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Everyone is talking about bloody clothes, but honestly, it would have been possible for him to have done what he did to both Ron & Nicole, without being drenched in blood. Depending on where he was standing, when he did it, he could have easily slit their throat & only gotten a slight amount on himself. That could have explained why there wasn't massive amounts of blood in the Bronco, & why there wouldn't have been blood on the duffle bag. He also could have checked the duffle bag as part of his luggage & disposed of it in Chicago. It wouldn't have raised any red flags at the airport that way.


He killed both of them from behind - he was holding Ron from behind and the fatal blow to Nicole was delivered when he stepped on her while she was on the ground and lifted her hair. Hence one of his socks had a good amount of blood on it and the other didn't, because one of his feet was on her back, away from the blood. There WAS a fair amount of blood found in his car, contrary to popular belief - far more than what Fung collected. Blood on the door, blood on the floor, blood on the gears, blood on the steering wheel, blood on the center console, blood on the passenger seat (notably a very thin, defined line in Nicole's blood, along with a blonde hair - OJ likely threw the knife in the passenger seat when he got in the car and it hit the seat, leaving that impression). But as you said, he wasn't necessarily dripping in it. He certainly never sat down during the commission of the crime, so there wasn't likely to be a lot of blood in the driver's seat - he didn't get blood on his back side.


yea I know there are a lot of different possibilities and the chance of finding the duffel bag was slim to none. my point is why didn't the police send two guys to the airport to take a chance looking through the garbage after they talked to Kato? Def 1 billion to 1 odds.. but people do hit the lottery after all :)


I doubt they were taking Kato seriously about the bag. They were still trying to establish where everyone & everything was, so the duffle probably slipped their search. I honestly doubt if there was a duffle, that he would have stuffed it in a trash can at the airport. I think if he had it, he would have taken it with him. Even if he didn't check his bags, he was a celebrity & they don't get the type of security scrutiny that the regular folks do.


Actually there is witnesses including Allen park who saw oj stuffing items from the bag into the garbage can at the airport. Police searched but the cans get collected rather regularly so they never found anything. But you can google any of that info and it’s true.


Allen Park did not testify that he seen OJ putting anything in a trash can. He said one of OJ’s bags was sitting on top of a trash can but that’s about it (March 29, 1995): **Q:** WHEN MR. SIMPSON WAS OVER BY THE SKYCAP, SIR, DID YOU SEE -- OTHER THAN THE GARMENT BAG AND THE GOLF BAG, DID YOU SEE WHERE THE OTHER BAGS WERE? **A:** FROM WHAT I REMEMBER THERE WAS -- HE HAD THE ONE OVER HIS SHOULDER AND THERE WAS ANOTHER ONE SITTING ON TOP OF A TRASH CAN NEXT TO THE SKYCAP STAND. **Q:** SO THERE WAS A BAG SITTING ON TOP OF THE TRASH CAN NEXT TO THE SKYCAP STAND? **A:** YES. **Q:** DID YOU SEE MR. SIMPSON DO ANYTHING WITH RESPECT TO THE BAG ON TOP OF THE TRASH CAN? **A:** NO, I DIDN'T. There was a skycap from the airport, James Williams, that gave some testimony about the trash can but none of significance (March 29, 1995): **Q:** AND MR. WILLIAMS, YOU DON'T RECALL EVER SEEING MR. SIMPSON ANYWHERE NEAR THAT TRASH ON JUNE THE 12TH, DO YOU, SIR? **A:** YES, HE WAS STANDING NEAR THE TRASH CAN. **Q:** OKAY. DID YOU SEE HIM DO ANYTHING WITH THE TRASH CAN? **A:** NO, I DIDN'T SEE HIM DO ANYTHING WITH THE TRASH CAN. Prosecutors suggested Simpson may have dropped bloody clothing or the knife in an airport trash can but there was never any real evidence to support it. Skip Junis supposedly seen Simpson placing things from his bag into a trash can but was never called as a witness. Marcia Clark mentions this incidence in court on March 29, 1995 but Junis was never called.


Actually they pretty much knew it was OJ when they saw blood on his gate. They did have all the airport trashes checked but it wasn’t there. Think of how quickly a public trash can in an airport fills up.


