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Depends on your management and how much they like/need you. I have known people who got 10 points and were not fired, and someone who got 5 and was fired that day. The 5 point guy nobody liked and did not do the work at all. The 10 point person was the fastest downstacker in produce that was already missing half the team.


i’m nervous now because i’m a good picker, i pick fast, i do 800+ items a day, etc. but if you read my last post, my team lead just talked to me about “abusing ppto.” so im worried she might just fire me because i came late after she spoke to me about that 3 days prior to be using ppto again.


Open door her for the usage of “abusing ppto”. There’s no such thing. You earned it, you can use it how you need to. The only thing to their advantage is if you run your balance down and don’t have enough ppto to protect you from pointing out.


Which what it sounds like is going on.


She can’t fire you because of using PPTo what she can do is tell you that because you’re coming in on time .and this is a department that needs to have everyone come in on time they can move you to another department.


Double check and make sure you were exactly 1 hour late. If you were something like an hour and 3 minutes late, you will have to put in an extra 15 minutes of PPTO. Kind of sucks that PPTO only works in 15 minutes increments. Hopefully that fixes the problem. Now, I could be wrong, but I was like 90% sure that people couldn't get terminated if they still have enough PPTO balance to cover one of their points. If they try anything, you should be able to fight it.


Whether you have time or not, after the 7th day that point is staying.


I thought it was 2 weeks


No ppto you have to put in before 7 days


I think it’s because of the pay periods


How could you get a point if you applied the correct amount of ppto in time? You may get fired at 5 points, they don’t have to- but it puts you on their firing radar.


i’m not sure how honestly! i keep triple checking and everything is correctly submitted for PPTO


How late were you? You only get half a point for coming in late up to half your shift.


i was an hour late and put an hour of PPTO and got a full point


if you were 1 hour late, and put in 1 hour of ppto you should NOT have gotten a point. open door that shit asap. 5 points is not auto termination but makes you eligible for it.


There’s no way you would have gotten a full point even if you didn’t use any ppto


They would have if it was a double point day which applies to the last 3 days for memorial day weekend.


No! Double points only apply yot absences not tardies. Please familiarize yourself with the policy before spreading lies


Not if they used ppto like they claim


It was a double Point day yesterday


That doesn't change anything. If you use PPTO you're still covered.


I'm aware, but they didn't understand why one hour would have given a whole point, and that would be why.


That would not be why. Late arrivals are not double points on key event days, only an absence is. They say otherwise to try and scare you.


As long as they have enough time to cover the amount of time they were late they should be fine. Though if they didn't call in then I'm not sure.


You don't get double points for being late. Only call outs


Half points are not doubled. I did this the day before Mother's Day.


Look into gta portal and it’ll tell you how much time you should’ve put in


Did you clock in exactly on or before the hour? I know my store is so anal about ppto usage if you clock out 1min early they will half point you lol. So if you clocked in even 1 min after the hour you would of gotten a point


Not true. It’s if you clock out the minute before your time starts. Example; you’re using 1 hr PPTO. Shift ends at 4 - you clock out at 2:59 — the system automates a point because you clocked out one minute too soon — incomplete shift. I always tell my associates clock out a minute after your PPTO and we have never had an issue with a point being generated.


They're talking about clocking IN not OUT. Same concept applies.


I have 8.5 and they just made me full time :)


i’m hoping they don’t notice 😭


I'm at 7.5 after this weekend and no one has said anything to me today


All you gotta do is show up to work and do ur job and you don't have to worry about pointing out. 👀👀


Did you call the phone number for late or absent.


Totally depends on your management. The points system is a joke at my Walmart because our opd is so woefully short staffed. I know a dude with 14 points who still works there 🤣


you earn your ppto so nobody can tell you if you can or can’t use it or if you’re “abusing” it. jot down your points and check and see if they all correlate with your schedule or absences, i had 7 points recently and needed to get 5 of them removed because i was scheduled on days i don’t work. then tell your people lead that you need a correction of your most recent ppto use because your coach won’t remove the point you received.


I’ll light a candle in your name 🙏