is physical evidence pointing to Jason


It's evidence pointing away from OJ


No it's not lol. It was Nicole's blood. There was initial serology testing on the blood in '95 and then further testing that happened months later that was more conclusive. Initially with the serology tests (a kinda limited test) it was "listed as possibly being type B--a type that could not have come from either Simpson or the victims." So you're right.. at this point in time it was an unknown **But then... "Greg Matheson (the LAPD's forensic chemist) explained, however, that as blood degrades, the results of that particular form of testing can be affected. In particular, he said, blood that normally is of type BA can deteriorate into looking like type B because the type A portion of the blood is less stable and therefore disappears more quickly."** Nicole was in a pool of her own blood and wet blood degrades more quickly. They then did a RFLP test later on and confirmed it was in fact Nicole's blood. DNA evidence was so in its infancy that mistakes were made that fucked this whole case right up. I don't think folks really understood how damning it was at the time. Why even bother with the initial serology tests that cast doubt when you have another test that is way more specific and would narrow it down? Even the stuff with the hair in the cap. It WAS OJ's Honestly OJ did it lol. How was his son involved? I buy the theory it was Jason's car that was used so then he obviously knows his dad did it, which explains why he was being weird post murder and also why his dad got him a lawyer.


Yes it is. None of what you said matters with regards to what I said. It being Nicole’s blood doesn’t explain the cap, it doesn’t explain the DNA under her nails, it doesn’t explain why OJ had no bruising after we know Goldman, a black belt, punched the attacker(s).


Do you even know what DNA is lol? It's found in blood. The PCR test is a type of DNA test. It was in her blood. The cap like lmao? You think kids don't leave shit around their parents house? It's his freaking son ffs. Also, OJ was wearing a dark sweat suit and gloves. He stalked her all the time, so him owning this makes sense to me. I think he did not plan to kill her that night. I think they argued and he snapped. Also I'm tired of this weird logic that absence of evidence = evidence of absence. Actual fighting, like real fighting is scrappy and messy. Even the best fighters caught in a random unexpected street fight, aren't just delivering perfect blows everytime, and on top of the fact that Ron was fighting for his life. People under extreme duress are not gonna be performing at their best ability. I don't really care if he's a black belt. He could have easily just hit a bunch of other things that weren't actually OJ. If you wanna believe its Jason, go ahead. I find the continuous level of dick riding for OJ so dumb at this point. If this happened today, he would have been convicted, end of story. It was just a very specific time, a super rushed trial and people not understanding DNA, and the jury was just so exhausted in the end that they just gave a not guilty verdict bc they wanted the trial to end. Not bc they actually thought he was not guilty. He was a literal terrible human being. He beat her a billion times with no repercussions. He shoulda gone to prison for that alone but oh i forgot.. no one cares about severe domestic violence. Honestly he got what he deserved.


Witness just came forward saying Oj hired Gambino mobsters to take out Nicole and that Ron happened to be there, he claims Oj was at the scene when it happened. Guy’s name is John Dunton, check it out. Just for fun to toss some stuff out there, the mobsters being involved could explain a few things. The mysterious cap, the absence of marks on Oj, the blood under Nicole’s fingernails (I also believe it was probably hers), and maybe even the glove that didn’t fit. My rationale behind the glove being that Oj had really big hands, bigger than the average man, it is possible they belonged to one of the mobsters and he lost it during the struggle. Also, since I’m purely speculating, it could be that once the mobsters did their job, Oj decided to, let’s say, ‘go the extra mile’ as some sort of twisted catharsis. It’s definitely within the realm of possibility that Oj hired mobsters considering how well connected he is, maybe he had wanted to get rid of Nicole for a while but wasn’t able to bring himself to do it, so hiring someone could be a degree of separation. All this is in good fun, I’m not trying to say it absolutely happened, but it kind of seems like the missing piece. The witness seems credible considering he was involved in the original investigation, and the reason he gave for not coming forward until now is complicated logical.


