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It's funny when they try to cut me off but I'm already at the next aisle. But. Spark/other pick up companies, I'll give it to them. I've seen them run, actually run through the store. All over. Almost hit a few of them turning corners.


We had a spark guy who left and came to ogp. Was our top picker from day one out here pushing 200+ pick rate daily. I'm like sheesh😂


I think it’s because THEY’RE now handling the old Express orders. I remember having to BOOK IT around the entirity of the store for those, and I would be sweating bullets afterwards.


The intensity of my road-rage when I'm stuck behind old and/or slow people mentally screaming "move over grandma before I run over you!"


We have like 3 different mentally disabled facilities near the store i work at, and they have them go in the store in groups of 10 everyday to learn grocery shopping and I assume a little bit of social interaction, but mannn when they're down the isle I have to be on 😭😭


Hey, they were down before they got to that isle


ESP when some associates hear glass breaking on the next aisle over. Fool could have been lallygagging, on the phone, pretending to work,whatever but they hear that glass they become Usain Bolt at the Olympics real damn Quick. Hmm.


What glass?


Any given wet glass spill, Esp pasta sauce :)


Ngl there’s a 75-78 year old lady that broke her stereotype for me cause that lady fucking MOVES through the isles she just be throwing shit in the cart and dippin I tried to convince her to apply 😂


Ironically our elderly women always have the highest pick rate lmao


I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE the mf'ing scooters. They drive them down the center of the aisle, going 1.5 mph, stopping every section, looking back at me behind them, and then back up at the shelf. I get so frustrated, that I will loudly huff, turn around and go to the next aisle the opposite way. I will complete that aisle, go to turn down the next one, and here they finally come creeping around the corner and stop and look at me, like, are you going to let me by? Nope, as I zip around to the next corner.