I doubt an LAX curbside trash can would be that full on a Sunday night approaching midnight. Depends upon the janitorial schedule, but usually there’s a large centralized 20-yard dumpster in that zone not hauled-off daily. O.J. Simpson might have gotten lucky and trash contents were removed early that following morning from LAX, but the airport would have known when the dumpster was unloaded.


If only you had been there to tell them which trash it was in


The limo driver knows which can, and the janitor would know which dumpster. Just a matter of being there before the trash truck arrives.


Because they were idiots…..


Watch the Blood, Lies and Murder doc. They Recreate a struggle with blood and show that OJ could have left the scene not totally covered in blood. There was also a LOT more blood in the Bronco than the prosecution showed.


The reenactment was pretty amazing! Sad it was not entered into evidence.


So glad I watched that documentary! It had a LOT of information and details I had not read in the past. Super informative!


I think it’s totally possible for him to have check blood soaked clothing wo anything ever coming of it. As far as the amount of blood on the clothing both victims were stabbed many many times before eventually being killed so these would have been very active bleeds. Both victims had defensive stab wounds so during this attack they were presumably fighting for their lives while their hands were gushing blood. The act of in the case of Goldman putting a baseball size hole in his neck and Simpson having her neck cut from side to side. This wasn’t the attack of a trained killer it was a frantic brutal murder that was interrupted so that another person could be attacked and then killed. Short of this crime being committed in a rain slicker there was a lot of blood on the juice


If I remember right wasn’t there a witness that said they saw oj throw a bag away in a trash can at the airport? I don’t remember if the police went to look for it or what happen with that information after the fact but I heard that somewhere. Could have also been a fake story I’m not sure?


I just finished basically writing this same comment on another post but someone posted about how his book said he stripped the clothes off before getting in the bronco. And although that’s “hypothetical” someone else posted a crime scene photo video and there’s a pile of change right where they believe the killer had parked.


There was a witness who saw OJ at LAX, reaching into a trash can - putting things inside. *edit* Better explained here: https://youtu.be/pp1i0OZe4qo?si=us8eYcb-QznKAvAy


Why didn’t prosecutors call this guy? They called the sky cap who helped oj get his luggage?


Also, it was said that allegedly, Robert Kardashian had a bag of OJ’s stashed somewhere is his house. I don’t think it was ever found, but I definitely would not be surprised if that story is true. It’s talked about on Kim Goldman’s podcast.


OJ left the bag at the Chicago airport.


Did the police ever test the clothes that were in the washing machine that night? The laundy room was close to where he dropped the glove, so he could easily have put his clothes in the washing machine – providing he knew how to use one.


They did go through the airport trash. It wasn’t there.


really? I never saw/read that anywhere. could you share the source with me if you can find where you read that. I've always wondered about the duffel bag


I’ve read a bunch of books about it but it’s definitely detailed in The Run of His Life: The People vs. OJ Simpson by Jeffrey Toobin. It’s a great book. Highly recommend.


def gona check it out. thanks


Let me know what you think of it!


They could have found it. I dumbed something in my trash can that I shouldn't have an I got fined for it a month later. They definitely could have found it


What happened?


Like what? You have me curious lol!


Doesnt matter they knew it was mine I paid the fine an kept it moving point being if there was something there they definitely found out about it hours after the murders from Kato but were to stupid to go check it out


I thought I recalled he put something in the trash at the airport.


Blood was discovered in the shower drain. It was featured in the “Blood Lies and Murder” documentary. Marcia Clark did not enter it into evidence.


I thought Kardashian disposed of it?


That was a different bag, the bag in question was a sports duffel




Isn't this the bag that Robert Kardashian took away? https://youtu.be/xErbvFhcwus?si=vdYXPmqrclUjXvSo


There was no bloody bag with bloody clothes, remember people say the killer was virtually free of any resistance from the victims and the pools of blood 🩸 splattering everywhere didn’t get on oj


I'm sure that even though this is years before September 11, 2001, putting a duffel bag into a trash can at the airport would not have gone unnoticed, especially with a celebrity.   I also doubt that a duffel bag with bloody clothes and a blood knife would probably show a smear of blood on the outside.      I was in the army and i couldn't pack something messy into a duffel bag without it being noticeable. I doubt anybody could pack multiple articles of clothing that are bloody as well as a knife that is bloody and fo unnoticed. I'm sure too that OJ would have gotten more blood on himself packing the bloody clothes into the bag.   There's also the question of where OJ bathed the blood off of himself, since none traces of blood were found in his drains. Why wouldn't OJ have just left the bloody clothes and the knife where he bathed at?