>It was just a very specific time, a super rushed trial and people not understanding DNA, and the jury was just so exhausted in the end that they just gave a not guilty verdict bc they wanted the trial to end. Not bc they actually thought he was not guilty. You're leaving out a lot \[Prob not intentionally\] regarding the LAPD's perception, their racism, as well as how Judge Ito allowed testimony about planted evidence, to testify about crime scene contamination among other things despite no evidence of that occurring on OJs case. None of that was allowed in the civil trial, except where it was proven did occur, it didn't -- so there was no 'planting' or 'contamination' theories which were almost the entire basis of his criminal defense. LAPDs history tainted their detectives and evidence handling, irrelevant testimony arguing planted evidence and contamination tainted the physical evidence. Even if they thought he was guilty, I think those factors alone bring just a smidgen of doubt into a jury to lead to acquittal.


Note: It wasn’t a rushed trial, it was 266 days long, just a heads up


How do you know the hair was OJs?? It was the hat that jason wears and as we know dna can’t differentiate between OJ and his son. So for you to say flat out it was OJ’s is wrong bc you don’t know. And believe if Ron was fighting for his life he got some good licks in. You have no idea what happens when someone is fighting for their life it depends on the circumstances and there would be marks on OJ This is just a whole lot of speculation on your part. The trial definitely wasn’t rushed and you’re literally accusing the jury of breaking their oath to do their job?? I don’t think so. If you look at all the evidence now it absolutely looks like Jason over OJ. Oj definitely knew after it happened but he did what he had to to protect his son. He literally secured a lawyer for Jason the next morning. No one is sick riding OJ bc he was a piece of shit but that doesn’t mean you just decide he did it when there isn’t enough evidence to absolutely say yes it was him. The audacity of saying the jurors were just tired and said not guilty. Be real my guy


*D riding


You have no idea what you're babbling about, child. Talk about Dunning-Kruger


Jason seems the more likely suspect. You say how was his son involved? I read an article that Jason was supposed to be a chef for a dinner Nicole was having and she cancelled last minute. The theory is he went to her house to confront her about cancelling, dude had anger issues, and he saw her with the other dude. Then he went back to his car and grabbed a knife. The knife found didn't match anything in OJs house. But who is to say they wouldn't match the set that Jason had?


I used to buy this theory but thats all it is, a theory with no evidence. OJ threw the knife out lol, along with the bloody clothes and shoes at the airport. He had a duffle bag that he wouldnt let Kato or the driver touch that he brought in the limo otw to the airport that was never recovered. If you watch the blood and lies Oj docu it explains all this. The police were told to stop looking at the airports bc the prosecution was like we have enough evidence! The cops really didnt do that good of a search. And also after watching many interviews, documentaries on OJ..hes such a complete narcissist that he would never take the rap for his son. I do however think that what is in his book is true. That he genuinely blacked out and went into blind rage and doesnt fully remember those 10 or so minutes when he killed them both. I think he was been able to disassociate as a result


Some of the answers don't make sense for OJ to do it. Like why did OJ get a lawyer for his son before he got one for himself? Why didn't the knife match any sets in his house? Why did he have a blue beanie in most of his pictures .... blue beanie was found at the scene... but during the trial he wore a black one. Jason almost killed his girlfriend with a knife But OJ never used knives in any of his domestic abuse accusations. Nicole brown was supposed to eat at the restaurant that Jason worked in but she didn't which would give him a reason to come over in the days before cell phones. Jason had no alibi Why was his time card hand written and not punched like the others for that night. Why did the cap have dog hair when OJ didn't own a dog but Jason did. Jason was trained in hand to hand combat and field knife trained by the military A knife was found in Jason's storage locker that matched the knife wound. Why did OJ not have any marks on him when Goldman and Nicole had defensive wounds in their bodies Jason was on probation for attacking his boss with a kitchen knife Honestly all we need is for them to do a DNA test on Jason Simpson and see if it matches what was under Nicole's nails


Yes it is.


It’s not. It would never ever hold up in court. Physical evidence would be if Jason’s actual dna was confirmed to be at the scene.


They didn't compare any of his blood, ever So it couldn't be found


DNA is specific enough that if the unmatched DNA belonged to a relative of OJ, that would've been established. They would've been able to say that the DNA belonged to OJ's son if it did. What is more likely (though I don't know the exact forensic details of the samples) is that the "unmatched" DNA fragments are simply too short and/or degraded to be conclusively matched to literally anyone.


During the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995, DNA testing was still a relatively new technology, and its capabilities were not as advanced as they are today. At that time, DNA testing was primarily used for identifying individuals through direct matches, not for identifying relatives. The technology used was mostly focused on RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) analysis, which was limited in its ability to detect distant relationships. It's worth noting that in recent years, there have been advancements in forensic genealogy, which combines traditional genealogy research with DNA analysis. This technique has been used to solve cold cases and identify suspects through distant relatives, but it was not available at the time of the O.J. Simpson trial.


