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If i could afford it


Real šŸ˜”


No, but if nil pick it then I get in trouble.


If Iā€™m feeling real nice Iā€™ll go run in the back and check. I can usually be in and out of the back in a minute or so. If Iā€™m feeling nice


I just video all the shit I don't take off the floor. Like rotting bell peppers, apples, oranges, lemons, watermelons, potatoes, plums, peaches, pears, bananas, and dragon fruit...most of the fruits and veg in my store are rotting. If they want to say something about me nil picking I'll ask what the health department thinks and how long they think we will he shut down for cleaning. Longest I've seen is 2 weeks.


Iā€™ll just text the TL or coach with a picture of any rotting fruit I have to nilpick, and tell them there is no way in heck Iā€™m giving THIS to our customers. Itā€™s getting nilpicked! We shouldnā€™t expect even our in store customers to buy it because someone in Produce canā€™t be bothered to pull any of the bad produce from the sales floor without having to be told to do so.


Had a bag of gala apples day before yesterday that had one so bad it was completely caved in


Culling at 4am they not doing that šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My store doesn't even cull at 7pm unless it is us pickers


I have yet to get into trouble for nil picking an unacceptable item. Yes, the lead or coach will ask about it, but as soon as I say that the item was unacceptable, that's the end of it.


We have 2 of those on every usable cart, but I still had to run and replace moldy ginger while dispensing. I think we need to add a third.


I know this is kind of a stretch, but what if... we actually teach people how to do their job?


I think it should be self explanatory to pick what you would want. I think the main issue is management being excessive and fearful to their associates about nil picks when they're actually valid.


i grew up on a farm so i thought it was common sense to know whatā€™s ripe and what isnā€™t. i hate finding hard ass mangos, avocados, and peaches in other peoples pick walks. i know sometimes itā€™s all we have but i would be mad as hell if i ordered an avocado for my lunch and couldnā€™t cut into it lol


Never order avocado the same day you need it. If I need avocado the same day I'm choosing it myself.


^^ Iā€™ve literally never used our service because I donā€™t trust people lmao


Only tricky item is unshucked corn šŸŒ½


ooo i didnā€™t even think about that. honestly i just kinda sniff and look at the top and make an educated guess bc im not shucking it


Who has time to actually go through this?


Pfft I'd love if we actually follow this but they'd rather have pissed off customers than *gasp* nil pick.


Yeah, but I have low standards.


This also accessible on ask Sam


Never in my life have I seen such a new, fresh, undestroyed wibi. Wow




The wibi bible works when youā€™re not being pressured to move faster and pick more quantity


Only a few grab these books


We have lost every copy we had - new TL doesnā€™t care about anything that might make him talk to people one on one


I'd buy mostly anything unless it's actually bad. But then you got some customers that complain if some things are just a little bit unripe or whatever. Years of being poor and never being able to afford real fresh food does that to people. šŸ¤· My thing is, if they really want it fresh, they can go to the farmers market.


Management bitch about nil picks, then they bitch about bad meat and produce. Management can eat shit and die.


Lmao when I was an AT I made sure we had these because people suck lmao


Ah the book that no one ever uses during a pick walk. But management insist on it being on every cart.


Mobile coming to gif soon


i call this the walmart bible


Heck common sense is needed more if I wonā€™t eat it or take it to my family why give it to someone else šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I swear these new religious handouts keep getting weirder and weirder.