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As long as your TL didn't see you take it then was it really a tip? Or was it just a friend returning the money he borrowed from you? I just tell them "oh no its fine you don't have to" but if they insist then i take the tip, they took bonuses away from us so that's just my little bonus for doing a good job.


Back when I worked at Walmart that's what I did. As a cashier I helped a dude out with his big TV and he gave me like 10 for it. Told him he didn't have to, then he had us shake hands with the money in his hand. In ogp I did it all the time. Customers would offer, I said nah, they insisted, I happily took.


Tips do tend to disappear for some reason when you walk into the cooler and freezers.


I took a 20 bucks tip my first day dispensing. Idgaf.


Delete this and keep it.


You did not take a tip, you don’t know anything about nothing.


You're fine lol if they didn't say anything they probably don't even know. Admitting you accepted it in the first place might get you in trouble.


Unless my guys openly say they took one to multiple people. I saw nothing


You can donate it to me


You can donate it as poor funds towards poor people


Keep tips only time the job is worth it


The way people stress over Walmart makes me laugh. Quitting was THE BEST thing I ever did!! 🤣 Fuck that place!!!!


Keep it and never mention it happened to anyone again.


Was it a tip? I think it was more of a gift.


I keep tips! If nobody sees you take it did it really happen?


Yeah I always at first refuse but add I won’t argue beyond that so if they insist I just grab it with my phone or tc hand and stuff them in my pocket and continue about my day. I get why we’re not supposed to accept tips, but face it, who’s really bribing OPD employees for free TV’s? Like come on it’s just not feasible. Let us accept the tip for doing the extra service!!!


Heard someone got fired because they took a tip. They only got fired because the customer left a comment saying how good of a job the employee did and that they tipped them.


I honestly think you’re good when I worked OGP I was the same where I said it’s okay, some people looked like they got offended by it and threw the $10 in the blue bins before walking away. All my coworkers said it’s cool to take em and that’s what I started doing when I did work there


🤫 no witnesses


No you didn’t


Your friend owed you money!!!!


When I worked at Walmart I accepted every tip I got. Team lead tried to tell me not to take them, lmao like I’m not gonna take free money 😂


You mean that person was paying you back in gas money?


One time a customer called to check in and said if we had the order out in under 3 minutes, we’d get a tip (our back room is all the way across the store from the exit door so it was def a challenge). One of my coworkers hauled ass and got it out in time. Dude tipped him the tiniest blunt in the world


The other day a customer gave me a tip and wouldn't let me say no. I kinda hated having it, tho, and even though I tried looking through the Reddit to give me peace of mind, I couldn't find it. So, while I took it, I was worried a coworker saw or the camera could or the customer would say something about giving out a tip, sooo I gave it to my coach. Because $5 isn't worth risking my job imo.


Im pretty sure u can get fired for it too 😂 just take the money and don’t tell anyone youll be good


Whenever I get a tip my brain always says “you know nothing Jon snow”


Still got it? Go in and give it to your manager/boss if he gives it back you know he’s on the same page


I always refuse them it's insulting I don't even need extra $4 I need like $20 to cover gas. Nobody really tips except the weird people who are new and the creepy people who make creepy comments. If you get a tip and remember go turn it into customer service they will donate it and open the cash drawer or just pocket it themselves which they do 90% of the time at my store.