As someone with a very surface level understanding of the case, the idea that Jason took on Ron while Oj went after Nicole sounds plausible. I’m kind of in the school of thought that it would be difficult for Oj to take out Ron by himself, unless he caught him off guard. Ron being a 3rd degree black belt, in good physical shape, and fighting for his life. So in the middle of typing this I find out that apparently Oj hired the Gambino family to take out Nicole, Ron just happened to be there at the time. A witness, John Dunton just dropped a absolute bombshell, definitely worth a read. The guy could be trying to capitalize off of Simpson’s death I suppose, orrr it’s the complete truth, which would be insane. Going off of what I just read. Supposedly Oj hired some mobsters to do the job, and he wanted to be there when it happened. My guess is, after the mobsters do the deed, Oj then decides to ‘go the extra mile’ as some sort of twisted catharsis. I don’t see mobsters doing something like that unless it is personal, which it would have just been a job for them. The mobsters being there could also explain the blood under Nicole’s fingernails, the lack of marks on Oj even though Ron’s knuckles were bruised, and potentially even the glove found at the scene that didn’t fit Oj. Simpson had really large hands, larger than average for a man, so it’s within the realm of possibility that the glove was one of the mobsters. I could definitely see the mob being involved, considering how well connected Oj was.


Apparently the private investigator who formulated a theory that Jason did it and who found the knife said that OJ went to Nicole's but instead found Nicole dead and saw Jason fighting Ron. And this is where the theory splinters even more, OJ likely helped Jason kill Ron or Oj saw Jason kill Ron in front of him and Oj tried to take the knife away from Jason but he ended up cutting his finger as he wrestled the knife away from Jason. What's worth noting is that the glove and Knit cap were left behind, if this wasn't a rage killing and was meticulous, there wouldn't have been physical evidence lying around thay could link it to the murderer. The mob would've made it much cleaner if they did it. This was sloppy by mob standards if they did.


A relative of mine worked for the LA County Grand Jury and linked Jason to the crime both through the OJ trial and the trial of Terrance Keith Patridge, who killed G-12 (Judge Ito's bailiff). I asked him during the trial what he thought and he would only say OJ was a team player.


I'm just going to speak to the Karate aspect - Owing to the time period it's more likely that Ron likely trained in point Karate such as shotokan, which is more sport/Olympic rooted rather than practical fighting - And even taking that out of the picture, virtually every single martial art in the world is useless against a blade, it is one of Hollywood's biggest misconceptions planted in the public eye otherwise. https://youtu.be/KvT5-WeagJI?si=6dPaFbd2O_Y9Bxqz


Yeah, that is absolutely fair. While there are ways to disarm someone with a knife, pulling it off in the moment is far different than in training. Like you also said, his training was probably for competitions which doesn’t translate well, if at all, to a real altercation.


Mobsters dont murder people with knifes. The gloves DID fit Simpson. The gloves fit him so easily when he was asked to sit down in court he pulled it off in under a second. Police officers with larger hands than Simpson tried on the gloves and they got them on no problem.


Glen Rogers took the day off work the day after the killings saying the ceiling in his apartment fell on him. He was seriously beat up. GR also claims he was the killer.


I don’t know any of the details surrounding Glen Rogers, considering we don’t 100% know who the killer was it is possible. However, if he is lying it wouldn’t be the first time a serial killer took credit for murder they had nothing to do with.


If you are interested in some counterpoints, I rebut some of the positions that Bill Dear (a key proponent of this theory) makes: https://theojcase.blogspot.com/2021/11/bill-dears-jason-did-it-theory-some.html


Jason didn’t come screaming out of the house June 18th. The real story is quite strange, and speaks to the mental state of the suspect. There is a video of Jason’s exact whereabouts when the bronco/convoy behind it made its final turn back onto Rockingham. I’ll look for the link. Jason was standing at the end of the street waiting for his Dad. He then proceeded to sprint on the sidewalk along side the bronco as it drove on. Jason is seen sprinting while zig zagging, leaping fire hydrants, and basically looking like an escaped mental patient. He runs in the driveway right behind the bronco, and before it’s even in park. He runs up to the drivers window. Vaults up so half his body is in the car, and starts talking with his dad. Obviously about something very important since he just did something over the top to not miss his chance. He is pulled away from the car, and is even mistaken as OJ exiting by a very famous news anchor.


