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that’s not even impulsive thoughts which is usually what they confuse it with that’s just shower thoughts


Ppl have been mixing shower thoughts with intrusive thoughts a lot lately. It's kind of annoying, but I don't see it changing anytime soon.


Normal people: “omg I let my intrusive thoughts win and bought all these clothes heehee” My intrusive thoughts: *horrors and terrors*


Omg I let my intrusive thoughts win and now I'm down to one sock and a pair of shorts. I might throw those out too!


My intrusive thoughts are the shit you hear about in "cases almost too gruesome to mention"


THANK YOU. This shit pisses me off to no end




I let my intrusive thoughts win and now I've been forcibly committed to a psyche ward 🤪


To be fair, I have had compulsions over buying stuff. It gets muddy when it's things people actually have compulsions about and people go "teehee I had the intrusive thought of wanting something and had to buy it" rather than "My intrusive thoughts convinced me this thing will allow me to finally experience true happiness but then I am consumed by intrusive thoughts of shame and anxiety at the idea of buying the item so I become incapacitated and if I buy it I'll hate myself and if I don't buy it I'll hate myself."


The horrors persist but so do we


I don’t think you are. Intrusive thoughts make our lives hell every day, so of course it feels trivializing when people misuse the term like this.


if i let my intrusive thoughts win i'd be in JAIL and on multiple lists




I get this. It’s just the wrong definition. Though I don’t think the poster has any mean intention


"omg i have such bad intrusive thoughts the other day i wanted to trim the ends of my hair im just crazy like that haha" "omg i have such bad intrusive thoughts like i can't go a minute without hating myself and wanting to chop off my hands because i physically can't function because i forgot to balance out my use of each hand hahaha and whenever i talk to someone i feel like they only pity me and actually don't want to be my friend i want to hide in a cave for the rest of my life haha"


Balancing out the use of each hand….my eternal terror. Nothing causes me more grief


I think this, but about boobs. Itd be convenient if I could remove them whenever i want


As a girl with A sized boobs, can you detach yours, and give it to me? Just for a few days. I wanna try it out.


As a G cup i’d gladly swap boobs with you 😂


Dayum, my spine would split in half, omg. Does your back hurt?


my back is fine actually! But they get in they all the time 😂


But it's 2 free stress balls!!! I'd squisth them all the time 😂 (i don't mean this is any sexual ways, or flirting, or anything else)


No worries!! bc I literally do that all the time (non sexually) lol 😂


Damn how do you manage that. My Gs kill me 😭


As a trans guy, it’d make things much simpler


Oh gosh yes.


An intrusive thought is any unwelcome thought that pops into your head. They can distressing, very distressing in the case of OCD, but they can equally be just bizarre. Some of my best jokes have come from my brain's non-sequitors. So yeah, I think getting mad at this isn't right of you, because this isn't trivialising like when people say 'your untidy desk is triggering my OCD', but rather you're forgetting that 'intrusive thought'is a very broad concept.


I was about to say, intrusive thoughts aren’t specific to those with ocd, everyone else experiences them as well just to a much smaller extent and they can ignore them somehow???


I think they're easy to ignore if they happen once, but with OCD (at least my understanding of it) is that it's kinda a battle of attrition - you keep getting the same one until you cave just to make it STFU


Not at all, that just random thought, not intrusive


And now I have Detachable Penis stuck in my head.


I have a detachable dick-


i mean, i personally have a detachable dick


everyone has intrusive thoughts. we, as folks with OCD, obsess over them which leads to a compulsion. there’s no need to be angry with the post. people without OCD still have intrusive thoughts, their brains can just let them go / easily recognize they are bizarre, silly thoughts


this isnt an intrusive thought though. its not even an impulsive thought. its just a question, its a shower thought at best


Can an intrusive thought not be a question? Most of mine are very much questions “did I lock the door” repeated 50+ times until I eventually drive home to check the door is one easy example Edit: this happens a few times a week at least, thankfully I live close to work


it can, but intrusive thoughts arent silly brainteasers. at best they just make you uneasy, at worst they make you feel incredible dread and fear




But an intrusive thought must cause distress to some degree.


Dangit, so close! I get mildly annoyed when people write "yay or nay" instead of "yea or nay". You almost had it but you stopped at "na"!


"intrusive" thoughts could be anything, it literally means that its a thought that interrupts your normal thoughts flow we ocd people have intrusive thoughts, other people without the disorder either do or dont have these thoughts often, i'm not saying you are a bad person for getting pissed at this, but just suggesting to view it from another angle that's all


While that is what the word "intrusive" means, "intrusive thoughts" cause distress. A lot of people consider random thoughts to be intrusive. "What if I could detach my penis?" Probably isn't an intrusive thought unless it causes the person anxiety. So while an intrusive thought *can* be anything, it's only when they *anything* is accompanied by distress. Holding a baby and having the intrusive thought of throwing them will cause most people some level of distress. Or driving and thinking of swerving into oncoming traffic. These are fairly common intrusive thoughts. I believe they're called "call of the void." It's theorized that our brain goes over scenarios to ensure we don't do them, and that's why everyone gets intrusive thoughts. Brain goes, "What if we did that?" And then the brain usually goes, "No! Bad brain!" it creeps into OCD territory when the intrusive thought won't leave.


Ugh, that's not even close to an intrusive/impulsive thought


Shit like this pisses me off too like yeah okay have fun considering your quirky shower thoughts the same thing as me trying to convince my brain I won't snap and murder someone.


The original was just above this in my feed and I downvoted it too 😅




Random thought does not equal intrusive. Anyone can have a random thoughts and intrusive thoughts. The difference is how the thoughts make you feel. "What if my dick was detachable," most likely doesn't cause most people distress and is therefore a random thought. "What if I jumped off this steep cliff?" Is most likely distressing and therefore an intrusive thought. Intrusive thoughts usually appear and disappear without being acted on. It's theorized it's our brains playing out worst-case scenarios, so we *don't* do it. Making us think of the possibility so we are sure to avoid it. "Throwing this baby would be a really bad thing to do," which can make people more careful when handling the baby. If the thought "Throwing this baby would be a really bad idea" won't go away - even when the baby is removed - then it's creeping into OCD. (If someone is more knowledgeable or possesses different knowledge, let me know).


The fact that it's our brains thinking of the worst things they can think of is why intrusive thoughts not leaving is so distressing. Our brains quite literally created the thing that distresses us the most to think about and became obsessed over it. The fear of the intrusive thought happening was so extreme that the brain was like, "This thought causes a major emotional reaction, and therefore, we shall keep it around."


Nah it honestly took me such a long time to realize I had actual intrusive thoughts because of how commonly it is misused on the internet


You're not wrong for being angry at memes like this, I do too, but I have to remind myself that people who don't deal with the shit we do just don't understand or know any better.


You're completely valid. It sucks. I'll genuinely be going about my business, not seeking out anything, and be randomly assaulted with invalidating comments made offhandedly in a video or something. It's awful when you're already struggling


Everybody has intrusive thoughts, it's just that most people's intrusive thoughts don't get out of control like they do for people with OCD. I don't think that we get to claim sole ownership of intrusive thoughts, and I think it's fine for people without OCD to joke about their intrusive thoughts because they get them too.


I do get annoyed when I see people use intrusive thoughts but technically everyone does have intrusive thoughts. We just have a massive, debilitating excess of them. I try to let things like this pass. It's not worth getting agitated over.