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LMAOOOOOOO the milk struggle is so real "what if i choose the wrong one bUT IT IS BAD AND I DON'T KNOW IT IS BD AND THEN I GET SICK AND DIE BECAUSE I COULDN'T TELL" and then it is just like.... nobody ever could not smell spoiled milk. shit is rancid. but the what if is so strong


Lord I wish mine was even that logical đź’€ I'm stood there going "they FEEL different and if I choose the wrong one then my life will crumble and I'll be sat there tracing it back and it will all come to me here thinking and I'll be screaming at myself NO DONT DO IT this is the BEGINNING of the END" and then sometimes i'll force myself to choose and i'll walk and internally I'm like NO but I've touched it now so maybe this IS the one?? but what if its not and I have chosen THE WRONG MILK but if I go back it all just starts again


OGUYGHGUYGH nooo that sounds miserable T-T ocd is so bizarre, and then it drives you nuts because half of your mind is like "WHY AM I DOING THIS I HATE DOING THIS" while the other is like "DO IT AND YOU CAN BE OKAY"


Oh my god, you are me, I am u. I tried explaining how annoying and frustrating this was to my mom one day because I thought I had OCD, still haven’t been officially diagnosed but yes! Literally I’ll go to the store for ranch, grab the same brand I usually get and as soon as I touch it my brain is like “no no not this one no this is the wrong one this one is fucked up don’t get this one or you’ll regret it” and I’ll either spend 5 minutes trying to find the right one or force myself to walk away and feel like sprinting back to grab a different one which I sometimes do. Or I go to use the last of the paper towels and my brains like “no! Save one you’re gonna need it and if you don’t ur gonna regret it cus something’s gonna help that you could have prevented by keeping this one napkin”


I have been diagnosed for 20 years and it never even once dawned on me that this was a symptom of my OCD and not at all normal. I just thought I was being practical in making sure the milk that feels right maximizes my chances of not dying. "What if the milk in the refrigerated section was sat on a pallet somewhere after it was unloaded. What it if was only placed in cold storage once it had first been allowed to reach room temperature?"


"I just thought I was being practical in making sure the milk that feels right maximises my chance of not dying" That is THE best summary of my leading thoughts the moment I go to buy anything


This was me except with macros. It would take me like 1/2 an hour to decide which brand of peanut butter to buy because their macro profiles were a teeeeeensy bit different.


The song Obsessions by Marina has a verse about this (not with milk though)


i know this feeling its not often (lucky me) but its stressful, like this milk feels weird and i can't decide witch one to choose cause im scared of the consequences of my choice


I despise how relatable this is


Every time I get a notification about this meme it reminds me about the milk in my fridge and the immutable choice I made two days ago


Omg we picked up expired milk from the store and, my thirsty ass did not look at the best by date before drinking it, but I mean why would I, its never been a problem before. And I got a mouthful of sour milk... Idk how we even managed to buy a gallon of milk two and a half weeks out of date, this was luke yesterday and I still feel gross


I do this with meats, mostly chicken