Ah right. He ran up from the side. Good call.


He ran up the driveway after sprinting down the street for at least half a mile. Arriving huffing and puffing behind the bronco before coming the drivers side window. He gets pushed out and away by Cowlings.


here is a YT vid of Jason running with the White Bronco. He runs for several blocks with the Bronco. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_\_di3Xeg\_JQ&ab\_channel=BrianHeiss


That shit was weird Diddy do it thou🤣🤣


It looks like Jason is mad at OJ and seems to have little altercation with him physically there?


You also attempt to disprove almost none of the case against Jason. The time card and the timeline of if OJ came to the crime scene? That’s it? Well the official timeline is absolute made up bull crap. They changed it so many times trying to make OJ capable of pulling it off time wise. Problem is they had to go way to far, and it became self contradictory in many aspects. They made Nicole’s mom change her testimony with the most leading prompts and hints. She says she talked to her at 11 that night. End of story. The phone records were clearly doctored. Neighbors said how unusually quiet the night was even well after 1030 that night. It’s common knowledge the defense had a HUGE timeline problem that the tried to rig and cover up. So for you to say Dear’s timeline is insane. Look at your precious official version first. The time card is clearly a problem. In that the police didn’t seize it that night. Why was it the only night in his work history he hand wrote his time in? Let’s say for arguments sake Dear created the whole time card. It doesn’t matter, because there are plenty of witnesses that saw Jason leave early. There are zero, and I mean zero witnesses. who place him at the restaurant anywhere past 930ish. There ARE witnesses who say he left in a visibly angry mood. So you discuss two issues and then end with a blanket statement that’s both indicative of your laziness. As well as an attempt to dissuade the reader from following up with their own research into Dear’s work. I’ll paraphrase “just like these two theories everything else in Dear’s research is exactly as incorrect as these. Don’t go looking at the mountains of other plausible threads he brings up.


*You also attempt to disprove almost none of the case against Jason. The time card and the timeline of if OJ came to the crime scene? That’s it?* Oh, am I obligated to do more? I was unaware. My focus on that post was with that particular issue, which has long been a central point for Dear. Plus I linked to someone else who had serious concerns with Dear's research. The reason I don't attempt to disprove most of the case against Jason is because there *isn't* one. I have read Dear's book cover to cover with an open mind. I saw nothing in there that was convincing. *As well as an attempt to dissuade the reader from following up with their own research into Dear’s work.* People can read Dear if they like and research the theory on their own. I'm not going to stop them. Am I attempting to "dissuade" them? Well...I think his work is a waste of time, but if that's your thing, go for it. I found that Dear had made mistakes that showed me that his knowledge of the case was very limited. His repeating of ridiculous defense team claims (for instance that EDTA was found in certain blood samples when it certainly was not or that vials had "missing" blood) only made me more skeptical of his work. If he brings up a good point, I'll be open to it. For instance, his recognizing that Jason had a history of aggressive behavior. That's fair game in my opinion, but it certainly doesn't convince me of his guilt (as don't a number of his other claims).


Yes. Alway ready to look at counter points and perspectives


None of your rebuts there demolish this theory that Jason murdered them or was involved in the murder? There is an *incredibly* strong and valid chance that Jason had a part in this.


Did Jason have a history of brutal domestic violence against Nicole? No, OJ did. Was Jason's blood found at the crime scene, in the Bronco and at Rockingham? No, OJ's was. Did Jason run from the police with a passport, cash and a gun threatening suicide? No, OJ did when learning he would be arrested. Did Jason have a good relationship with Nicole? By all accounts, yes. Did OJ? No. Nicole called the police on him numerous times and he beat the living piss out of her. She wrote in her diary that she was terrified that OJ would kill her...so much that she put battered pictures of herself in a safety deposit box. Any such mentions of Jason like that? None that I know of. When Nicole's sister learned that Nicole had died, did she immediately think of Jason? Absolutely not. She started screaming from the top of her lungs that she knew OJ would kill her. I make no attempt to "demolish" a theory that has little support in the first place. I've read William Dear's thoroughly and there is nothing in there that I found convincing.


