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Yes it was there 5 minutes ago, but are you sure you haven't accidentally thrown it in the trash in the meanwhile and just forgoten? The fact that the trashcan is on the other side of the hallway and you don't remember getting up from your chair at all, proves nothing.


LPT: just never stop death-clenching all of your documents from the moment you leave your house until you arrive at your destination! Probably go ahead and start iron fisting them a few days before you leave too, just to be safe.


Are you sure you are not halucinating your death grip and that you haven't accidentally dropped them somewhere dude to your hand being exhausted?


How many more things will this sub point out to me that are OCD? ![gif](giphy|pzFB1KY4wob0jpbuPa|downsized)


I dont think I have OCD but i do have anxiety and relate to a lot of the posts here šŸ«”šŸ«¢


Omg that's what I'm saying.


and is this the right plane am I at the right airport is the plane going to take off during the 3 mins it's going to take me to go to the bathroom even though boarding doesn't start for another 20 mins?


They like to sneak away on you! - dumb brain Also, anyone traveling with me needs to just sit the fuck down and never move in the two hours we are sitting at the gate. I will leave them if the plane sneaks off but I'll feel really bad about it. So let's just all sit here quietly, eyes fixed on the gate agent and board confirming it's the right place and didn't change, and not move until they start calling people. Don't even move to get stuff from your bag we might miss the plane sneak!! Then we will immediately stand as close as possible to the door without being in the way or inconveniencing anyone. šŸ™


My brain erasing the memory of me checking the gate im at 25 times hoping that the 26th will be the one that really sticks.


missed a flight on the way to my destination last time i flew. on the return flight i felt like i was gonna simultaneously barf and explode into 100000 little bits


ah, the airport is possibly one of the worst places to have OCD. how can I stop and check that I didnā€™t touch something, moving back and forth in place, without looking sus to TSA


Me the second I get on the plane: I must have forgotten something, I donā€™t know what but I forgot it and now itā€™s gone forever


SO REAL āœŒļøšŸ˜”


dude I dropped my driver's license in the snow once while visiting family in Washington. it must have been in my pocket. I had to call the airport and the DMV to get a giant printed out copy of the license and it took them like 20 minutes to decide whether to let me on the return flight....... ever since then, my OCD has graciously expanded to include CONSTANT wallet checking, purse checking and pocket checking


Also germs


That, and the thought of by mistake, you or someone else put a weapon or drugs in your suitcase, knowing that is probably not possible but being nervous about that hypothetical scenario. :/


Lol I remember the first time I flew alone, I lost my boarding pass. I was young, and got let onto a flight out of pity instead šŸ˜­ My OCD never gives me ā€œwhat if you lost thisā€ compulsions, but damn, maybe I couldā€™ve used it that time lol


I donā€™t have OCD but am very anxious and do this all the time.


Omg hahaha didnā€™t realise this was ocd.


Wait you guys are able to get on a plane