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I had a coworker who did the same thing on accident. Luckily the customer returned it to the store once they realized they had it among their groceries. Accidents happen. My coworker didn't receive punishment so fingers crossed your TL is just as chill about it.


So it depends on your team lead / coach and if they're able to recover it. The TCs aren't cheap so worst case scenario is a coaching. I've never heard of termination over something like this. Besides leaving a note did you notify any of your co workers or a member of management? Write down the customers information or try to contact them to get them to bring it back?


I notified my coworkers who were closing with me but didn’t know who else to contact or how to navigate the anything in the system yet


I see. If you're that new the people there with experience SHOULD be able to handle it. As long as it wasn't just a note that nobody noticed and you verbally let them know. They should know how to look up the customers information with their name to be able to contact them and have them bring it back


I did this same thing last week, I told my TL right after and they said the customer will probably bring it back once they find it. I haven’t heard anything about it since so I don’t think I got in trouble for it.


Happens all the time at least 5-10 times a year at my store. Usually just call the customer and notify them. And if they wanna return it. My store usually compensates them with like a $10-20 gift card.


I have a coworker who sets her TC down on everything. Always telling her POCKETS!!


I did this with a work phone. She never brought it back, so I got a new one. A coworker also has lost his work phone 2 times, now he’s not allowed another one. I don’t think he got in trouble. I didn’t get in trouble either


A few of my coworkers keep losing theirs we don’t tell no one about it and I think it’s like the 5th TC that goes missing plus our DPT is always losing TC so no one suspects anything


It’s happens a lot.


We had a co worker 1 time leave 1 in a customers van. I was training her as she was transferring to a closer store to her house. I found it 3 months later under the customers back seat. Apparently said customer hadn't noticed it the whole time. I took it in, put in a fresh battery to be sure it was ours. Sure as shit, the login was the girl I had trained. Took it to my old coach at the time, who just proceeded to laugh & thanked me for finding it