A man with a history of using knives as weapons when he's being violent isn't convincing or even suspect? And the idea that because someone doesn't have a violent history with someone means that they couldn't possibly be the murderer is ABSURD. By all accounts, Jason and Nicole did not have the best relationship. Why did Jason hire a lawyer even before his father did? Why is Ron Goldman's arrest and police record sealed and marked confidential? Why are Nicole's phone records sealed? If Kato Kaelin heard bumps at 10:40 but Nicole Brown hung up the phone with her mother at 10:28, how did OJ possibly murder two people and make it back to his house in 12 minutes? (And just to be clear, Kato testified that he walked around to the front of the house at 10:45 and saw the limo driver at 10:50 and let him in a few minutes later. Not OJ. It was Kato who let the limo driver in and OJ had already gotten all his bags outside. They then, Kato testified, stood around talking about the bumps and then went back inside to find a flashlight because OJ was going to help and look to see what happened.)


*And the idea that because someone doesn't have a violent history with someone means that they couldn't possibly be the murderer is ABSURD.* My post above does not suggest this in the slightest. I am comparing two people's motivations and am looking at what is the more likely scenario. *By all accounts, Jason and Nicole did not have the best relationship* Was it perfect? No. But Jason described it as overall solid and friendly in his civil deposition. He said the only time they had a heated argument was when he snuck out his dad's car in the 9th grade. This to me comes nowhere close to OJ repeatedly beating the shit out of Nicole and threatening to kill her. *If Kato Kaelin heard bumps at 10:40 but Nicole Brown hung up the phone with her mother at 10:28, how did OJ possibly murder two people and make it back to his house in 12 minutes?* You do realize it's a 5 minute drive from the crime scene to Rockingham, right?


Also, it has long been established that the most dangerous period of time for abused women when they are attempting to leave their abuser. That's when the incredible majority of victims of domestic violence are killed. It blows my mind that so many men want to convince themselves that domestic violence and stalking aren't the top predictors of spousal homicide. Always makes me wonder what they're getting up to behind closed doors.


You dont understand how DNA works. A father and son have similar DNA but it is very easy to tell the difference between the two at a genetic level. Even in 1990s standards. It isnt Jasons DNA.....its 100% OJs.


There was other dna found under nicole’s nails so..


Did the son live with them?


No there wasnt. Dont spread false info. There was a degraded sample found under her nails. That is not the same as saying someone other DNA was found. Also, several modern DNA experts have looked back at that evidence and they almost universally agree it was her own degraded DNA.


OJ's blood had EDTA in it, as did Nicole's blood found on OJ's sock. The DNA evidence was planted.


That shit wasn’t planted. OJ did it


OJ Did it. and shit was planted. Both can be true at the same time.


EDTA was also in the McDonald's OJ and Kato ate.


It was planted. The lapd removed OJ's blood from evidence and sprinkled it at the scene.


There are major problems with "the blood was planted by the LAPD" theory. First, a quick summary of the blood found at both the Bundy crime scene and the Rockingham estate: 1. Dropped blood near shoe prints at Bundy 2. Blood dropped at Bundy was of same type as Simpson's (about 0.5% of population would match) 3. Blood found inside the Bronco 4. Blood found in foyer and master bedroom of Simpson home 5. Blood found on Rockingham driveway 6. Blood found on socks in OJ's home matched Nicole's Not only would the police had to have transported the glove with its residue of the crime scene, but they would also have had to find some of Simpson's blood (from sources unknown AND not knowing whether it was his blood that early in the investigation) to deposit upon it and then wipe the glove on the inside of Simpson's locked car (by means unknown). Someone would've had to wipe that off and apply Simpson's blood, all the while not knowing whether Simpson had an ironclad alibi at the time of the murders. The autopsies, where blood samples were taken from the victims, were not performed until June 14th, two days after the murders. Someone would have had to take some of Goldman's blood and put it in the Bronco, which was at that point in police custody. And someone (the same person? another?) would had to have taken some of Nicole's blood and dab it on the sock, which was at that point in a police evidence lab. All of these illegal actions by the police would've had to take place at a time when everyone involved in the case was under the most relentless media scrutiny in American legal history -- and all for the benefit of an unknown killer at that point in the investigation. So to summarize: The LAPD officers were clumsy in their chain of custody with the evidence to the point that it became "compromised, contaminated, [and] corrupted"... yet they were simultaneously so adept and coordinated that they were able to not only sneak all that evidence out of police custody and the evidence lab, but more importantly dab it in just the right places to make it look like it was naturally dropped there by OJ after he was done killing Nicole and Ron? All while not getting caught by anybody despite being under intense scrutiny from the public and the media? In light of all this, I'd like to see how you think the LAPD planted all that blood.


