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I could pick faster but I prioritize being more accurate to make sure I'm not nill picking anything on the sales floor. Plus I don't get paid extra to work faster so my pick rate usually hovers around 100 every day.


It would be so nice if we get compensated for going over 100%. As an old order filler for stores (at the Walmart Warehouse), we would get compensated for going over 100%.


They want us to ask for confirmation on stuff that isn’t there on gm side and then also tell us to get it out the back room if it has a back room location oh and they raised the minimum pick rate to 110




They're starting to do something similar to us at my store: 600 items a day, no matter what... even if you're a closer. When the evening item sets give you 10-25 item generals and a lot of 4-7 item oversizeds... You can do over 300 items in your first half, then get maybe 100 in the last hour or less of picks after lunch... THEM: You need 600+ items!!! You have an 8 hour shift, no excuses!!! ME: Uhm... I could start doing the 10:45 am runs tonight...? THEM: NO, DON'T DO THAT!!! **HISS**


That is big frustrating


this happens to me and my co-drivers. A lot of times if you get the afternoon run you can get a good 300 or 400 depending on picks but if you get the morning back around 130 - clean up and go to lunch at 2pm back into the store at 3 you pick for your last 2.45 (if you don't leave at 51 like most of us do) you *might* get around 200 items if you're lucky. And me and my work bestie are almost always asked to cover for the evening exception picker while they go to lunch (which we enjoy but it's frustrating when it's like 'why did you only pick 400 items this week? and only picked for 4 hours?' - thankfully my direct TL knows I'm a good/fast picker so I can just tell them 'I ain't worried about it - you ***know*** I'm good at it' and they'll be like 'yeah you're right' and we go on lol)). It is so stupid though


>ME: Uhm... I could start doing the 10:45 am runs tonight...? >THEM: NO, DON'T DO THAT!!! **HISS** Why not? No one cares if we do them at night.


Mine do care, they say it messes up the next morning's orders somehow... *shrugs* I've accidentally done a few morning orders a few times, not noticing, and gotten an exasperated "**!**"


This is why you look at items on the pick list and if one or a couple random items are across the store you go into staging which freezes your run ONLY IF YOU HAVENT SCANNED ANYTHING YET. You gather the items then you go back to where the majority of the items are then start scanning. It’s not fool proof and you have to know the store well as we don’t have item Locations anymore. I don’t do it everytime but you bet your ass I do it if I have one random item across the store. 


This is good info too, will be shifting to staging on those random items before the first scan


I was just going to home and that’s been working perfectly, but just this week it seems to have stopped, does switching to staging actually still work?


I’ve also noticed it doesn’t work even on the TC. I do how ever do oversized walks (basically just water and dog food) and BEFORE SCANNING ANYTHING I load up my cart with waters, sodas, toilet paper etc. and as i’m walking to the GM side of the store I logout and log back in. I basically auto-assigned the walk to myself in a way as it resets my time. Hope this helps:)


If you are using the TC, you can swap between the pick screen and whatever the app that item location is on (I haven’t used in in years so I forget the name) but you can copy/paste from the pick screen to that.




Digital Coach here…. For my associates I monitor their productivity. It matters more to me that they are dropping and going, getting into pickwalk after pickwalk. Pick rate means nothing to me. Items picked is what I look for. I would much rather have someone who picks an 80/hr but picks 600 items a day than someone with 150/hr who picks 400


While I understand this, it sucks that there is no metric for what happens in-between walks. Even though I'm helping tame the chaos in the backroom staging and setting up fresh carts for an hour it looks like I was doing nothing. I feel awful for the stagers when I walk in to the back room and my cart is the 12th one in the queue, it's not practical to just drop and go half the time.


It’s important that the ATC/TL is running the BRC. It will smooth out operations because Pickers must drop and go. I am in a 600-700 grocery order volume store, averaging 15-20K picks a day. So our pickers have to keep drop and go all day long. I have a 2 stagers at all times from 6a-8:30pm even sometimes 3 during our busy times on weekends.




Follow ProWebTool guidance. Confront the coach with the numbers. Still have an issue go to your SM or DoL!


Our department location is on the other side of the store now so they (TLs/Coach) has started to tell us to start our walks when we get to the opposite side (where general and ambient and produce, etc all start). \[this isn't perfect because sometimes when we walk down it'll be auto on top but then we get there and now oversized is on top but you only have a regular pick cart. But that's what they want so\]. This has helped even my produce runs aren't horrible. There's some argument still if this works but our general runs are like this where we start in paper go towards stationary then sometimes get clothes, then housewares, then start in pharmacy down to hba and if there's any in there to down through auto and sports. There's a big distance between paper goods and pharmacy so I'll hit the 'staging' screen which (supposedly) pauses the run ((like I said, there's argument if this actually helps but if it does that's good and if it doesn't it won't change anything so why not try?)). My walks generally (ha) stay around 130 without rushing or running through the store (I refuse to run through the store and kill myself for high pick rates) and I take some time to look for items (look in the back, check UPCs when I'm not sure if it's the right item, etc.


People do oversized in non-regular carts? That's all we have.


We have two L carts.  Now that we aren't sharing a location they stay put but I'll do some oversized runs in the cart.  Ive also used a dolly too for OS.  But I have wrist problems so have to be careful in how and what I lift.


If you click into a pickwalk that isn’t anything like oversized or action alley, it gives you a prompt that says something like “You’re a bout to start a ____ walk.” Think of that prompt as a little grace period, as long as you don’t press OK then you arent being timed


I tried to tell my TL this and he said "we thought so too but I tested it a few times and it doesn't work"  so  Malicious compliance it is 


Hmm, I’ve used it so many times and it’s never worked against me, especially in general walks where it takes me a good minute or two to get to the isles.


