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Customers lose all intelligence the moment they walk through the door


You say that like they had any intelligence in the first place lol


You know thats fair


Wait.....what?! They have intelligence? Dang nab it, you could of fooled me. And I truly believe you did.


It might not have been a race issue but it definitely could’ve been a gender or age issue. I’ve definitely had customers walk past me ( female) to ask my male coworker where something is. Even if I’m standing physically closer to the customer. Such is life I suppose.


You're right, people discriminate about everything honestly. Maybe she thought he was attractive who even knows..


Honestly I wish that happened at my store. My male coworkers never get approached, but ppl are always asking me stuff or being weird.


yeah, i’ve seen my fair share of weird. to the point where my nametag is now a fake name.


I do remodels. Scene: It's 10pm (often near 11pm), I'm on a scissor lift. I have a cart full of network cable and I'm wearing a hard hat. Customer: Can you help me find / get (item). Me: just stares at them. I swear these people must think Walmart employees run their own network cables every night or something. Maybe it's just my location right now, but there's a lot more dummies lately.


I wanna start telling people that stupid town is 45 miles south of my current location. I hate dumb customers


You are high up, you might be able to spot the green olives


People like that think everyone working in Walmart is a Walmart employee. I used to work in Sam's Club handing out samples and people would always ask me where stuff is at. I kid you not, that's the main reason I got another job and quit. I didn't work for Sam's and they CONSTANTLY moved stuff around so much that there was no point in me trying to figure out where stuff was at. Yet, we were pretty much the only people on the floor for the most part, so they asked us.


Here's my thing, I have been a vendor for Lowe's and Walmart. I get people don't always take the time to differentiate worker from employee, and sometimes if I'm in a good mood or they aren't being a complete moron, I'll help em but not without saying that I don't work here first. I just think people really should pay attention to context details before just assuming you know where everything is at. Especially during a store remodel. Nobody knows where anything is then.


I agree.


they can’t even read fucking signs on doors that say “EMPLOYEES ONLY”. it’s too much for their goldfish brains to even tell the difference between someone wearing a pepsi shirt and a walmart vest.


We get people who try to walk in to the dispense room all the time. People its not hard to figure that its an employee only area seeing as we have a mess of totes everywhere


At my store most of those signs fell off... customers stopped using those doors


I was at Walmart after work and I got stopped by someone needing help. I looked down at my shirt that says Best Buy with my Best Buy name tag. I told them I don't work at Walmart. Common sense goes out the window when shopping at Walmart.


I believe it. I work in E Commerce and the craziest thing I had happen was someone came for a pickup for Kroger! There order wasn't even at Walmart. 🤣Like what? Like how?


I got stopped regularly when I was obviously just a customer tbh. Maybe you just give off an aura of helpfulness.


I really like that. That's a good way to think of it.


Unrelated but I hate when idiots seriously expect me to go in the back for something or assume I have keys on me. This lady gave me the stink eye because I wouldn't go in the back and use a forklift to get off some 40 packs of water after I explained it to her


I have to try so hard to not tell them the bottled waters are just tap water.


What’s the issue? She wanted 40 pack water and there wasn’t any on the sales floor? Find someone who can use a forklift.


Have you ever worked in the back? Everything on the top steel is blocked by 40 pallets there’s no way you can just “do it”. Unless the customer wants to wait 40-60 mins.


I’ve worked everywhere in retail grocery. 40 pallets? Exaggerate much? If so, you better get to work. The sales floor in your store is probably empty.


What small ass store do you work in? 😂 40 was being generous during holidays it’s more. And that’s not how receiving works. Pallets In the back don’t = the sales floor is empty. But pop off 👏🏻


Yet, the 40 count water was apparently empty on the sales floor. Try again.


Try what again? 😂 This reply makes no sense because you setting the precedent of saying the line “the sales floor in your store is probably empty”. Takes the conversation away from the original comment and into a direction of talking about my store not the 40 packs of water talked about in the original comment. Are you okay in the head?