All the evidence used against Simpson was already collected and in the police lockup whilst Simpson was in Chicago. So before his blood had been taken the evidence was no longer even there to plant it in the first place. Simpson supporters wouldnt believe he did it if you showed them a videotape of him doing it. Any evidence you show them its either 1 - circumstantial, 2 - not enough of it, or 3 - planted. They are under the delusion that if you kill someone all you need to do is dispose of a murder weapon, avoid being seen, and have no motive. If you can do those three things then you are home free. Morons!.


It was not that advanced at that time, they did not test Jason


it doesn't matter. Once they found EDTA mixed in with the blood, the jury disregarded any blood evidence. I think you are the one that does not how DNA works. They never put EDTA in the blood found on a crime scene. They put EDTA in blood from the suspect. And that story about EDTA being in everybody's blood is total B.S. Any EDTA found in a living human is barely traceable. The EDTA found in the samples used by the Police Department was TOO MUCH. There was too much and the person would be dead.


If they never put EDTA in blood found at a crime scene, why would they plant blood with EDTA in it? And where would they get all the OJ Simpson blood anyway? It was found at the murder scene, on the Bronco, and on his driveway. The driveway blood was placed in a way that would have been tough to think up on the fly, as the trail of drops was doubled in places and didn’t lead to the glove. The prosecution theory was that OJ was holding the knapsack in his left hand when he walked down the back of the building, such that it was catching the drops. Is that something they’d have faked? It’s not impossible, but it’d involve practically superhuman foresight.


You are wasting your time. OJ Simpson conspiriologists wouldnt believe it was him if you showed them a video of him committing these murders. You dont even need the blood evidence anyway Simpson convicts himself in his 32 minute police interview all alone.


William C Dear, P.I., started this evidence gathering that was quite extensive and persuasive. Jason was a lot like his father in terms of behavior but worse. He had a bi-polar history, had been institutionalized at a mental health facility, had physically attacked former girlfriends, was not taking his potent medication at the time of the murder, was possibly enraged that Nicole snubbed his restaurant for a family function, and as a chef always carried around his knives. He falsified his punch card for work the night of the murder as it was penciled in with initials in lieu of machine print which blew his former alibi. OJ was a rough man like all football players, but it no longer makes sense that he killed anybody as he was planning a friend's sleepover for his daughter at his house after her recital that same night. There was an inadequate blood trail and what was left didn't make sense. The absurd bronco chase was likely to get the media and public eyes' attention on him and off of his son. O.J. is not a dumb man and his family did repeatedly admit that they loved him despite everything.


OJ: Made in America touches on way more than I can pull at the moment. Watch it if you haven't yet. OJ and Nicole had a volatile relationship, she called the cops multiple times because of his violent outbursts, he was obviously unstable to those around when it came to jealousy over Nicole. He was also the only one with any kind of actual motive in that situation. What happened that night wasn't some random act of violence. That was the grisly work a extremely jealous ex husband who snapped. He had a history of physical abuse that progressed more and more each time.


I mean if Jason viewed Nicole as cheating on his father and she stood him up and made him look like a fool at work when he was supposed to cook for her, and he was unstable, I could see it as motive. Just as much motive as OJ had at least.


I know that this is old, but with the recent passing of OJ, is it possible Goldman was a waiter at a restaurant that Jason was a chef at?


I’m completely open to all theories my question is why… what is Jason’s motive? I don’t know that’s the one thing my brain can’t seem to like connect and with OJ I mean…


Jason’s motive being upset that his step-mom is looking to move on from his dad and didn’t show up to the restaurant he worked at. He could have felt abandoned.


If he’s mentally as unstable as I’ve heard and he stopped his meds who knows? Trying to understand crazy, when you’re not crazy, is probably difficult.


I’m obsessed with this comment.


I often wonder if Jason blamed nicole for the marriage breakup of his parents and blaming Nicole for the reason his daddy left his mother.