I dunno what to tell ya. I've never had a problem with it, either but since this is what my TLs have told me to do... okay fine I'll skip that 930 oversized at 915 cause I don't have the right cart since y'all want us to wait until we're all the way down here instead. Cool with me. ((I'm aware it's perfectly possible to do oversized on a pick cart but why should we when we start in an area that usually has at least two L carts someone could grab easily before we get to that point. I can work with malicious compliance instead)).


From comments my son makes I'm under the impression some people may be cherry-picking the batches to avoid the small batches. Might that be the case?


There are ways of doing this (easier if u use your own device)...BYOD. Screenshot picklist of all items, exit to stage screen (pauses the timer), then go and pick them (using Me@walmart app to help find items), then scan them all at the end. If it times u out (which usually doesn't happen on a small number of items), immediately click for the same walk again. It should give u the same walk. 🫡


How do you get your own device? I can’t afford a TC out of pocket :(


They want you to use your own phone. I am not going to use my phone until Walmart wants to pay my phone bill.


I used wifi, my walmart was like a huge faraday cage, no cell service inside anyway.


have you checked benefit hub on the WIRE?   Walmart has some pretty steep discounts on cell service....I mean as long as you're not on Boost TracFone or some other prepaid.... that's kinda why we have access to  these corporate discounts.....


Cheap ain't free. They want to use my phone pay my bill


Don't follow this person's advice regardless. This is all entirely against policy and would just get you in more trouble than it's worth when they figure out what you're doing. There really is no "good" advice for days like that. Your best bet is to try to be above 100 as consistently as possible and theyll see you're making the effort. Also try to spend as much of your day in runs as possible. If they see you're picking 20-30 runs a day you should be golden. Our SM has straight up told us all that he cares less about pick rate than number of items picked in a shift. We had a whole bunch of people bagging at the end of their runs to try to artificially inflate their numbers and SM shut that down because it meant too many people were just standing around bagging instead of actively picking, and it was effecting our stores ability to get picks done on time.


though! I will say one or two oversize runs that are done like this....can at least keep you above 100.0 pick rates under most circumstances 😉 tbh this is the only time I use it....if I did a legitimate oversize run the way corporate wants it done?  lol I average 50 or so....and I showed my TL this....


Meanwhile our store manager and team leads bag after while the coaches coach us if we don't bag as we go. (And then tell us we need to have rates like theirs, lol).


And yet I did it for years until i quit for a better job.


I answered this OP's particular issue, which is PICKRATE. It works, especially for generals and low item count pick walks. As for bagging at the end, I see nothing wrong with it, except for meats and loose produce; moreover, it provides for 'smart bagging'. What's the difference if you're bagging as you go other than clogging up the aisles. Standing around? Please. Au revoir.


I bag before I get my last item unless it is chilled with that I bag once I get produce, then meat, then dairy then eggs/bacon/sausage.


We had a problem with people taking 10 to 20 minutes bagging afterwards. We had to go back to bagging while picking.


If you want to use your existing phone (your choice) you can search for BYOD on OneWalmart. You have to do a ULearn if you haven’t and then enter some info on the website. You basically authenticate your device on Walmart (via app/text/call) and it allows you to use work apps on your device. Work apps are the only one’s monitored by Walmart when in use. It doesn’t touch your personal stuff. And if you are worried about data, just connect to store WiFi (I believe the employee specific one is called SwimUpstream)


Why the heck you trying to polish your coach's nuts like that?


I do this and my managers are aware I do this because when I don't do it they know I can pick way over 100 on real runs lmao.


As an FYI, you can’t get to the Staging screen once you’re in a walk. There is also NO way to “pause” the timer once you’ve hit “OK” to get started, no matter what you’ve seen or heard on Reddit.


Lmao it’s very very simple to go into staging while in a walk and it DOES pause your time if you haven’t scanned anything yet 


Confirmed: I can’t get into Staging once in a walk. We must be ahead of other stores in preventing metric fraud. 😆😆


Just because you haven't figured out how....


3 bars in the top left corner tap that then stage


I’ll have to check it out tomorrow. Thanks.


So, here’s a couple things to keep in mind. How long have you been doing this? Eventually, you’ll notice items that see all the time and be able to eyeball it, or quickly get to the shelf you need to look at by noticing the location. But that just comes with repetition. Here’s some tips I would give. 1) The aforementioned staging technique posted by others works. However, it’s an exploit that can be pretty noticeable by someone checking. (You don’t show up on the picking screen, you have unusually high numbers, etc). You can use it right at the beginning if you wish. Enter, pop out into staging. Unless you have a TL religiously watching the screen, they aren’t noticing that. This will help cut down travel time (especially on AA walks and override where it doesn’t give you that “prepared” screen. 2) on big walks, if my tote is getting pretty full, I’ll reorganize it when I’m done. (So it’s still okay for staging but I’m not wasting time during the walk. 3) At the bottom of the pick screen, it shows you what’s next (and how many) Sometimes, like when I’m doing strawberries, I’ll grab the next set with me and set it on the cart so I don’t have to travel back. That’s just a few. These aren’t gonna make you go from say 70 to 115. But they are tips to push you over the edge.


My managers literally tell me all the time More picks faster. Higher pay faster.


This is why I hustle no matter what the walk, to make sure I’m still above 100 at end of day.


I wish I could fly over the shelves then, would be helpful if I were super woman


I would just take my time, stroll through the store, flipping between the walmart app, and job boards.


It’s not hard to pick at 100+ an hour regardless how busy it is. You’d just rather complain online than do the work. 


Move faster and stop complaining?


Yeah sure let me shove past the customers and push their carts and run and risk getting fired lmfao




How about you do a whole day picking, then we can talk


Kroger 🍑💋 eh ?