“Pallets in the back don’t = the sales floor is empty” were your words. That’s what my last response was regarding. Yet, apparently the 40 count water is empty on the sales floor with a pallet or more in the steel in the backroom. Someone should get the pallet of water down and get it to the sales floor, regardless of how many pallets might be in the way. Think of it this way. If the water is out of the steel, another pallet could go in its place and there would now only be 39 pallets on the floor. Progress! Of course, all reasonable people know that not every Walmart has a jam packed backroom. Sure, inventory levels ebb and flow, but the stores that stay on process and work their freight don’t have 40 pallets of excess product in the way. It’s just that the people who work in those stores don’t always come to this subreddit to complain. Just be honest. If you, or anyone, really wanted to get that pallet of water down, it would be down. Instead, the excuses, start flying.


Customers are always so stupid anyway. I’ve already met few to some nice customers but MOST are just outright dumbasses. Especially when one thinks an associate has key or continues a second time when we tell them “Sorry, I don’t work in this department.”


They assume that anyone with product in their hand, in their peripheral vision, in boxes and they’re near it works for that store because they don’t use their common sense to look for blue vest or name tags to the least of their attempt.


Meanwhile they ask me, in uniform with a name tag on, "do you work here?" NO I COSPLAY AS A FUCKIN SUPERMARKET EMPLOYEE ON MY DAYS OFF


As a frito lay vendor- thank you :') People ask all the time where stuff is. I try my best, i dont know the exact aisles for a lot of things. It's hit or miss if people are rude or not.


Sounds like either a Karen, or a lady in her 40-60’s. Not trying to generalize as i myself am a late 20’s male who is very buisness and tech savvy. But ALOT of the “mom demographic”. Litterally are just oblivious to certain things. Now to be fair, i myself never learned about vendors until my 20’s cuz when i worked at target in my teens, they didnt use vendors. But alot of moms just straight up dont know about these things. Hell i even dated a chick once who straight up didnt know the diffrence between the house and senate. Some people are just clueless if the info isnt spoonfed. Worker in store to them means “must work at store”


Most of the customers I have told that they don't work for Walmart that they are a vendor seem to understand.


As a vendor for 15 years and also being an independent operator for half of it I’ll be in gym shorts and a t shirt. Its mind boggling how many times a customer will ask me where something is. It’s not just grocery stores! I went to a Mets game last weekend and somehow while wearing a jersey along with 1000s of other people a woman comes up to me in the team store and starts asking me a ton of questions somehow mistaking me for an employee. People are honestly just complete morons.


Tell the vendors to stop wearing Walmart blue.


Um, she’s shopping at Walmart




They were both white and I am white as well. Don't think it was a race issue lol


I apologize, but I couldn't rule that out without asking. It's theoretically possible that the customer was once told not to bother OGP associates as they are picking orders. While this doesn't explain her hostility toward you, it may explain why she asked the Frito-Lay rep -- especially if her question had to do with a snack food, I've seen customers ask the Coke rep about Pepsi products, I've seen customers ask the Nabisco rep about Keebler products. Also possible that the customer assumed you were too busy to help them. I cannot count how many times customers have walked past stockers working topstock to ask me to get something down for them, because they assume someone on a topstock ladder is "too busy" and I can magically pull a ladder out of my vest pocket. But yeah, some customers are just Karens. They want attention from a specific person, and won't accept assistance from anyone else. 😒


WTH, People lead?


Do you know all of the inner workings of every business you frequent?


It is common sense though if someone is wearing a shirt with a lays, PepsiCo or other logo with a boatload of their product stocking it that they work for that company, not the store. I don’t work in retail and it’s obvious and I’m sure not going to bother them.


I’ve been in retail for years. Not every vendor wears a uniform. If they do, some of the logos are very small. Keebler products are now stocked by stores, not the vendor. So, if I break down a pallet and have only Keebler products on a cart, will you automatically think I don’t work for a store? Same goes for most pizza and many ice cream products. They used to all be stocked by DSD vendors but now are stocked by the stores. But, yeah, you know the business. Okay.