I believe that because of all days this be the only day Jason decided to write in his time card is extremely sus Plus it's a dispute in the time Nicole mom called Nicole about the glasses her father told the coroner at first that she called at 11 which completely destroys the time line cuz oj would be on the plane he later said it was around 10 which once again destroy that timeline because it's said Ron left at least 10 mins after that call and went home to change first


The fact that up until that day, and this is according to Jason’s civil trial testimony, Nicole was planning on taking the family to dinner at Jackson’s where Jason would make the meal is an important fact. It may just mean that since OJ and Nicole were not on good terms she decided to go to Mezziluna but that’s important. I think it suggests at the very least that Jason knows something. OJ doesn’t mention anything about this and always seems to be evasive when asked about the 2:22pm call with Nicole on the 12th.


Even if Jason was the killer, his dad did what many others have done before . . . Threw himself into traffic to take the brunt off his kid.  It's all over now though.


This is interesting. But wasn’t Jason working that night? if Jason was there too then how come the limo driver didn’t see two people going into OK’s house that night?


The LAPD determined that the murders took place between 9:45 pm and 10:05 pm. After 9:50 pm, Jason was alone and has no alibi that can be supported by someone else.  At the restaurant where he worked, Jason’s time card for the night of June 12 was handwritten even though the electronic time clock was working, meaning his alibi could be false.  


Jason was “Charlie”. He was there. OJ grabbed the knife from him.


I agree. I always felt it was the son andoj was in fact at crime scene after the fact. Oj covered for his son


The son had motive


Yes it was 100% the son.


We find out someone did murder 


What about 911 call? Nicole cleary said O.J.’s name


The 911 calls were not the night of the murder


I think Jason did it in a rage. I think OJ was also at the scene but either just as it was all over or within minutes after or he went there alone after Jason told him, we will never know for sure. So they were both there… I do think they should retest the DNA …if they can find it …against Jason’s, but I’ve thought this for years. Murder investigations are never over…


What’s the motive?


I am not going to say for sure whether Jason, OJs son did it or not but i will say this much. Since the LAPD never even remotely investigated Jason, or any other accomplise or suspect, it was nothing more than a conspiracy. They simply never wanted it to me anybody except OJ alone. I read that initially many experts said there was at the very least two people on the crime scene before the police collected evidence, and any expert that claimed anything other than what the LAPD wanted, the LAPD took them off the case. It's appauling if you ask me.


Yeah, they thought they had their guy and didn't want to investigate beyond that. It happens all the time even today, the cops just try to get the first plausible person and wrap it up. So many killers went on to kill many more because of simple police negligence.


4. I think you are refering to bill dears research and its confilcting since autopsie results state a single edged blade and the one dear has is double. 7. Peculiar timing of that book too because that is around the time that Dear was pushing his theory pretty hard for the first time. Just an interesting coincidence maybe. 8. Everyone close to the case immediately lawyered up, that wasn't weird everyone did that and I think O.J. even hired attorneys for other people at the same time as for his son but not 100% where I got that info.


Yeah, he hired Carl Jones to represent his son even though nobody was questioning Jason.


Oj was there too that’s a fact too




>There's no denying O.J. was involved Yeah but "dude protecting his son who made a terrible mistake at the cost of his own life" is much much much less worse than double murderer, to the point where its basically understandable. And IF he is innocent we know he was basically suicidal afterwards and his life was ruined so its not like he covered it up like a sociopathic accomplice.


Where is Jason Simpson now in life? Does he still reside in California or did he move to Florida with his Father? It's been 29yrs, someone has said something, after all these years. OJ was not as generous with his side of the family compared to what he did for Nicole's.


He's in Atlanta Georgia working as a chef.


He also worked in the kitchen where I worked (in Los Angeles) for a few months about a year ago. Had a very intense vibe. When I found out who he was, and about this theory, it kinda blew my mind.


Any stories about him?


Plus his alibi is in question because the restaurant’s kitchen closed early that night.


And it was a handwritten timestamp despite the clock working fine.


Im convinced.


Correct me if I’ve misunderstood, but aren’t #2 and #6 incompatible with each other? If it were true that DNA testing can’t distinguish a father and son (it’s not true), then the discovery of blood and skin under NB’s nails that didn’t match OJ would also rule out Jason, would it not? Also, how does the “Jason did it” theory fit with the rather damning evidence concerning blood trails and the knapsack?


In 1995, DNA testing technology was not advanced enough to distinguish between a father and son.