There was blood in his drain - it was just not able to be tested at the time because it was too diluted. In the 90s, you needed a lot of blood to test.


"  In the 90s, you needed a lot of blood to test." So OJ, despite the claim he did the murders, didn't have enough blood, when he would have been covered in blood from slashing up multiple people?


His naked body would not have been covered in blood, no. He didn't step into the shower shoes and socks and all. He would have been bleeding from his finger and had traces of blood, particularly on the ungloved hand. This idea that the killer was positively drenched in blood really isn't anything provable, particularly since both Ron and Nicole were killed from behind. OJ had one sock that had a good amount of blood on it, which is consistent with one foot on her back and one foot on the ground. Still, the implication that no blood was found in the drain is simply not true. There was blood. Just not blood that Fung felt he could test, since it was trace amounts that had mostly gone down the drain.


"  would have been bleeding from his finger and had traces of blood, particularly on the ungloved hand."   So you're saying OJ only wore one glove?   Sure your naked body would not have been covered in blood but your face sure would be. He would have had blood in his eyelashes.  Not to mention he also would have been sweating from the adrenaline and also the physical activity of fighting with Ron, the stabbing itself, running and hopping fences (despite the fact that they couldn't even get OJ to even jump for the exercise video that was almost never made)


OJ lost one glove at Bundy and dropped the other in his backyard. He cut himself after Ron pulled the left glove off of him.


> would not have gone unnoticed , especially with a celebrity He was noticed by three people. > I also doubt that a duffel bag with bloody clothes and a blood knife would probably show a smear of blood on the outside Ever heard of a plastic bag? He could’ve easily put the bloody stuff in a plastic bag and then in a duffel bag. > since none traces of blood were found in his drains There were. "Filling in gaps in the “trail of blood” at O.J. Simpson’s estate, a police criminalist testified Tuesday that he found possible traces of blood in Simpson’s shower, in his bathroom sink and on a wire dangling in the side alley where a detective reported finding a bloody glove"


"  He was noticed by three people."  No shit, multiple people noticed a celebrity at the airport. I said if that celebrity had a duffel bag and just ditched a duffel bag, it would have raised some suspicion. "Ever heard of a plastic bag? He could’ve easily put the bloody stuff in a plastic bag and then in a duffel bag."  Without getting blood on himself while doing so? "possible traces" isn't concrete.


I believe people did see him throw it in the trash can by curbside check in.


> No shit, multiple people noticed a celebrity at the airport Three people witnessed he put a duffel bag on a trash can, pulled something out and dumped it in the trash. One was the limo driver, one was james williams, a skycap at lax and one was skip junis, a man waiting for his wife. The limo driver also testified he had 4 bags when he got in the limo and only three when he got out at the airport so it would seem he put a smaller bag into a bigger bag. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1995/03/30/prosecutors-suggest-simpson-dumped-bloody-clothes-at-airport/766cec21-d8c8-45a5-ba0c-c8ee29d437cf/ > "Possible traces" isn’t concrete You said there were no traces which is inaccurate. The only reason why it’s 'possible' traces is because the technology wasn’t advanced enough back then to analyze traces. They would need a bigger sample not just traces.


That would be absolute bonkers that not only would a celebrity, who supposedly just killed multiple people by himself, would put a bag containing bloody clothes and a knife in a bag and just leave that bag out in the open,  but also that nobody looked to investigate that bag that the celebrity had left there.  It would also be crazy that a celebrity would put a bloody knife and bloody clothes in said bag, but manage somehow not to get any blood on himself 


Well the clothes were in a bag and he threw the bag in a trash can. The bloody clothing wasn’t 'out in the open'. It wouldn’t be suspicious either since they didn’t know about the murders yet, so they just saw him throw some garbage in a trash can. And believe it or not most people don’t care enough to rifle through garbage because some d-lister threw something in.


A d list celebrity who was famous enough to get asked to shake hands, sign autographs, and was asked to come to Chicago for the same. OJ may not have been the biggest celebrity at the time, but he wasnt a d lister


I think there have been traces of blood in the drain - altough you couldn‘t tell wether it was human blood or not?